Title: Role of trust and relationships in geographically distributed teams: exploratory study on development sector
Authors: Mohammad Saud Khan
Addresses: ETH Zurich, Lerchenrain 7/3, 8046, Zurich, Switzerland
Abstract: This study explores the role of trust and relationships in geographically distributed teams (virtual teams) of development sector. Interviewed teams were surrounded by ground realities of their work locations, which included technology limitations, uncertainties and human constraints, which tend to obstruct development of trust and relationships. The needs for developing trust and relationships identified during interviews were personal conduct characteristics of team members, like confidence, competence, reliability, interpersonal relationship, quality output, responsibility and commitment. Trust emerged as the core factor encompassing all relationships, among team members or between leader and members. The study revealed that trust is a precursor to relationships. Geographically distributed teams work within cognitive trust, where its members desire affective trust from the leader. Trust is not only a product of, but also a pre-requisite for optimal technology usage. Trust is not formally evaluated but is manifested in the quality of outcomes.
Keywords: geographically distributed teams; virtual teams; development sector; technology limitations; uncertainty; ground realities; work locations; human constraints; personal conduct; personal characteristics; team members; confidence; competence; reliability; interpersonal relationships; quality output; responsibility; commitment; core factors; leaders; cognitive trust; affective trust; optimal technology usage; outcomes; networks; virtual organisations; web based organisations; online organisations; networking; world wide web; internet.
DOI: 10.1504/IJNVO.2012.045210
International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 2012 Vol.10 No.1, pp.40 - 58
Published online: 16 Aug 2014 *
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