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International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems

International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems (IJAIS)

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International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems (3 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Adoption Dynamics of the System of Rice Intensification by smallholder farmers in Tanzania: A Case of Mkindo Irrigation Scheme   Order a copy of this article
    by Asheri Mwidege 
    Abstract: Intermittent irrigation is among the activities performed to minimise water usage when adopting the system of rice intensification (SRI). Little information is known about the drivers toward the adoption or dis-adoption of SRI practices by subsistence farmers at the Mkindo Rice Irrigation Scheme in Tanzania. An experimental research design and expert sampling plan were employed in which cross-sectional data of 100 SRI and non-SRI participants. Descriptive statistics information was obtained using the SPSS package. Survey results showed high grain yield (58.93%) and increased return to labour (51.79%) as key factors that influenced rice farmers to adopt SRI. Contrary, lack of training (79.54%), awareness (77.27%) and skills acquisition (52.27%) on SRI practices were factors that negatively influenced the adoption of SRI practices by non-adopters. Furthermore, SRI practices in masika, accessible extension services had a statistically significant positive effect on farmers’ income contrary to vuli practices and famer gate prices at p < 0.01 level. It was concluded that high grain yield was evidenced in masika while accessing extension services thus increased return to labour influenced smallholder rice farmers to adopt SRI practice.
    Keywords: adoption; dis-adoption; systems of rice intensification; economic analysis; Mkindo irrigation scheme; Tanzania; system of rice intensification; SRI.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAIS.2022.10050551
  • Customer Perception on use of Card Payment System   Order a copy of this article
    by Yasir Jamshed, Nida Qamar 
    Abstract: Technology has come to play an influential role in the evolution of the latest ways of payment and arrangement. Today at this end, inventive outcomes such as payment cards, e-banking, and e-payments have been inaugurated. Internet banking has been the prime mode of e-banking in India with the offering of the internet itself as a new delivery method for the banks in reaching the customer. Electronic-based business models are taking place of the conventional banking system and almost banks are rethinking business process designs and customer relationship management strategies. Online banking provides various internet e-channels to use banking services, i.e., ATM, credit card, debit card, internet banking, mobile banking, electronic fund transfer, electronic clearing services, etc. however, as per the Indian e-banking scenario ATMs and using of cards are most confessed than other e-channels. However, internet banking is one of the best alternatives to traditional banking.
    Keywords: motivational factors; factors of demotivation; buying behaviour impact; consumer perception; card payment system.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAIS.2023.10055570
  • Geoscientific and Geotechnical studies for a better durability of structures in Lower and Middle Guinea.   Order a copy of this article
    by Ibrahima Diogo DIALLO, Chakib DARRAZ, Diaka SIDIBE, Amine TILIOUA 
    Abstract: Several degradations of soils/certain structures have been felt in Guinea in recent decades. In Lower and Middle Guinea where, in addition to being perceived as the result of a seasonal phenomenon, it has become a real socio-economic issue of scientific interest: ours. Our objective is to provide geoscientific and geotechnical answers to this problem: this is the best way to adapt infrastructures to the constraints of their environments. Our work unmasks meteorological and anthropogenic factors as sources of the scourge. The latter accelerate the hydric and wind erosion of the supports (soils), mainly lateritic (diversified), whose in-situ and laboratory tests show bearing capacities between 341792 Kpa (in Middle Guinea) and 3.55 Bars (in Lower Guinea). Coupled with monitoring programs, a slab/concrete mesh foundation is well suited to ensure the durability of the structures in Middle Guinea and a deep foundation in Kip
    Keywords: lower Guinea; middle Guinea; degradation; soils; watersheds; geotechnics; structures.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJAIS.2023.10057566