Calls for papers

International Journal of Agile Systems and Management
Special Issue on: "Agile Methods for Sustainable Mobility"
Guest Editors:
Dr. Josip Stjepandic, PROSTEP AG, Germany
Mobility is considered an integral part of the world’s increasing standard of living. On the other hand, transport consumes roughly 19% of the world’s energy supply and produces 23% of carbon dioxide emissions. Due to the limited availability of fossil fuels in future and increasing challenges in environmental risk mitigation, new, tremendous concepts and solutions are still necessary to make human mobility more sustainable and affordable. This shift requires further technological progress accompanied by huge commercial investments in infrastructure, and comprehensive government policies to empower this transition. This applies to all transportation sectors – road, air, sea and rail – and includes not only novel vehicle concepts, but operation models and evolution in consumer behaviour.
One of the most important paradigm shifts lies in the holistic view on the development and exploitation of new product concepts which encompasses intensive networking through ITC technology. Besides delivering benefits in air and noise pollution, it encompasses huge challenges in practical usability, reliability and lifecycle considerations. Therefore, sustainable mobility is going to become the main driver for comprehensive approaches such as systems engineering. It draws upon new ways of engineering collaboration and transdisciplinary engineering to develop new products (vehicles), new services or integral mobility concepts within urban infrastructure. Such shifts require adapted or entirely new methods in product development and commercialisation.
With this special issue, we aim to address various areas of sustainable mobility from several research perspectives: agile methods for the development of new mobility concepts derived from traditional concepts, facilitating sustainability by extending the lifecycle of products in exploitation, novel concept to estimate pollution and noise emissions, and the assessment of novel mobility concepts.
The issue will carry revised and substantially extended versions of selected papers presented at the 22nd ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE 2015), but we also strongly encourage researchers unable to participate in the conference to submit articles for this call.
Subject CoverageSuitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Agile systems design, evaluation and assessment methodologies
- Systems engineering for sustainability
- Risks assessment for sustainable mobility concepts
- Engineering of complex in-service systems
- Product life cycle management
- Product design for sustainability
- Sustainable systems design, development, operation, maintenance and services
- End-of-life engineering system management
- Supply chain integration for mobility concepts
- Operations management and transformation strategies for sustainability
- Benchmarking, metrics and performance drivers for sustainability
- Complexity and uncertainty management
- Knowledge management for sustainability
- Measuring and improving efficiency of mobility concepts
- Performance-based contracting strategies
- System sustainability evaluation in the socio-economic environment
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page.
Important Dates
Full paper due: 2 January, 2016