International Journal of Green Economics
- Editor in Chief
- Ms. Miriam Kennet
- ISSN online
- 1744-9936
- ISSN print
- 1744-9928
- 4 issues per year
- CiteScore 3.4 (2023)
IJGE addresses all aspects of Green Economics, aiming to encourage economic change and positioning Green Economics at the centre of the Economics disciplines. Green Economic theories, policies, tools, instruments and metrics are developed to facilitate a change to the current economic models for the benefit of the widest number of people and the planet as a whole. IJGE focuses particularly on resource management, meeting peoples'needs and the impact and effects of international trends and how to increase social justice.
Topics covered include
- Theories/concepts; critique of corporate activity, economic discourse/disciplines
- Environmental/welfare/development economics, fair-trade, aid, FDI, trickle down
- Neo-classical/Marxist/colonial, eco socialism/feminism, women's economics
- Costing resources, patriarchy and accumulation, resource allocation
- Government, freedom, democracy, privatisation, human happiness/needs hierarchy
- Bretton Woods, EU, UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, GATTS
- Buying politics: war, arms trade, oil, war on terrorism; multinationals, globalisation
- Trading blocks, new protectionism, international governance, Tobin tax
- Offshoring, outsourcing, tariff barriers, new economic indicators, consumerism
- Green solutions, eco taxes, eco-labelling, environmental management as an industry
- Resource management, zero waste, site here to sell here, reuse, recycle, repair
- Quality of life, QoL indicators, consumerism, co-ops, land values, resource valuation
- New paradigms of the economy, grass roots activism, surplus reduction
- Social/environmental justice, participatory practices, polluter pays, triple bottom line
- Indigenous rights, less-developed countries, subsistence economies, poverty, wealth
- Economic discourse and disciplines, compared, critiqued and contrasted in order to position Green Economics - including the following subjects
- Environmental economics
- Welfare economics
- Development economics
- Fairtrade
- Aid
- Freedom
- Costing resources
- Neo classical
- Neo Marxist
- Neo colonial
- Eco socialism
- Eco feminism and women’s economics
- Patriarchy and accumulation: problems in resource allocation
- Foreign direct investment
- Trickle down theories
- Game theory
- New theories of human needs hierarchy vs. supply and demand
- Human happiness
- Implementation problems and issues in government
Structural Questions - International Institutions
- Bretton Woods
- EU
- UN
- World Bank
- Democracy and privatisation
- Buying politics - war, the arms trade, oil and the war on terrorism
- Trading blocks
- New protectionism
- International governance
- Tobin tax
- Off shoring
- Outsourcing
- Multinationals and tariff barriers
New initiatives and cases, experience and applications
- Green solutions
- Eco taxes
- Resource management
- New economic indicators
- Zero waste
- Site here to sell here
- Reuse
- Recycle, repair
- Quality of life and consumerism
- Co-ops
- Land value issues
- Resource valuation
- New paradigms of the economy: nature, colonies, biosphere, non human species, women minorities
- Questions of 10,000 years of agriculture and patriarchy dominating the economy
- Post agricultural social and economic requirements and organisation
- Planning to reduce surplus and not to harness it for power over others
- Inclusive, participatory practices
- Polluter pays
Critique of corporate activity
- Triple bottom line
- Stakeholder perspectives
- Roles and activity within multinationals
- Consumerism
- Procurement
- Processes of globalisation at a practical level
- Corporate governance
- Environmental management as an industry
- Eco-labelling
- Limiting the power of the multinationals
- Shareholding as a means of gaining influence on the board
- Grass roots activism
- Civil society and attitudes to acceptable economic activity
Social justice in the economy
- Indigenous rights
- Less developed countries
- Subsistence economies
- Purchasing power parity
- Balance of rich and poor in different societies
- Poverty and its effects
- Poverty and its definitions
- Quality of life indicators
- Tools for ensuring that policies involve justice
- Environmental justice and consequences of a lack of it
More on this journal...
The objectives of IJGE are to establish an effective channel of communication between policy makers, government agencies, academic and research institutions concerned with the running, involvement and impact of the economy on all sections of society. It aims to bridge the gap between academic economic theory and the literature and suggestions for the implementation of modern concepts in the political economy and the general economic debate, structures of political power and public discussion.
The development of an alternative view in contrast to the traditional normatively biased view of economics is the prime objective. The study of Green Economics naturally has to be very multi and interdisciplinary in nature, as the problems it addresses are partly social in aspect and causes, partly scientific in technical development, partly environmental as this is a fundamental limit to all human activity and partly economic and historical in how the current situations have evolved. Green Economics is also particularly influenced by developments in ethical thinking and values and in anthropology in its explanations of past and future trends.
The scope of IJGE includes examining, critiquing and analysing the activities of corporations with particular reference to the localisation/globalisation debate and making suggestions for change in practise and general function and approach. IJGE takes an international perspective, as modern economies are interdependent and internationally linked; the Green Economics discipline has therefore to be international in scope and in the solutions it proposes. The advisory board and activities are international in nature and the main management board consists of German, English, Brazilian and US personnel, with branches in Brazil and the US. The advisory board consists of a host of academics and practitioners, government members, policy makers and campaigners from round the world in order to meet the demands and the wide scope of the subject.
IJGE provides a vehicle to help professionals, academics, researchers, policy makers and campaigners working in the fields of international business, economics and local, regional and national government to educate, influence, lobby and share information and to learn from each others' work and best practice in the field as well as to provide a forum to explore new solutions to economic problems.
IJGE publishes original papers, review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, management reports, book reviews, notes, commentaries and news. Special issues will be devoted to subjects such as globalisation/localisation, international economics etc. Our wide and very experienced advisory board (which is additional to our academic panel) are particularly being asked to develop topical and important subjects over time which they believe from their work and research to be of most relevance and interest.
IJGE is indexed in:
- Scopus (Elsevier)
- Academic OneFile (Gale)
- Business Economics and Theory Collection (Gale)
- cnpLINKer (CNPIEC)
- EconLit (American Economic Association)
- Expanded Academic ASAP (Gale)
- Francis (INIST-CNRS)
- General OneFile (Gale)
- Google Scholar
- Info Trac (Gale)
- Inspec (Institution of Engineering and Technology)
- J-Gate
- ProQuest Advanced Technologies Database with Aerospace
- RePEc
IJGE is listed in:
- National Agency for Evaluation of the University and Research System (ANVUR)
- Australian Business Deans Council Journal Rankings List
Editor in Chief
- Kennet, Miriam, Green Economics Institute, UK
Deputy Editor
- Madi, Maria Alejandra Caporale, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and World Economics Association (WEA), Brazil
Editorial Board Members
- Abbasi, Ehtesham Husain, Al Akhawayn University, Morocco
- Atstaja, Dzintra, BA School of Business and Finance, Latvia
- Chong, Chit, Green Economics Institute, UK
- Díaz Vidal, Ana, Green Economics Institute, Spain
- Flo, Hans Kåre, Tekna, Norway
- Gale, Michelle, Green Economics Institute, USA
- Geziqi, Besmir, Green Economics Institute, Albania
- Harrington, Alexandra, University of Lancaster, UK
- Hawkins, Rhiannon, University of Oxford, UK
- Hermann, Arturo, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy
- Jociute, Kristina, Institute of Lithuanian Economists, Lithuania
- Kamaruddin, Norfaryanti, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
- Kennet, Katherine, Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK
- Lee, Katherine, Aviation in Reach Charity, UK
- Lee Hughes, Marlyn, The Green Economics Institute Trust, UK
- Madison-Vuleta, Bianca, Complementary Medicine Association, UK
- Mohamed, Asia, University of Khartoum, Sudan
- Nacvalovaite, Ana, University of Oxford, UK
- Popovska, Liljana, Green Institute, North Macedonia
- Saidmamatov, Olimjon, Urgench State University, Uzbekistan
- Salman, Doaa, MSA University, Egypt
- Scholar, Chelangat, Green Congress of Kenya, Kenya
- Sterniczky, Aaron, Stern Strategies, Austria
- Tezza, Enrico, The Academia and International Labour Organisation, Italy
- Tumaševiciute, Rasa, Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers, Lithuania
- Wagner, Hans-Guenter, Hessenkolleg Kassel and University of Cooperative Education Plauen, Germany
- West Kharkongor, Natalie, Indian Institute of Management Shillong, India
- Yang, Peter, Case University, USA
- Zhang, Ying, Beijing Forestry University, China
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