Calls for papers
International Journal of Nanoparticles
Special Edition on: "Carbon Nanotubes and Current Applications"
Guest Editors:
Dr Kyle Jiang, University of Birmingham, UK
Professor Waqar Ahmed, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Professor Mark Jackson, Purdue University, USA
As a special category of nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes (CNT) have demonstrated unparalleled performances. Since the turn of the century, the outstanding properties of carbon nanotubes have gained significant recognition. Research progress in CNT is accelerating at an unprecedented speed. At present, the CNT synthesis has developed from producing single- and multi-wall tubes to CNT sheets. The length of a CNT has reached more than 100 metres, and CNT can be synthesized in volume as well as on a component.
Among its ever-growing applications, CNT has been used as a new semiconductor material to produce diodes and transistors. CNT is used as a new reinforcement material in nanocomposites, a new energy storage material, and has been used in biomedicine. The acceleration of CNT development is likely to continue in the foreseeable future and will provide new opportunities and challenges to science and engineering.
This special issue of IJNP is dedicated to the publication of papers that reflect the current state-of-the-art in CNT studies and their applications. As such, it provides an important forum for promoting the development of the next generation of novel CNT fabrication, treatment processes, and applications. It is aimed to have a short turnaround time to report the latest CNT development.
Subject CoverageThe subject coverage of this special issue includes, but is not limited to, topics that address:
- CNT synthesis using CVD, carbon arc, high pressure CO conversion approaches
- CNT synthesis using novel processes
- Local growth of CNT
- Computer simulation of CNT synthesis
- Synthesis of CNT in novel forms
- CNT surface treatment and dispersion
- CNT composite materials
- Characterisation
- Medical applications
- Biological applications
- Energy storage applications
- Applications in electronics
- Applications in sensors and transducers
- Alignment and single CNT manipulation
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of manuscripts : 31 December 2007
Communication of peer reviews to authors : 29 February 2008
Deadline for revised manuscripts : 31 March 2008