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International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management

International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM)

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International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Perceived support, social responsibility, self-efficacy, outcome expectation, and their implications on social entrepreneurial intention   Order a copy of this article
    by Hui-Kei Low, Jeffrey S.S. Cheah 
    Abstract: Social entrepreneurship (SE) has become an established and emerging global movement addressing pressing societal issues in the last two decades. However, it is still nascent in many developing economies, including Malaysia. The number of social enterprises has to be upsurged to generate substantial impact. This paper has provided new illumination into the literature on how social cognitive career theory (SCCT) could comprehend and gauge the formation of social entrepreneurial intention (SEI) among future leaders (i.e., university students). Two hundred twenty-five local and international university students were collected and examined through a structural equation modelling approach. The empirical results showed that perceived support significantly impacted SEI but not social responsibility. Meanwhile, social responsibility demonstrated indirect influences on SEI through social entrepreneurial self-efficacy and outcome expectation. These outcomes and models help the SE enablers and policymakers to determine their strategic direction in arousing interest or enthusiasm and effectively stimulating the sector
    Keywords: What factors affect scientists’ innovation activity: evidence from Russia.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSM.2023.10054221
  • Giving back to your alma mater: does experience actually matter?   Order a copy of this article
    by Clementinie Chai, Azlan Amran, Say Keat Ooi 
    Abstract: In the context where alumni giving is unusual, this study assessed the possible predictors that may influence alumni giving behavioural intention to Malaysian public universities by utilising the extended theory of planned behaviour. An online survey was employed to acquire data from 237 Malaysian public university graduates using a non-probability purposive sampling approach. Subsequently, partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was utilised to analyse the primary data. The findings revealed that student experience is an important determinant affecting alumni attitude toward giving. Furthermore, attitudes toward giving and facilitating conditions play significant roles in promoting alumnis giving intention to their alma mater. The study indicates how university leaders can develop strategies to ensure alumni contribute to universities. Universities must provide a positive experience to their students to change their attitude toward giving in the future and can provide a financial system that eases alumni donors when they contribute online.
    Keywords: alumni giving intention; student experience; attitude toward giving; subjective norms; facilitating condition; theory of planned behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSM.2023.10057281
  • The impact of ESG on financial performance: evidence from Chinas listed commercial banks   Order a copy of this article
    by Salmi Mohd Isa, Sixin Ren 
    Abstract: Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) has become increasingly important in the construction of ecological civilisation and the implementation of sustainable development strategies in the pursuit of a Beautiful China in the new era. This study analysed 16 listed commercial banks in China, using ESG and related financial data from 2011 to 2020. The results of the panel regression analysis showed that the current ESG performance of commercial banks has a negative impact on their financial performance, with the environment playing a major role. While corporate and social governance have minimal immediate effects on financial performance, the use of short-term funds has a negative effect on current performance. However, the long-term financial performance of commercial banks can be improved through investments in environmental and social issues. Corporate governance can also have a positive effect on financial performance in the short-term, but may have a negative impact as the business grows. Based on these findings, this study recommends appropriate actions.
    Keywords: impact; environmental; social; and governance; ESG; financial performance; commercial banks; China.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJSSM.2023.10062840