Title: Population, poverty, environment, and climate dynamics in the developing world
Authors: Jason Bremner, David Lopez-Carr, Laurel Suter, Jason Davis
Addresses: Population Reference Bureau, 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW/Suite 520, Washington, DC, 20009-5728, USA. ' Department of Geography, Human-Environment Dynamics Lab, 4836 Ellison Hal, UC Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-4060, USA. ' Department of Geography, Human-Environment Dynamics Lab, 4840 Ellison Hal, UC Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-4060, USA. ' Department of Geography, Human-Environment Dynamics Lab, 4840 Ellison Hal, UC Santa Barbara, CA, 93106-4060, USA
Abstract: This paper reviews extant evidence and offers a conceptual framework for the investigation of complex dynamics among human population growth, environmental degradation, poverty, and climate change. The paper introduces theories relating to population growth, environmental degradation, the impact on human well-being, and potential relations with climate change. Poverty is discussed in detail as both a contributing factor to and consequence of population growth and environmental change. The empirical literature on land cover change and environmental change in coastal and marine resources and potential relations with climate change are examined. Despite notable limitations to current knowledge on links among population growth, ecosystems, climate, and poverty, implications for further research and policy application are rich.
Keywords: climate change; population growth; poverty; development; environmental degradation; developing countries; land use; land cover change; coastal resources; marine resources; well-being; ecosystems.
Interdisciplinary Environmental Review, 2010 Vol.11 No.2/3, pp.112 - 126
Published online: 05 Jan 2011 *
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