Calls for papers

International Journal of Information and Computer Security
Special Issue on: “Data and Application Security”
Guest Editors: Elena Ferrari, University of Insubria at Varese, Italy and Bhavani Thuraisingham, University of Texas at Dallas, USA
The number of computerised databases has been increasing rapidly over the past three decades. Data has become a critical resource in many organisations, and therefore efficient access to data, sharing data, extracting information from data, and making use of the information has become an urgent need.
The advent of the Internet as well as networking capabilities have made the access to data and information much easier. Users can now access large quantities of information in a short space of time. As the demand for data and information management increases, there is also a critical need for maintaining the security of the databases, applications and information systems.
Data and information have to be protected from unauthorised access as well as from malicious corruption. With the advent of the web it is even more important to protect the data and information as numerous individuals now have access to this data and information. Therefore, we need effective and efficient mechanisms for securing access to data and applications able to fulfil the demand of new applications and scenarios.
The aim of this special issue is to provide an insight into the new developments in the area of data and application security, as well as to provide directions for research in the field.
Subject CoverageThe objective of the special issue is to serve as a forum for presenting recent advances in all issues related to data and application security. Relevant topics include, but are not limited, to the following:
- Access control
- Anonymity
- Authentication
- Data integrity
- Database security
- Distributed systems security
- Identity management
- Inference control
- Privacy preserving data management
- Secure semantic Web
- Security administration
- Security for innovative applications
- Security standards
- Techniques and methodologies for data and application security
- Trust management
- Web application security
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Submission of Papers web-page.
Important Dates
Paper submission: 15 April, 2007
First round notification: 15 July, 2007
Revised versions: 15 August, 2007
Second round notifications: 15 September, 2007
Final version: 30 September, 2007