Title: Exploring the possibility for hub-and-spoke services in the Greek Coastal System
Authors: Orestis D. Schinas
Addresses: Hamburg School of Business Administration, Adolphsplatz 1, 20457, Hamburg, Germany
Abstract: The Greek Coastal System (GCS) has attracted the interest of researchers in the past and still offers many opportunities for research. Brief literature review and background information on the GCS is provided. As the GCS market matures, new technological and network demands evolve. On the basis of a small-scale private R&D project, some basic attributes of hub-and-spoke operations, involving existing vessels and innovatively designed high-speed passenger vessels, are discussed. The paper focuses on network and marketing issues, and aims to trigger further discussion on this issue of special interest.
Keywords: Greek coastal shipping; passenger shipping; network problems; Greece; hub-and-spoke services; marketing.
DOI: 10.1504/IJOSM.2009.030180
International Journal of Ocean Systems Management, 2009 Vol.1 No.2, pp.119 - 134
Published online: 11 Dec 2009 *
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