Calls for papers

International Journal of Vehicle Design
Special Issue on: "Digital Human Modelling and Simulation, and Applications in Vehicle Design"
Guest Editors: Dr. Jingzhou Yang and Dr. Joo H. Kim, The University of Iowa, USA
Digital human modelling and simulation has revolutionised the way new vehicles are designed, built, operated, and maintained. Expected benefits include the reduction of development time and costs and an increase in quality. Furthermore, digital human modelling and simulation is a key tool in human gait analysis, crash simulation, injury prediction, and medical research.
The quality of digital human modelling and simulation relies on the accuracy of human models. It is thus important to validate human models and various simulations. This Special Issue will focus on new research of digital human modelling and simulation, and applications in vehicle design for automobiles, aircraft, spacecraft, autonomous systems, etc.
Subject CoverageSuitable topics include, but are not limited to:
- 3D human modelling
- Advanced measuring methods
- Crash models
- Anthropometric analysis
- Injury prediction
- Biomechanics
- Vehicle interiors
- Modelling of comfort and discomfort
- Modelling of human behaviour
- Motion and posture prediction
- Validation and verification
- Hand modelling and applications
- Whole-body vibration of digital humans
- Fatigue modelling
- Cloth modelling
- Cognitive modelling
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Submission of draft manuscript: 1 January 2008
Feedback to authors and notification of acceptance/rejection: 1 April 2008
Submission of revised manuscript: 1 June 2008