Calls for papers
International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication
Special Issue on: "High-Quality Multimedia Streaming in P2P Environments"
Guest Editor : Mohamed Hefeeda, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Peer-to-peer (P2P) multimedia streaming systems have received significant attention from academia and industry in the past few years. In these systems, a client receives a requested multimedia stream from multiple senders (peers), instead of relying on a dedicated streaming server. Since receiving peers are also potential senders to other peers, the system capacity grows and the reliance on the dedicated server diminishes as more peers join. Thus, P2P streaming systems have the potential to scale to large user communities in a cost-effective manner.
However, because of the limited capacity and unreliability of peers, mechanisms are needed to efficiently manage the resources contributed by peers and to adapt to the dynamic nature of the network. This special issue is dedicated to addressing all research challenges related to enabling the streaming of high-quality multimedia content in dynamic P2P systems. Authors are invited to submit papers that have significant research contributions to this special issue.
Subject CoverageTopics include, but are not limited to:
- Algorithms to provide high-quality and reliability in P2P streaming systems
- Peer-assisted content distribution networks
- P2P video-on-demand and live streaming
- Measurement studies of deployed P2P streaming systems
- Capacity modelling and analysis of P2P streaming systems
- Security and data integrity in of P2P streaming systems
- Applications of scalable video coding and network coding in P2P streaming systems
- Incentive and economic issues of P2P streaming systems
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page. For this issue only, please note:
- There is no need to make it a blind paper; do not remove author names and affiliations from the main paper.
- There is no need to send three separate documents: just one pdf.
- If this is an extended conference paper, indicate in a separate document what parts are extended and why it is substantial.
Important Dates
Manuscript Submission: 2 January 2009 (Extended)
Notification of Decision: 15 April 2009
Final Papers submission: 30 May 2009