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European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management

European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (EJCCM)

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European J. of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • Loyalty and workplace practices: a diagnostic perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Daniel Dauber 
    Abstract: Despite increased workforce mobility and considerably higher volatility in employment, the need for nurturing loyalty in the organisation has remained essential to increase intrinsic motivation and ensure organisational well-being. This paper takes a diagnostic and applied/pragmatic approach to investigate actual organisational practices and their impact on perceived loyalty in Austrian organisations. A sample of 290 employees of different managerial levels participated in the study. Hofstede et al.’s (1990) organisational culture questionnaire was used to identify loyalty enhancing and decreasing organisational practices. By focusing less on latent constructs and highlighting individual workplace practices, the study offers insights for scholars and practitioners alike. Findings show that organisational practices favouring loyalty are related to empowerment, organisational commitment, and procedural justice. Avenues for future studies are provided, highlighting the importance of applied approaches to research as a valuable complement to more abstract approaches to social organisational phenomena.
    Keywords: loyalty; organisational commitment; organisational culture; organisational practices; organisational identification; hierarchy; social responsibility; communication.
    DOI: 10.1504/EJCCM.2022.10046462