Calls for papers

International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies
Special Issue on: “Teaching Knowledge Management: Integration into Curriculum, Teaching Strategies and Teaching Case Studies”
Guest Editors:
Dov Te'eni, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Nick Bontis, McMaster University, Canada
Miltiadis Lytras, University of Patras, Greece
Knowledge management is an excellent business and technological blueprint. Several schools of thought provide complementary interpretations for the value and the practical implications of knowledge management. The integration of Knowledge management into curriculum in the past few years falls in a spectrum where two extremes exist: computer science from one side and information systems and business strategy from the other.
Subject CoverageIn this special issue, we have a clear strategy. We want to develop relevant knowledge and to promote fresh ideas for the integration of knowledge management into CS and IS education. This is why this special issue is organised around two thematic areas:
- Integration of knowledge management with CS and IS curriculum
- Strategic fit
- Course descriptions
- Didactic approaches for specific KM topics
- Under/postgraduate considerations
- Teaching case studies for knowledge management
- Knowledge management theories
- Knowledge management systems
- Social perspectives of knowledge management
- Developmental aspects of knowledge management
- Assignments for development of knowledge repositories/portals
- Collaborative/communicative/contextual knowledge management [theoretical assignments as well as games, interactions etc]
- Field study projects
- Knowledge management based performance
- Knowledge management strategies
- Emerging technologies for KM (e.g. ubiquitous and pervasive technologies, open source, etc)
- Knowledge management on the Web
- Position articles [3500-5000 words]
- Research articles [5000-6000 words]
- Empirical surveys [3000-5000 words]
- Teaching cases [5000-8000 words (with teaching guidelines)]
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Sharing ideas with Guest Editors on possible abstract contribution: ASAP
Manuscripts due by: 15 September 2006
Notification to authors: 15 October 2006
Final versions due by: 15 November 2006