Calls for papers
International Journal of Business Environment
Special Issue on: "Extending Strategy and Operations Management through Technology"
Guest Editors:
Dr. M. Nieves Pérez-Arostegui and Dr. Javier Tamayo-Torres, University of Granada, Spain
Strategy and operations management (OM) are two of the most important aspect of literature concerning managers and firms of this century, as we can see in the quantity of papers and references in literature, such as Chatta and Butt (2015), Teece (2014) or Brown (2103), related to strategy, or work of by Hitt et al. (2016) which considered the resource based View in OM research, the work of Narasimhan (2014) which tries to define the frontiers of OM term, or the work of Barratt et al. (2011), considering OM as main aspect.
The main argument of this special issue is to define the relation between these key objective for managers, strategy and OM. These terms have been highly studied and published, but there is not a consensus between both of them. Moreover, we consider it fundamental for managers to study both of them with an information system (IS) perspective.
Competitive advantage may be achieved with the effective leveraging of information technology (IT). Firms should not justify IT investments on the basis of their direct impact on firm performance or on the sustainability of a competitive advantage. To achieve operational or strategic advantages, firms must develop the procedures and processes suitable to use IT capabilities. IT capabilities improve new product development (Pavlou and El Sawy, 2010), supply chain practices (Devaraj et al., 2007), quality (Perez et al., 2015), agility (Robers and Grover, 2012) or operational absorptive capacity (Setia and Patel, 2013). Moreover, IT strategy plays a significant role in moderating the relationship between IT investments and firm performance and there is a need for further research to better understand the linkages and interactions between the overall strategy of the firm and IT, and the implications for firm performance (Mithas and Rust, 2016).
This special issue tries to establish a necessary consensus in three interconnected terms that are vital for firms. Theoretical, practical, statistical or methodology contributions will be well considered to facilitate the consensus and be able to stablish a starting point.
Subject CoverageSuitable topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Operations Management
- Interplay of IT and operational decision making
- Big data and operational decision making
- Supply chain management
- Innovation management
- Supply chain management and open innovation
- Globalisation of manufacturing operations
- Quality management
- Triple bottom line and operations management
- Behavioral aspects of operations management
- Decision making in public organisations
- New trends in entrepreneurship activities
- Interface between IT and strategic management
- Interface between IT and human resource management
- Interface between strategic and operations management
- Interface between human resource and operations management
- Interplay of IT and operational decision making
- Business value of IT
- IT-enabled organisational capabilities
- IT and innovation activities
- Business value of social media
- Social media and business activities
- Social media and customer value proposition
- Social media and innovation activities
- Big data and business analytics
- Accounting, financial, and marketing decision making in organisations
- Advances and innovation in teaching in courses on information systems, operations management, strategy, human resource management, accounting, finance, and marketing
Notes for Prospective Authors
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).
All papers are refereed through a peer review process.
All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please read our Submitting articles page.
Important Dates
Submissions due: 31 July, 2017
First-round revisions due: 31 December, 2017
Second-round revisions due: 30 April, 2018
Final decisions: 31 May, 2018
Final materials due from authors: 30 June, 2018
Barratt, M., Choi, T.Y. and Li, M. (2011). “Qualitative case studies in operations management: Trends, research outcomes, and future research implications”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 29 (4), pp. 329–342.
Brown, S. (2013). "An interview with Wickham Skinner, Emeritus Professor at Harvard Business School", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 33 (1), pp. 104–110.
Chatha K.A. and Butt, I. (2015). "Themes of study in manufacturing strategy literature", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 35 (4), pp.604 – 698
Devaraj, S., Krajewski, L., & Wei, J. C. (2007). Impact of ebusiness technologies on operational performance: The role of production information integration in the supply chain. Journal of Operations Management, 25(6), 1199–1216.
Hitt, M.A., Xu, K. and Carnes, C.M. (2016). “Resource based theory in operations management research”, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 41, January, pp. 77–94.
Mithas, S. & Rust, R.T. (2016). How information technology strategy and investments influence firm performance: conjecture and empirical evidence, MIs Quarterly, 40(1), 223-245.
Narasimhan, R. (2014). “Theory development in operations management: Extending the frontiers of a mature discipline via qualitative research”, Decision Sciences, Vol. 45(2), 209-227.
Pavlou, P.A. & El Sawy, O.A. (2010). IT-enabled completitive advantage in turbulence through improvisational capabilities. Information Systems Research, 21(3), 443-471.
Perez, M.N, Bustinza, O., Barrales, V. (2015). Exploring the relationship between information technology competence and quality management. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 18(1), 4-17.
Roberts, N. & Grover, V. (2012). Leveraging information technology infrastructure to facilitate a firm’s customer agility and competitive activity: an empirical investigation. Journal of Management Information Systems, 28(4), 213-270.
Setia, P. & Patel, P.C. (2013). How information systems help create OM capabilities: consequents and antecedents of operational absorptive capacity. Journal of Operations Management, 31, 409-431.
Teece, D.J. (2014). “The foundations of enterprise performance: Dynamic and ordinary capabilities in an (economic) theory firms”, The Academy of Management Perspectives, Vol. 28 (4), pp. 328–352.