Calls for papers


International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology


Special Issue on: "Nanotoxicity"

Guest Editor: Dr. Barbara Rothen-Rutishauser, University of Bern, Switzerland

With the advent of nanotechnology, the prospects of manufactured nanomaterials in many applications have progressed rapidly. Despite the bright outlook for nanotechnology there is increasing concern that intentional or unintentional human exposure to some types of nanoparticles may lead to significant adverse health effects. The question about the size effects of nanoparticles are important, since the potential for exposure to them will increase as the quantity and types of nanoparticles used in the society grow.

As the outcome of all these debates and concerns, nanotoxicology as a branch in toxicology research has emerged with the aim to investigate possible harmful effects of exposure to nanomaterials. The aim of this special issue is to discuss the application of nanoparticles and how to determine the potential toxicological properties of nanoparticles.

Subject Coverage
Subjects may include, but are not limited to:
  • Cytotoxic responses to nanoparticles
  • Health issues relating to nanoparticles
  • Exposure to nanoparticles and nanotechnology
  • Regulation of nanotechnology
  • Nanoparticles and oxidative stress
  • Nanoparticles-membrane interactions

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page

Important Dates

Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 30 June 2009 (extended)

Communication of peer reviews to authors:30 September 2009

Deadline for revised manuscripts: 30 November 2009