Calls for papers


International Journal of Web Based Communities
International Journal of Web Based Communities


Special Issue on: "Web Based Research Networks and Learning Communities"

Guest Editor: The iPED Research Network, Coventry University, UK

Web Based Research Networks (WBRNs) provide advantages of anytime-anyplace participation by traditional researchers and their informants whilst potentially harnessing rich contributions from the wider public. Web Based Learning Communities (WBLCs) similarly bring together dispersed individuals by means of suitable technology to develop their vocational and/or academic understanding collaboratively.

This Special Issue welcomes well-researched contributions building upon the current literature of successful, failing and adaptive WBRNs and WBLCs. Its aim is to identify not so much the technology, but the pedagogies, management models and modus operandi which have demonstrable potential to enhance the future of such communities.

iPED (Inquiring Pedagogies) is an education research network whose experiences as an emergent web-based community are well-documented. Peer-led, iPED aspires to overcome the barriers between researchers of discipline, culture, geography, and economic and hierarchic status. Since its inception in 2005, iPED has benefited from the participation of several hundred academic colleagues of many nationalities in such roles as contributor, peer-reviewer, event delegate and guide. The IJWBC-iPED editorial experience will itself provide a case-study in WBRN activity in the evolving global research context.

Subject Coverage
Examples of topics appropriate to the theme of Web Based Research Networks (WBRNs) and Learning Communities (WBLCs) include, but are not limited to:
  • Issues of leadership in WBRNs and WBLCs: peer-led teams; special interest (sub)groups; crowd and swarm participation; multi-organisational, multicultural and multinational challenges
  • Operational versus strategic WBRNs and WBLCs; the impact on the individual of multiple concurrent WBRN and/or WBLC memberships
  • Considerations of the influence of the adopted management model, mores and modus operandi on the sustainability of a WBRN or WBLC
  • WBRN responses to inter- and intra-group competition
  • Professional development for WBRN or WBLC leadership and facilitation
  • Pedagogies suited to successful WBLC development
  • Integrating WBRN or WBLC participation into work or study
  • WBLC and WBRN use of immersive and social-networking technologies to promote learning and encourage inclusion
  • Establishing and developing academic identity with and through WBRNs and WBLCs

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page

Important Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: 30 November 2008

Deadline for paper submission: 31 January 2009

Notification to authors: 28 February 2009

Deadline for camera ready papers: 31 March 2009