Calls for papers

International Journal of Arts and Technology
Special Issue on: "Tangible and Embedded Interaction"
Guest Editors:
Eva Hornecker. The Open University, UK
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg, Germany
Brygg Ullmer, Louisiana State University, USA
With technological advances, computing has progressively moved beyond the desktop into new physical and social contexts. As physical artifacts gain new computational behaviours, they become reprogrammable, customisable, repurposable, and interoperable in rich ecologies and diverse contexts. They also become more complex, and require intense design effort in order to be functional, usable, and enjoyable. Designing such systems requires interdisciplinary thinking. Their creation must not only encompass software, electronics, and mechanics, but also the system's physical form and behaviour, its social and physical milieu, aesthetics, and beyond.
The new conference series “Tangible and Embedded Interaction” (TEI,, which first took place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in 2007, and 2008 in Bonn, Germany, demonstrates the international interest and the many dimensions of the work in this area. It has had a multidisciplinary audience with artists, designers, technology builders, ethnographers and HCI specialists, even touching upon robotics and interactive buildings.
We invite short (statements / works in progress / design sketches: 1000 words, plus figures, max. 2 pages) and long submissions on tangible and embedded interaction. Work addressing related HCI issues, design, use contexts, tools and technologies, and interactive art are all welcome. We particularly welcome interdisciplinary submissions across these themes.
Subject CoverageSuitable topics include but are not limited to:
- Case studies and evaluations of deployments
- Analysis of key challenges, proposals of research agenda
- Relation of tangible and embedded interaction to other paradigms
- Programming tools, toolkits, software architectures
- Novel interactive uses of sensors+actuators, electronics+mechatronics
- Design guidelines, methods, and processes
- Novel application areas, innovative solutions/systems
- Theoretical foundations, frameworks, and concepts
- Philosophical, ethical and social implications
- Interactive theatre and cinema
- Interfaces specific to particular cultures
- Usability and enjoyment, aesthetics
- Advantages and weaknesses of these kinds of systems
- Learning from the role of physicality in everyday environments
- Embodied interaction, movement, and choreography of interaction
- Role of physicality for human perception, cognition and experience
- Teaching tangible/embedded interaction design, and best practices
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Abstract (optional): 2 April, 2008
Paper submission: 21 April, 2008
Acceptance notification: 11 June, 2008
Camera ready papers due: 9 July, 2008