Calls for papers

International Journal of Ocean Systems Management
Special Issue on: "Passenger Shipping: Transport Alternative or Leisure Business?"
Guest Editors:
Dr. Orestis Schinas, Frederick University of Cyprus
Prof Patrick Donner, World Maritime University, Sweden
This special issue invites authors to submit papers focusing on particular context and topic areas in the field of passenger shipping. The papers should be high-impact scholarly surveys of important research in the field of sustainable transportation. They should summarise recent research, delineate and explain the central issues, and highlight important directions for future inquiries.
Emphasis is placed on the problems of passenger sea transportation associated with safety, security, economics, transport planning, regulation and policy-making.
Subject CoveragePotential topic areas suitable for review articles include but are not limited to:
- SSS and passenger shipping
- Safety and security of passenger shipping
- Yield management in passenger shipping
- Supplementary and competitive services
- Urban coastal systems
- Operations and the human element
- Financing passenger shipping
- Legal issues of passenger shipping
- Innovative designs
- Shipbuilding issues and innovative designs
- Methodological and modeling advances
Notes for Prospective Authors
Types of Submissions:
- Position Articles [2500-4000 words]
- Research Articles [5000-6000 words]
- Empirical Surveys [3000-5000 words]
- Teaching Cases [5000-8000 words (with teaching guidelines)]
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 30 October 2007
Notification to authors: 30 November 2007
Final versions due by: 30 December 2007