Title: From 'La Piazza' to 'Puente': How place, people and technology make intergenerational learning
Authors: F. Decortis, E. Ackermann, M. Barajas, R. Magli, M. Owen, G. Toccafondi
Addresses: F.N.R.S. – F.R.S., Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Liege, IKU, 5 Bd. du Rectorat, 4000 Liege, Belgium. ' MIT, School of Architecture, Building 10-491M, 77 Mass Avenue, Cambridge, 02139 MA, USA. ' Universidad Barcelona, Pedagogia, Campus Mundet, 17 Passeig Val Hebron, Barcelona, Spain. ' Camporosso, 67 Avenue Ducpetiaux, 1060 Brussels, Belgium. ' Formerly of Futurelab, currently Smalti Technology, Bronceris, Lon Pen Nebo, Menai Bridge, LL59 5 BA, UK. ' Department of Communication Science, University of Siena, Interaction Design Area, 56 via Roma, 53100 Siena, Italy
Abstract: The divide between generations and the need to integrate aging populations through life wide learning strategies have been evidenced by researches and policy documents. Yet, the lack of mutually beneficial learning practices calls for innovative solutions to prevent societal fragmentation. In |La Piazza| the purpose was to identify good practices through the use of case studies and interaction design techniques and gauge the potential of digital technologies as enablers of intergenerational learning. In |Puente|, the goal is to further explore the transformative power of existing good practices and to provide guidelines for the design of environments in which young and old can grow in connection.
Keywords: intergenerational learning; generation divide; digital technologies; case studies; good practices; interaction design; aging populations; e-learning; online learning; technology enhanced learning.
DOI: 10.1504/IJTEL.2008.020247
International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 2008 Vol.1 No.1/2, pp.144 - 155
Published online: 09 Sep 2008 *
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