Calls for papers

International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy
Special Issue on: “Impact of Foresight Studies on National Innovation Capability”:
Guest Editors:
Professor Tugrul U. Daim, Portland State University, USA
Professor Nuri Basoglu, Bogazici University, Turkey
The world economy is going through a significant change and the place of technology in modern society is a pressing matter. An increasing competitiveness is achieved through knowledge-based technological innovation with globalisation. Global, national, regional and societal trends all shape the way we live and the way we do business. New technologies and countries which can develop, apply and manage technology are the key to creating these more sophisticated products and businesses of the future, and to improving the quality of life for the citizen.
Aligned with this are the increasing pressures on national science and technology budgets, the increasing rate of change of technologies and the cost and risk of R&D activities. This means that governments and businesses must concentrate available resources and focus on areas of strategic research to underpin important national sectors and areas of opportunity. Governments realise that technologies are assets that should be managed like money, facilities, and people. Governments and enterprises in the major industrialized countries have in recent years been trying to formalise their discussion of future prospects and current choices concerning science, technology, the economy and society, in order to assist them in prioritizing their investments.
Technology Foresight, a significant part of technology management, is widely recognised as a useful contributing tool for such discussions. It provides one set of beneficial inputs to the decision making process. It offers governments and firms a set of options, which can be the basis of strategic choices.
Technology Foresight is described as a process for bringing together scientists, engineers, industrialists, Government officials and others to identify areas of strategic research and the emerging technologies likely to yield the greatest economic and social benefit. In the Technology Foresight process, the participants work towards developing a consensus on research priorities, creating a shared vision of the future they would like to achieve. It is concerned with the role of technology in constructing a desirable but achievable long term future for the country and identifying the critical strategic decisions which must be taken now to make the achievement of this vision more probable.
There has been a dramatic growth in the variety of applications of foresight in international organisations, and in countries around the world. In recent years, innovation and uncertainty have been the new status quo, and forward-looking management is becoming a critical tool for organisational survival. In this issue, we will cover such application of Technology Foresight conducted at a national levels and its impact on national innovation capabilities and thus identifying best practices, clarifying the linkages to national innovation capabilities and therefore developing a framework for successful foresight projects.
Subject CoverageSuitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- Case studies of successful/unsuccessful national foresight projects
- Comparative analysis of national foresight projects
- Critical success factors of foresight studies
- New methodologies for foresight projects
- Methodology taxonomies
- Managing foresight projects
- Impact of foresight projects on national level innovation capability improvement
- Impact analysis of foresight projects on strategy formation and implementation
- Framework studies covering national, regional and corporate level foresight activities and their relationship to innovation
- Studies for critical industries such as energy, healthcare and services
- Studies for emerging technologies such as bio and nano technologies
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 April 2007
Notification to authors: 31 July 2007
Final versions due by: 30 November 2007