Calls for papers

International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems
Special Issue on: "Operations Research and Impacts on Innovation"
Guest Editors:
Prof. Alain Quilliot, University of Clermont-Ferrand, France
Dr. Frederic Andres, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
Decision support or operations research has been a hybrid discipline whose development has always been very closely linked to information technology and communication (ICT). It refers to combinatorial and continuous optimisation, optimal control, multi-criteria modelling, scheduling, planning and POAG, game theory, performance evaluation, supervised learning, network optimisation and processes at the methodology level.
Operations research was first related to centralised organisational design and mainframe simulation and optimisation software. But in the internet era, smartphones and internet of things, the emergence of new services and socio-economic changes motivate operations researchers to confront new types of problems (e.g. revenue management, pricing, smart grids, consideration of uncertainties, the notion of robustness, average complexity, etc.), new decision paradigms (e.g. collaboration, online, dynamic, etc.) and new contextual developments (e.g. very large data size, big data, cloud architectures, generic requirements).
In this context, particular topics will be very significant in the future:
- The integration of models and techniques of operations research in contexts of dynamic data acquisition, communication and collaborative/dynamic decision making. This applies to both the support of the decentralisation process (even outsourcing) within companies, services and organisations, and the rise of technology monitoring and data management in real time, geo-location, and mobile communication.
- The integration into models of emerging societal concerns related to the preservation of the environment, mobility management and energy issues.
- The generic aspects and the integration and decomposition schemes of algorithms for operations research.
- Stochastic and uncertainty issues. These problems are all the more acute according to the number of applications of operations research which concern the control of dynamic systems operating in a not completely predictable environment.
- Evaluation of algorithms and problems (e.g. complexity analysis, approximation theory) with or without probabilistic sense.
- The adaptation of standard algorithms to very large data sizes (so-called big data) (e.g. social networks, dynamic graphs, internet or network mobility).
Suitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- New operations research methodologies to build innovative systems in SMEs
- Collaborative heuristics for project management
- Machine learning techniques to support innovation in monitoring services
- Fuzzy-based decision support systems to impact on knowledge-based economy
- Operations research-based applications and new challenging domains in supply chain management, revenue management, mobility management, vehicle sharing and dynamical system monitoring
- Generic mathematical programming and constraint programming solutions for complex decision problems
- Fast prototyping for complex combinatorial optimisation applications
- Operations research applications involving large scale data and HPC architectures
- Applications of game theory to economical decision making
- Issues in comparison of innovation systems to create new systems over multiple problem domains (e.g. internet of things)
- Analytical and stochastic modelling techniques for dynamical systems
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page.
The Guest Editors of the special issue are happy to discuss initial ideas for papers, and
can be contacted directly:
Prof. Alain Quilliot:
Dr. Frederic Andres:
Important Dates
Manuscripts due by: 15 March, 2014
Feedback to authors: 15 April, 2014
Submission for second review: 1 May, 2014
Notification of final acceptance: 30 May, 2014