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International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience

International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience (IJSCOR)

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International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Scientometric review of global E-procurement research trends from 1976 to 2022   Order a copy of this article
    by Muhammad Aliyu Yamusa, Haruna Sa'idu Lawal, Muhammad Abdullahi, Ahmed Aminu 
    Abstract: This study conducts a review on the research trend of studies on e-procurement. 1,323 publications were recovered from Scopus database by means of some selected keywords from 1976 and 2022. A scientometric analysis was the used to extract bibliometric data using the VOS viewer software. Results of the review confirm that there has been a general increase in e-procurement research in the last decades. However, a major upsurge in publications was realised from 2000. This strengthens claims that e-procurement has become a crucial issue in global practice. Additionally, the USA, UK, India, Australia and Malaysia were found to be the leading countries in e-procurement research. Lastly, the study found electronic commerce, supply chain management, and public procurement to be the major focus of e-procurement studies. This paper contributes to e-procurement body of knowledge through the provision of an all-purpose overview of e-procurement research trend, thus crafting a basis for forthcoming efforts in research of this essential domain.
    Keywords: e-procurement; e-commerce; supply chain management; scientometric analysis.

  • Social and environmental disclosure and supply chain performance: mediating role of firm reputation   Order a copy of this article
    by Edmond Yeboah Nyamah, Elsie Aabeyir, Gloria Kakrabah-Quarshie Agyapong 
    Abstract: Considering the increase in demand for social and environmental disclosures by stakeholders, this research clarified the mediating role firm reputation plays between social and environmental disclosure and manufacturing firm supply chain’s performance in a developing economy by employing the quantitative research approach, positivism paradigm, and an explanatory design. Using IBM SPSS version 26 and SmartPLS 4 software, a credible data set of 178 respondents was compiled out of 331 mineral water companies certified by the Food and Drugs Authority in Accra. The findings indicated that environmental and social disclosures positively and significantly improve the supply chain performance of manufacturing firms. In addition, the predicted relationship between social and environmental disclosure and supply chain performance is partially mediated by firm reputation. The result of this study implies that, for mineral water companies’ supply chain performance to improve, it is prudent to consider environmental and social disclosures as well as enhancing firms’ reputations.
    Keywords: environment; social; reputation; supply chain; performance.