Calls for papers

European Journal of International Management
Special Issue on: "Global Performance Management in the European Context"
Guest Editors: Dennis Briscoe, University of San Diego, USA and Lisbeth Claus, Willamette University, USA
A recognised problem regarding the topic of global performance management is largely one of definition. Some of the work on performance management is focused on the individual and centered on performance appraisal at the employee level. In other work, more in line with strategic HRM, the focus of performance management is much broader and the level of analysis is organisational (corporate, subsidiary, business unit, team) rather than individual.
Many of the large Western MNCs are likely to use a home-grown, HQ-based approach to performance management in a standardised manner across their worldwide subsidiaries. There is concern with the implementation of a management process developed and tested in the West and applied to a different context (i.e., different national cultures, laws, and markets). When the Western concept of performance management is viewed in an international perspective, an added layer of complexity emerges - largely due to the varying cultural and structural contexts in which global HR is implemented. There is relatively limited research-based knowledge on PM from a global or international - as compared to a Western domestic - perspective.
Because the purpose of EJIM is to promote European perspectives on international management, all the papers for this Special Issue should have implications for either European-based MNCs or MNCs dealing with or operating in Europe.
Subject CoverageTopics covered include, but are not limited to:
- Impact of culture on performance management
- Standardisation-adaptation dilemma in PM systems of MNCs
- Issues related to the design of PM systems in MNCs
- Issues related to the implementation and realignment of PM systems in MNCs
- Issues related to the evaluation and effectiveness of PM systems in MNCs
- Global performance management issues at the individual, team, subsidiary, or organisational level
- Performance management of international assignees (short-term and long-term expatriation)
- European case studies
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: 30 June 2007