Calls for papers

International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems
Special Issue on: "Enabling Autonomous Vehicles and Safety Applications Through Vehicular Communications and Networking"
Guest Editors:
Michael Hsin-Mu Tsai, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Mate Boban, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany
Andreas Festag, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Over the past decade, due to technological advances, vehicular communications and networking have become more than just an active research topic and have started to appear in commercially available products. Electronic toll collection, vehicle fleet management and remote diagnostics are just a few applications that are enabled by communications and which have become part of our daily driving experience.
Recently, due to the introduction of new communication technologies (LTE/802.11ac/visible light communications/millimeter wave communications), new vehicle powertrain technologies (hybrid/full electric) and the popularity of smartphones and tablets, vehicles, infrastructure and users are now more connected than ever. This tight integration generates more contextual information that can be shared in a timely manner to enable a new generation of vehicular applications.
The goal of this special issue is to present:
- new applications enabled by various forms of communications and networking between vehicles, infrastructure and users; and
- the latest advances in communication/networking technologies – across the network protocol stack – to support these new applications.
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Novel applications enabled by vehicular communications and networking
- Towards fully autonomous vehicles through vehicular networks
- Platooning, cooperative merging, cooperative cruise control
- Vehicle safety applications
- Applications for transportation efficiency improvement
- Communications-enabled fleet management
- Transition to new vehicle drivetrain types: electric, hydrogen, etc.
- Applications to improve energy efficiency of vehicles and transportation infrastructure
- Applications enabled by in-vehicle or mobile devices
- Communication technology advancements
- Field trials, pilots and experimental studies
- Large-scale and parallel simulation of vehicular networks
- Vehicle-to-X communications (e.g. vehicle-to-pedestrians, vehicle-to-portable, vehicle-to-sign, etc.)
- Vehicular visible light communications (V2LC)
- The role of cellular systems in vehicle safety and autonomous driving
- Interplay between short-range (DSRC) and long-range (cellular) vehicular communications for enabling vehicle safety and autonomous driving
- Intra-vehicle communications
- Channel modelling, antennas and radio resource management
- MAC and routing protocols for vehicular networks
- Network and QoS management for vehicular networks
- Security and privacy of vehicular networks
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page.
Important Dates
Submission of full paper before: 1 May, 2014 (extended)