Calls for papers

International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems
Special Issue on: “Information Processing in Intelligent Vehicles and Road Applications”
Guest Editor: Dr Rafael Toledo-Moreo, University of Murcia, Spain
Nowadays, transportation systems present a key role in almost every aspect of our lifes. In particular, the road sector has experienced the largest development in the recent years, both in the goods and passengers sectors. In the European Union, its main role in a market with 375 millions of users, and the high number of accidents per year, costing 45,000 deaths and 160 billion euros per year, has led the European Commission to declare the development of intelligent vehicles for roads one of the key sectors for the future of Europe.
Safety applications, such as collision avoidance and emergency management, driver assistance systems, roadpricing, detailed digital maps, traveller information and mobile services, are just a few of the interesting road applications on which the researchers are currently focused. To ensure a good performance of these applications, appropriate processing of the information in the vehicle at different levels of knowledge representation is needed. Papers presenting original contributions pertinent to problem solving support and information processing in intelligent vehicles in roads are sought for this special issue of the IJIIDS journal. We aim to uncover the potential of advanced intelligent technologies as applied to modern transportation systems. New and original research and technogical developments presenting innovative approaches, methodologies, architectures and implementations in this field are invited.
Subject CoverageRecommended topics include, but are not limited to, intelligent technologies, novel information processing models and algorithms applied in:
- Safety applications
- Driver assistance systems
- Collision avoidance
- Road pricing systems
- In-vehicle geographical services
- Inter-vehicle communications
- Information fusion in transportation systems
- Decision and expert systems in intelligent vehicles
- Multisensor fusion for road applications
- Digital maps
- Automated vehicles
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Manuscript due: 15 June 2007
First Notification: 15 July, 2007
Second Notification: 15 September, 2007
Final manuscript due: 15 October, 2007