Calls for papers

International Journal of Intellectual Property Management
Special Issue on: "A Corporate Context for Generating, Protecting and Disseminating IP"
Guest Editor: Dr. Deli Yang, Bradford University, UK
This special issue focuses on managing intellectual property (MIP) of the firm. MIP, in a broad sense is about the internal context of firms generating, protecting, and disseminating IP products and services through the management of IP people and IP information. With the increasing globalisation, unsurprisingly, IP has preoccupied many practitioners and policy makers. However, only sporadic studies have been conducted to examine the managerial issues of IP, such as the motivations of IP generation, IP information analysis, protecting IP resources from within, and decision-making processes of IP commercialisation. This shows that the academic interest has lagged behind the broad realisation of MIP. A systematic examination of these managerial issues is hence long overdue and warrants greater attention. This special issue is to respond to the compelling need and to gather wits on this research orientation. It therefore serves as a forum to investigate this homogenous field centred on IP.
We welcome theoretical and empirical papers with original contributions, scholarly or professionally relevance and/or methodologically plausible arguments towards a critical understanding of this increasingly important issue – that of managing intellectual property.
Subject CoverageThe objective of this special issue is to publish papers on a variety of issues relevant to managing intellectual property. Papers are particularly welcome on, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Classification of IP companies
- Managing IP human power from within
- Managing external IP resources
- Managing IP information
- Managing IP secrets
- Competitive analysis using IP information
- Portfolio management of IP
- Decision-making on intellectual property dissemination - donation or licensing
- Intellectual property insurance
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Abstract and proposed title: 1 December 2007
Full Paper submission: 1 April 2008
Review notification: 1 June 2008
Revised submission: 1 August 2008
Notification of acceptance: 15 September 2008