Calls for papers
International Journal of Information Technology and Management
Special Issue on: “Access Control and Inference Control for the Semantic Web”
Guest Editor: Professor Baowen Xu, Southeast University, China
The Semantic Web is designed for machine processing. With the help of software agents in the Semantic Web, one needs little or no human intervention to carry out tasks such as information integrating, information searching and information extracting. So information in the Semantic Web will spread more quickly than it is possible with current techniques. Given that information security becomes increasingly important in today’s society, it will also be vital to the success of the Semantic Web. To ensure the security of information in the context of Semantic Web, security methods and tools need to be developed to prevent security violations.
This special issue will focus on investigating the methods of access control and inference control for the Semantic Web to provide information confidentiality and privacy. It will include the latest work in security technologies for different layers of the Semantic Web, and provide an overview of important research and development efforts in this important area.
Subject CoverageThe topics relevant to this Special Issue may include, but are not limited to:
- Semantic Web security infrastructure
- Privacy and trust management for the Semantic Web
- Secure Web database management
- Security issues for Semantic Web services
- Access Control for various layers in Semantic Web (XML, RDF, ontology etc.)
- Security and ontologies
- Inference detection and elimination in the Semantic Web environment
- Semantic Web technologies for specifying and enforcing security policies
- Secure Semantic Web applications and tools
Notes for Prospective Authors
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Papers Submission section under Author Guidelines
To submit a paper, please go to Submission of Papers
This is our preferred route for submitting papers; please use it if at all possible. However, if you experience any problems submitting papers in this way, an alternative route is suggested below
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: 20 September 2005
Acceptance notification: 20 November 2005
Final version due: 5 January 2006