Calls for papers

International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation
Special Issue on: "Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies for Language Learning"
Guest Editors:
Dr. Hiroaki Ogata, University of Tokushima, Japan
Dr. Gerardo Ayala, Universidad de las Américas, Mexico
Dr. Susan Bull, University of Birmingham, UK
Language learning has become one of the important application domains of mobile learning. Recent developments in mobile and ubiquitous technologies provide new learning environments for language learning, which goes far beyond the traditional learning paradigms, i.e., classroom teaching and training in companies.
Research and development projects on Mobile CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) have appeared, concerning studies on innovative ways of language learning using mobile devices, such as learning vocabulary using mobile phones, and mobile learning applications for speech/audio language training. In addition, various commercial products have appeared, as well as many podcast contents for second language learning.
This special issue will discuss the latest mobile and ubiquitous language-learning (MULL) applications and technologies for language learning. Its purpose is to disseminate studies about how we meet the challenges of this technology, the practical experiences of the design of mobile and ubiquitous language-learning environments, the current development systems in either academia or industry, as well as the current economic and social context of mobile and ubiquitous learning development and empirical research into contemporary mobile learning environments.
Subject CoverageThe special issue aims at publishing a selection of papers addressing the topics indicated below, but is not limited to them:
- Innovative mobile and ubiquitous language learning (MULL) applications.
- Learner modelling for MULL
- Learning objects metadata for MULL
- New technologies that directly support MULL systems (devices, computational models, networks, tools, protocols, etc.)
- Practical studies of MULL in K12 schools, universities, companies, museums and organisations
- Human-Computer Interaction issues in MULL environments
- Mobile games and toys for language learning
- The role of wikis, blogs, podcasts, messaging, and other on-line tools and Web 2.0 components in MULL systems
- Personalisation and intelligent support for learner interaction and collaborative language learning with mobile devices
- Pedagogical models and theories for MULL
- Evaluation and assessment methodologies for MULL
- Privacy and security issues in MULL
- The role of context-aware and location based services for MULL
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere
All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page
Important Dates
Proposal of submission (optional): 30 July, 2008
Full paper: 10 November, 2008 (Extended deadline)
Notification of acceptance: 20 December, 2008
Revised submission: 15 February, 2009
Camera-ready version: 15 March, 2009
The proposal of submission should be no more than one page, and must cover a brief description of your proposed submission. It will only provide an opportunity for interacting with the editors before the full paper submission. Authors of accepted proposals will also have until September 31, 2008 to submit their full paper.