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International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing

International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing (IJEMR)

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International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing (78 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Examining the influence of HEXACO personality traits on impulse buying tendency, perceived enjoyment, and impulse buying behaviour in the context of Instagram commerce   Order a copy of this article
    by Abhay Grover, Nilesh Arora, Pooja Sharma 
    Abstract: This study examines the relationships between HEXACO personality traits, impulse buying tendency, perceived enjoyment, and impulse buying behaviour in the Instagram commerce scenario. A conceptual framework is developed to hypothesise the relationship between HEXACO personality traits and different aspects of shopping behaviour. The questionnaire was thoroughly reviewed by an expert panel using a content validity index, followed by convergent and discriminant validity analysis using AMOS software. By using structural equation modelling, 852 relevant data points were analysed. This research contributes to the literature by creating and testing a new extended model of HEXACO personality and impulsive buying behaviour. The connection between impulsive buying behaviour and HEXACO personality traits (specifically emotionality, agreeableness, and openness to experience) is strengthened by the presence of an impulsive buying tendency. It is postulated that the mediating effect of impulsive buying tendency and perceived enjoyment amplifies the impact of HEXACO personality traits on impulse buying.
    Keywords: Instagram commerce; HEXACO personality traits; impulse buying behaviour; IBB; perceived enjoyment; PE; impulse buying tendency; IBT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10054386
  • The previous and future trend of social media marketing research: a bibliometric analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Meenakshi Sharma, Rajeev Srivastava 
    Abstract: Marketers are tailoring their strategies to embrace the significant advantage of social media interaction. Considering the value of social media marketing in the corporate world and academic publication, it is necessary to understand the research trend of this field and to understand the future research directions in this field. The aim of this research is to examine the research landscape of the social media marketing field by using comprehensive bibliometric analysis. Total 768 documents taken from the reputed database namely Web of Science (WoS) published within the last 12 years. The study will help to know the trend of publication, the top articles contributed in terms of journals, scholars, citations, and impact factors. It will also help to identify the trending topics relevant to authors, affiliations, and countries that have made contributions to the field of social media marketing and help young scholars to identify the conceptual structure of the topic as presented along with the social network structure of a particular scientific community, build a scope of additional research in this field and assist the marketers and practitioners to make decisions and build effective social media marketing strategies for customer acquisition towards sustainable business in this new digital age.
    Keywords: social media marketing; bibliometrix; bibliometric analysis; research trends; biblioshiny; science mapping; performance analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10054745
  • Dried fruit demand analysis using the review tag function on the Chinese CBEC platform   Order a copy of this article
    by Danaitan Pongpatcharatorntep, Worawit Janchai, Veeraporn Siddoo 
    Abstract: Exporting countries for dried fruit have been severely impacted by the coronavirus outbreak. Many small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are trying to increase their sales through cross-border electronic commerce (CBEC), and understanding consumer preferences in this sector is critical. This study used the review tag function on the Chinese CBEC platform to identify the demand for dried fruit. Chinese consumers were selected for the case study investigation. Review tag results from 250 dried fruit products were collected from top sellers on the Chinese CBEC platform. A codebook was used to classify customer reviews, and the 4Cs were used as a classification framework. Results indicated that positive and negative tags were prevalent under the aspects of consumer and cost. The suggested approach and conclusions can help SME managers and marketers better understand the demands of Chinese consumers and use insights to enhance product quality and increase market share.
    Keywords: text analysis; e-commerce; dried fruit industry; marketing theory; cross-border electronic commerce; CBEC.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10054784
  • Explaining the linkage of dark sides of relationship marketing variables: an empirical investigation on selected Indian entrepreneurs   Order a copy of this article
    by Deepika, Shashank Vikram Pratap Singh, Mohinder Paul, Amarjeet, Abhimanyu Bhardwaj 
    Abstract: The current paper provides an empirical analysis of relationship marketing variables as well as the identified negative aspects of relationship marketing. The authors argue that if a partner has the opportunity to engage in opportunism, a negative side of the relationship emerges that outweighs the positive impact of the relationship marketing strategy and most favourable factors such as trust, gradually converting into identified dark side variables. A semi-structured questionnaire was circulated among business persons. CFA was performed on the usable data and after establishing the measurement model, Data imputation technique was used. Afterwards, moderation analysis was performed using process tool by Professor Hayes. The findings suggest the moderating impact of opportunism between trust; commitment and dark side factors. This implies that when parties tend to behave opportunistic, the favourable factors tend to turn into the dark side factor; thereby weakens the long-term relationship.
    Keywords: relationship marketing; dark side constructs; trust; commitment; opportunism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10055236
  • An analysis of the effect of COVID-19 on the usage of entertainment mobile applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Jongdae Kim, Yun Kyung Oh, Jisu Yi 
    Abstract: This study examines the effect of COVID-19 on consumer behaviour in the mobile-based entertainment industry. In particular, we demonstrate those consumers' COVID-19-induced psychological factors, such as fear of contagion and social deprivation, significantly affect entertainment-purposed consumer behaviour. We perform the fixed effects regression utilising mobile app-level usage data and COVID-19-related data. The results revealed that in the entertainment category, offline-to-online apps usage decreased, while online-only apps increased as the pandemic worsened. Furthermore, the usage of social functioning apps increased because consumers pursued social presence during the pandemic. This study is among the first to examine the COVID-19-induced effect on consumer behaviour in the entertainment industry and one of the few to analyse mobile app usage during the pandemic. This study also contributes to the literature on offline-to-online consumption transition, showing that COVID-19 can accelerate the transition trend. Moreover, it can provide valuable insights to marketers, particularly those at the forefront of the pandemic.
    Keywords: COVID-19; pandemic; e-marketing; mobile application; mobile marketing; entertainment industry; social deprivation; social presence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10055266
  • Exploring determinants of brand loyalty: considering marketing mix and brand equity in FMCGs   Order a copy of this article
    by Kashif Farhat, Wajeeha Aslam, Syeda Nazneen Waseem, Wardah Irfan 
    Abstract: This study aims to identify the impact of online advertising efforts and physical distribution intensity on perceived quality and brand awareness, and their impact on brand loyalty. In a total of 313 useful responses, collected from the shampoo consumers, structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed. The results revealed that online advertisement efforts and physical distribution intensity positively affect brand awareness and perceived quality. The results also exhibited that brand awareness and perceived quality significantly affect brand loyalty. The findings also revealed that, in the case of males, both online advertising efforts and physical distribution intensity have a substantial impact on brand awareness whereas physical distribution intensity is only predicting perceived quality. However, in the case of females, online advertising efforts have a significant impact only on perceived quality, and physical distribution intensity significantly affects brand awareness and perceived brand quality. The study offers various managerial and theoretical implications.
    Keywords: brand loyalty; physical distribution intensity; online advertising attitude; brand awareness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10055507
  • Motivations and consequences of psychological ownership in rental commerce: evidence from the Gen Z consumers   Order a copy of this article
    by Mark Ratilla, Sandeep Kumar Dey, Michael Adu Kwarteng, Miloslava Chovancova 
    Abstract: Grounded on the psychological ownership (PO) theory and generational cohort theory, the study examines the motivations shaping the PO of rental commerce offerings among Generation Z consumers. Distinct from prior studies, the work also examines PO’s behavioural consequences particularly on perceived misbehaviour intentions and sustainable consumption behaviour. An online scenario-based survey was deployed for data collection, involving 256 Gen Z consumers in the Philippines. Partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) technique was used for data analysis. The findings suggest that self-identity and the sense of belonging positively and significantly affect PO of rental commerce offerings. Meanwhile, PO positively and significantly affects perceived misbehaviour intentions and sustainable consumption behaviour. The study argues that there is a need to reinforce PO formation to curtail misbehaviour tendencies, instil a sense of responsibility to protect and care for leased products, and nurture sustainable consumption behaviour.
    Keywords: consumer misbehaviour; psychological ownership; PO; rental commerce; sharing economy; sustainable consumption.

  • The impact of social media marketing activities constructs on brand equity constructs in a developing economy market   Order a copy of this article
    by Amel Pintol, Nereida Hadziahmetovic 
    Abstract: Social media are today’s essential marketing tools. This study investigates the relationship between the constructs of social media marketing activities (SMMA): entertainment, interaction, and trendiness with constructs of brand equity: brand awareness, and brand image. The quantitative method was used to investigate bottled water brands in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on a sample of 344 respondents, who are also users of social media and consumers of bottled water. Moreover, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was executed to assess the reliability of the scales, while structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to evaluate the projected research hypotheses. The results reveal a significant positive influence of trendiness on brand awareness and brand image, while a significant negative influence of interaction on brand awareness and brand image. The study helps deepen the literature in the field of social media and brand equity and helps companies justify financing in social media marketing. Research in other countries, cultures, and industries may yield different results.
    Keywords: social media marketing activities; SMMA; brand equity; a developing market; structural equation modelling; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10055700
  • The role of situational factors and purchase intention in actual purchase behaviour for organic food in Vietnam   Order a copy of this article
    by Tran Thi Ngoc Mai, Nguyen Thi Phuong Chi 
    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the intention-behaviour relationship and the effects of situational factors on consumers’ purchase behaviour toward organic food in Vietnam. Data from 202 respondents was collected using online and paper-based questionnaires. Based on the analysis of SEM-PLS, the results showed that visual merchandising and perceived behavioural control significantly enhance the purchase intention of consumers, which consequently has a positive influence on their actual purchase behaviour. Additionally, premium prices of organic food and limited availability are two situational factors that deter the actual purchase. The study has demonstrated the theoretical validity and the empirical applicability of the TPB model to the context of organic food consumption in a developing country. The findings have several important implications for organic food producers and policymakers to increase the popularity and consumption of organic food in Vietnam.
    Keywords: organic food; purchase behaviour; purchase intention; situational factors; Vietnam.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10055830
  • Does social media marketing and customer engagement push customers towards purchase in online fashion industry in India? A moderated-mediated analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Falaq Mubashir Sahaf, Mushtaq Ahmed Siddiqui 
    Abstract: Social media marketing (SSM) is a new-age concept, and studies have proven its impact on the behaviour of consumers. However, rarely has the moderating impact of prior experience been highlighted. The current study is based on a mediation-moderation model in which customer engagement and prior customer experience, respectively, act as mediators and moderators in the relationship between SSM and customer purchase intention in the Indian e-commerce sector. The customers of digital sellers served as the population of the study. Convenience sampling and snowball sampling techniques were combined to collect the data. Primary data was collected through questionnaires. For analysing the structural model, PLS-SEM was used. Our study draws on the belief updating theory and highlights the crucial fact that although there is an impact of SSM in engaging customers and influencing their purchase intention, as validated by the current study, this impact gets moderated by the customers prior experiences.
    Keywords: social media marketing; SSM; purchase intention; customer engagement; digital marketing; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10056060
  • Insights from bibliometric analysis on customer engagement in the banking industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Rohit Bansal, Nishita Pruthi 
    Abstract: In this research, bibliometric analysis is done to review the literature related to customer engagement in the banking industry. Using performance analysis, performance of authors, countries and sources are assessed and under science mapping, bibliographic coupling and keyword co-occurrence analysis etc. techniques are used. This study is based on 133 research articles related to the time period of 2013-2022 extracted from the Scopus database. Findings revealed that Estrada-Guillen, M. is the most contributing authors, India is the most contributing country, International Journal of Bank Marketing is the most contributing journal. Five major themes that are identified through clustering are social media and customer engagement, mobile/digital banking and customer engagement, CSR and customer engagement, customer trust and customer engagement, and customer engagement and customer loyalty. It is also identified in this research that future research may revolve around open banking, culture-oriented banking, and smart and automated customer engagement.
    Keywords: customer engagement; banking; mobile banking; customer experience; CSR; social media; bibliometric analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10058634
  • The role of relationship quality mediation in traditional retail shop loyalty in the digital transformation era   Order a copy of this article
    by Mujianto Mujianto, Muhammad Ramaditya, Hartoyo Hartoyo, Rita Nurmalina, Eva Z. Yusuf 
    Abstract: Traditional retail shop businesses in the new digital transformation era need long-term relationships with suppliers so that retail shops become loyal to suppliers. This study aim to analyse the factors of trust, commitment, and satisfaction in the relationship between retail shops and suppliers using structural equation modelling and also knowing the mediating role of trust, commitment, and satisfaction in B2B supplier relationships with traditional retail stalls with the Sobel test. There are 500 retail shop business owners participating as respondents. The study’s found that the mediating role of trust, commitment, and satisfaction is enormous in the loyalty of traditional retail shops. In addition, the results of this study are unique because the relationship between suppliers and retail shops is a special B2B relationship. After all, satisfaction is a determining variable in the loyalty of retail shops to suppliers, while in other B2B relationships, trust and commitment factors determine loyalty.
    Keywords: trust; commitment; satisfaction; loyalty; FMCG retail industry; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10056661
  • Consumers perception and ranking of the significant factors for selecting an over-the-top video streaming platform   Order a copy of this article
    by Vijay Kumar Sharma, Manish Kumar Dwivedi 
    Abstract: The study aims to explore, rank, and create composite relational factors that impact the consumers decision to subscribe to an OTT platform and enable the OTT players to add new customers and retain existing customers in a stiffly competitive market. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted to explore the factors identified for making the constructs and test the validity and reliability through confirmatory factor analysis. Structural equation modelling was employed for testing the relationships between the variables. The outcome of the study showed that willingness to continue is the most influential factor that comprises affordability of content, high engagement, and good marketing strategy whereas the OTT involvement factor comprises emotional attachments, recommendation system, value for money, and free contents were considered as a less important factor by the consumers. The study would help the marketer to understand consumers preferences by identifying various factors that influence them to make marketing decisions.
    Keywords: over-the-top; OTT; OTT services; Indian OTT market; consumer behaviours; video streaming.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10056956
  • Customer engagement in phygital retailing: Study of antecedents and outcomes within the activity theory   Order a copy of this article
    by Fatma Choura, Oussama Jemai 
    Abstract: This research aims to study customer engagement in the context of phygital stores within the theoretical framework of activity theory. Phygital retailing is a form of hybrid retail combining connected and physical stores. Phygital stores are physical but totally connected and automated spaces. The objective is to test the impact of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, need for interaction and social support on consumer engagement and the impacts that consumer engagement can have on attitude toward using new technology and its reuse intention. A quantitative survey was conducted among 230 customers of banking phygital agencies using face to face questionnaires in a real context of service purchasing. The results confirm the positive influence of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and need for interaction on consumer engagement. The social support is not supported as a significant antecedent of consumer engagement. Concerning the outputs, consumer engagement influences significantly attitude and reuse intention. This research advances the literature on retailing by studying the cognitive and behavioural dimensions of engagement with reference to the activity theory.
    Keywords: phygital retail; customer engagement; activity theory; perceived ease of use; perceived usefulness; social interaction; attitude; reuse intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10057088
  • Online buying behaviour during and post-COVID-19: evidence from an emerging market   Order a copy of this article
    by Abdelhamid Bennani Bouchiba, Hanae Qabil, Harit Satt 
    Abstract: This study aims to forecast the consumers’ future online shopping intentions after the COVID-19 pandemic through consumers’ insights and behaviours with their online shopping experience. Therefore, the study attempts to examine the mediating role of e-customer satisfaction on expected e-service quality and perceived e-service quality that was conducted in the B2C context within the booming e-commerce industry in Morocco. This study employed a conceptual framework that combines factors from the American Customer Satisfaction Index and factors from the planned behaviour theory to evaluate customer satisfaction in the e-context as a mediator in several relationships. The study used 411 respondents to evaluate the suggested model using SmartPLS. The empirical results provide evidence on the significant impact of e-customer satisfaction on attitude towards online shopping, while it also has a mediating effect on its antecedents; expected e-service quality and perceived service quality. The prevailed framework confirms that all relationships between the constructs; expected e-service quality, perceived e-service quality, attitude toward online and e-customer satisfaction are highly significant. Moreover, attitude toward online has a significant positive impact on consumers switching intentions.
    Keywords: consumer behaviour; online shopping; service quality; customer satisfaction; SmartPLS; COVID-19.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10057387
  • Influential celebrities through brand co-creation by music video: how does it change perceived brand quality and impact on purchase intention?   Order a copy of this article
    by Zoe Nguyen, Tien Minh Dinh 
    Abstract: The objective of the study is to understand the effects, assess the influence of celebrities on brand engagement; user reviews of a MV co-created with the brand. Since then, have they changed anything in their overall brand quality perception and purchase intention? Is there any difference in outcome between the two generations Y and Z? The paper is conducted with qualitative and quantitative research methods, respectively. The most outstanding results are shown by evaluating the structural equation model (SEM). Research results show that all scales have reliability and convergence; all hypotheses are accepted, have positive effects in the same direction with path coefficients all above average. Research concepts are distinctive. The model does not have multi-collinearity. Mean values of five variables representing five research concepts are in the range (34) of the five-point Likert scale. In addition, there is a difference between the two generations with two variables attractive celeb. influencer and customer brand engagement. Regarding management implications, the research results help marketers and brand managers have a clearer view and have a more scientific. From there, it is possible to adjust and perfect the strategy and plan to build and develop the brand in the future.
    Keywords: attractive celeb. influencer; ACI; co-creation; customer brand engagement; CBE; multi-sensory marketing; perceived brand quality; PBQ; purchase intention.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10057388
  • The role of brand attitude and source credibility in the relationships between eWOM communication and brand preference: a moderated mediation analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by Meziyet Uyanik 
    Abstract: This study examines the relationship between eWOM communication and brand preference in social networking sites in the context of the mediating role of brand attitude and the moderating role of perceived credibility towards the eWOM message source. Determining the role of moderating and mediating variables in investigating the potential effect of social media communication, which has become an essential part of individual and mass communication, on consumer behaviour is vital in understanding the conditions under which eWOM messages have an effect. The data collected from 405 participants through a questionnaire were analysed using the SPSS PROCESS macro based on the bootstrap method. The results reveal a positive relationship between eWOM messages and brand attitude; this relationship was stronger when perceived source trustworthiness was higher. The study concluded that the indirect effect of eWOM messages on brand preference systematically changes based on the source trustworthiness perceived by the person. Moreover, eWOM messages do not affect brand preference among users with equal brand attitudes. Thus, the study contributes to a more detailed understanding of the effects of social eWOM messages on consumer attitudes and behaviours. The findings’ theoretical and managerial implications are discussed in the last section.
    Keywords: brand preference; brand attitude; source credibility; eWOM; social eWOM; social networking sites; SNSs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10057389
  • A positive self-congruence theoretic view of shopping mall consumers perceived risk in mobile commerce intentions   Order a copy of this article
    by Kathryn De Luca, Sigi Goode, Dennis Hart 
    Abstract: Shopping malls and mobile commerce both give consumers access to a large range of retailers. However, recent disruption, including COVID, has seen a rise in mobile commerce use for online shopping. This study examines how shopping mall consumers perceive m-commerce. Most prior explanations of m-commerce risk and attitude have adopted a usefulness approach. Despite the highly personal nature of smartphones and mobile devices, the role of the consumers sense of self has not been tested. The paper tests a model of m-commerce use intention based on usefulness, risk and self-congruence theory. The study uses a face-to-face intercept survey 127 shopping mall consumers to understand mall consumers perceptions. The results show that self-congruence can have a stronger effect than usefulness factors, affecting both perceived risk (= 0.20, p < 0.001) and attitude (= 0.33, p < 0.05), and indirectly affects intention to use m-commerce (= 0.16, p < 0.001). Perceived self-congruence is a useful addition to attitudinal models in consumer research, because our results show that self-congruence has a dominant effect on m-commerce risk attitudes.
    Keywords: shopping mall consumers; mobile commerce; risk; intention; self-congruence.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10057404
  • An empirical study on consumers intentions to use and WOM communication intentions for product deliveries by drone   Order a copy of this article
    by Zübeyir Çelik, İbrahim Aydın, Kaan Yiğenoğlu, Ayhan Cesur 
    Abstract: This study aims to explain consumer attitudes and intentions towards product delivery by drone. In the study, a model successfully tested in order to understand consumers attitudes towards drone delivery, usage intention and word of mouth communication. Perceived trust, functionality, hedonism, perceived risk and perceived innovativeness variables were also used in the model. In the study, the effects of some variables on each other were studied for the first time. An online survey was used to gather information from 385 Turkiye residents. While collecting data, list-based survey and sampling method were used. The results show that hedonism has a positive effect on attitude. Additionally, it has been seen that functionality has a positive effect on attitude and perceived trust. It has been understood that perceived trust also has a positive effect on attitude. Attitude has also been found to have a positive effect on the intention to use and WOM.
    Keywords: attitude; intention to use; perceived risk; product delivery by drone; Türkiye; WOM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10057503
  • Exploring the consumer preference for bank: a conjoint analysis approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Kushagra Kulshreshtha, Gunjan Sharma 
    Abstract: Much ink has been used to study bank selection criteria from the last couple of decades. However, it was observed that the previous research works were mostly based on the students’ samples using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), mean ranking, or descriptive analysis. Moreover, in the context of the bank, signalling theory and the issue of social desirability bias (SDB) were certainly not addressed. Thus, the purpose of this research was to explore the bank selection criteria of wealthy single urbanites (WSU) by proposing the technique i.e. conjoint analysis useful for avoiding SDB using signalling theory. With the sample of WSUs (n = 419), the study demonstrates that WSUs are more sensitive towards the attitude of employees and banks socially responsible actions, followed by the appearance of frontline employees, less crowded counters, availability of parking space, and opinion of friends in choosing any bank.
    Keywords: consumer preference; conjoint analysis; banks; customers; marketers; wealthy single urbanites; WSU; desirability bias; SDB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10057912
  • Gamification for e-retailing: findings and future insights   Order a copy of this article
    by Vytautas Dikcius, Karina Adomaviciute-Sakalauske, Sigita Kirse, Ignas Zimaitis 
    Abstract: Existing research on gamification and its impact on consumer engagement are diverse and fragmented. Most studies relate to education. A deeper analysis of gamification and its relation to e-retailing is required. This study aimed to explore the current state of research on gamification and its influence on customer behaviour in e-retail. The study comprised a systematic analysis of 6,587 articles published during 2000-2020 collected from 10 core databases using the PRISMA methodology. A total of 53 articles were selected for the final analysis. The results demonstrated high diversity in the measurements of gamification and the possibility to classify studies based on the abstraction level of gamification. There was a high number of different gamification elements that impact consumer behaviour in e-retail. Different theoretical backgrounds were used to explain the phenomenon of gamification. Lastly, the study revealed that gamification has a positive impact on various consumer behaviour outcomes.
    Keywords: gamification; typology; e-retailing; behavioural intention; systematic analysis; leader boards; points; badges; virtual gifts; game elements.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10058253
  • Personalisation and the purchase intention of consumer in omnichannel retailing: the mediating role of hedonic motivation and brand attachment   Order a copy of this article
    by Rachit Shrivastava, Sujit Kumar Dubey 
    Abstract: Personalisation is readily approaching the marketing domain through the fast-paced advancement of Big data analytics, the internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning (ML). The growing body of literature on the subject has examined the context of personalisation in online or offline retailing. Therefore, the present research work pressed the need to study it on both online and offline retailing channels, i.e., an omnichannel form of retailing. The study’s objective is to check the impact of personalisation on the customer’s purchase intention in the omnichannel retail setting. Moreover, the study inscribes hedonic motivation and brand attachment as the mediating constructs in the proposed conceptual model. The study conducted an empirical analysis with 409 customers in a major metropolitan city in India and used PLS.SEM technique to analyse the data. The finding of the study concluded with the positive impact of personalisation on the customer’s purchase intention. The present study proposed the future scope of the subject by suggesting the need to study personalisation on the specific touchpoints of omnichannel retailing in different geographical locations.
    Keywords: personalisation; omnichannel retailing; consumer buying behaviour; integrated marketing communication; IMCs; personalised marketing; customer relationship management; CRM; smart retailing; recommender system; brand attachment; hedonic motivation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10058254
  • Identifying and analytical evaluation of indicators of supply market intelligence of perishable products in online retailing   Order a copy of this article
    by Mana Shakerin, Mohammad Reza Taghva, Zohreh Dehdashti Shahrokh, Iman Raeesi Vanani 
    Abstract: Today, information is strategically important at all levels in businesses. For those operating in the field of selling perishable items online, effective access to the latest/newest ideas, standards, etc. is seen as even more crucial; however, perishables have limited shelf life and therefore are susceptible to being lost or wasted due to weak and inadequate analysis of data related to supply chain, customers, competitors, and other main influential factors. The current paper aimed to identify supply market intelligence indictors for perishable items. To this end, using Sandelowski and Barroso’s (2006) meta-synthesis method, 31 research studies were thoroughly reviewed and key indicators were extracted. Next, semi-structured interviews were conducted by local experts as to identify additional indicators. Purposive (judgemental) sampling was carried out based on expertise and experiential knowledge of individuals involved in e-commerce and perishables supply chain. A total of 90 indicators were developed in respect of supply chain, competitive intelligence, market intelligence, business intelligence and social business intelligence (social BI). As the findings indicated, the proper monitoring of indicators help managers to gain better insights into their businesses and achieve competitive advantages through improving supply chain efficiency and generating better customer understanding.
    Keywords: supply chain; market intelligence; market information; perishable products; online retailing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10058757
  • AI and human interaction in e-commerce platforms: analysing the consequential effects through empirical investigation   Order a copy of this article
    by Sunanjita Mahajan, Vinay Chauhan 
    Abstract: The rising ubiquity of AI-enabled chatbots in the e-commerce sector, as a substitute for human agents, necessitates investigating how their interactions with customers influence various customer outcomes. Rather than focusing solely on chatbot interactions, which prior research has substantially addressed, this paper empirically investigates if the impact of AI-enabled interaction and human interaction varies across behavioural outcomes. For the study objective, data is collected through an online survey and is subjected to structured equation modelling. The results reported that where human interaction significantly leads to engagement and advocacy, AI-enabled interaction surprisingly could only influence customer engagement and not advocacy behaviour. Moreover, the moderation analysis found that the complexity of the task presented to the service provider, AI-chatbot/human agent, significantly impacts the AI - enabled interaction and engagement relationship, but does not deter the ability of human agents to induce engagement. These results offer useful implications for e-retailers in integrating AI- backed technologies.
    Keywords: E-commerce; AI-interaction; human interaction; customer engagement; customer advocacy; task complexity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10058758
  • Role of online satisfying experience in luxury repurchase intention: a moderated-mediation approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Sheetal Jain 
    Abstract: Lately, online has become a key channel for luxury sales, and millennials are the main contributors to luxury sales growth on internet. Since, this generation is less brand loyal, it is a key challenge for marketers to retain them. In past, hardly any work has been performed to understand the factors affecting online luxury repurchase intention (OLRI), mainly in context of emerging societies. The main objective of this research is to understand the role of online satisfying experience (OSE) in the association between perceived values, brand trust and OLRI based on social exchange theory. A sample size of 233 was collected online from millennial luxury consumers in India using survey method. The findings showed that OSE is significantly related to brand trust and OLRI. Also, OSE was found to mediate the association between perceived values, brand trust and OLRI.
    Keywords: brand reputation; brand satisfaction; brand trust; India; online luxury repurchase intention; OLRI; social exchange theory; SET.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10058759
  • Mobile payment system usage behaviour in an emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Zaki Ferdaous, S.M. Shariful Haque, Md Chhali Uddin, Md. Mahedi Hasan 
    Abstract: This study aims to explore the key determinants of consumers’ usage behaviour (UB) of mobile payment systems with the extension of the UTAUT2 model with two additional constructs of perceived trust and perceived security. Data from a sample of 400 respondents were analysed with structural equation modelling (SEM) using SMART PLS 3 software. It was revealed that effort expectancy, perceived security, performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived trust, social influence, and habit have a significant positive effect on behavioural intention (BI) and indirectly affect the M-payment UB via the mediation effect of BI. The findings may provide valuable insights to the practitioners to develop effective marketing strategies for high customer attraction and retention. This study has made a unique theoretical contribution providing additional insights on the mediating role of consumers’ BI in relation to the seven predictor variables and M-payment UB in an emerging economy setting, expanding the understanding beyond prior UTAUT2-based studies that overlooked the indirect effect of related exogenous constructs on M-payment UB.
    Keywords: Bangladesh; behaviour intention; mobile payment; usage behaviour; UTAUT2; structural equation modelling; SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10058830
  • Exploring the relationship between store image attributes, satisfaction, behavioural intention, and marital status of grocery consumers: a moderated mediation analysis   Order a copy of this article
    by P. Parmod, Usha Arora, Farhat Akhtar, Prerna Tuteja, Abhishek Punia, Parveen Kumar 
    Abstract: This paper tests the causal relationships between store image attributes (SIA) and behavioural intentions (BI) in the Indian grocery context, with satisfaction (SAT) acting as a mediator. Further, it seeks to establish if the marital status of shoppers influences the relationships between SIA, BI, and SAT. For this purpose, data were collected through a standard questionnaire administered to 738 urban grocery shoppers, which was analysed using confirmatory factor analysis to validate the reliability and validity of the constructs. The findings highlight that satisfaction mediates the relationship between SIA and BI. The study enriches one’s insights into the interrelationships between SIA, SAT, and BI in India’s dynamic grocery market, which would help formulate targeted retailing and promotional strategies. The novelty of this study is the identification of marital status as a moderator in the relationship between SIA and BI, and SAT and BI, which contributes to the existing pertinent literature.
    Keywords: store image attributes; SIA; satisfaction; behavioural intention; BI; marital status; moderated mediation analysis; grocery retail store; confirmatory factor analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10059195
  • Review helpfulness in online settings: an analysis of informational and emotional content   Order a copy of this article
    by Betul Durkaya Kurtcan, Sebnem Burnaz 
    Abstract: Online reviews are increasingly becoming a helpful resource for customers in their purchase decisions. Their helpfulness appears to be an important asset to evaluate the effectiveness of online reviews. Based on elaboration likelihood model (ELM), this study focuses on the factors in online consumer reviews that can influence review helpfulness and how the impact generated by these factors varies according to product type. Several analytical processes are applied to gather information on review content, such as feature extraction, sentiment analysis, and emotion analysis. An analysis of 1,673 reviews from shows that rating, length, image count, polarity, anger, fear, joy, and trust in reviews affect review helpfulness positively while subjectivity, informativeness, anticipation, sadness, and surprise in reviews have negative influence on review helpfulness. Product type is found to moderate the impact of review length, image count, review subjectivity, review informativeness, and emotions such as sadness, disgust, and joy on review helpfulness.
    Keywords: online consumer reviews; review helpfulness; information extraction; sentiment analysis; emotion analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10059303
  • Influencer attractiveness, parasocial relationship formation and follower purchase intention: a serial mediating effect   Order a copy of this article
    by Sheena Lovia Boateng 
    Abstract: This paper explores the multidimensionality of influencer attractiveness and its impact on marketing outcomes. While influencer attractiveness is recognised as a dimension of influencer credibility, its individual dimensions and their effects on follower purchase intention have not been adequately explored. Addressing this gap, the paper employs the parasocial interaction theory and a survey to examine the influence of different dimensions of influencer attractiveness. The results indicate that the physical and social attractiveness of influencers contributes to the formation of an analogy to a social relationship. However, only social attractiveness directly leads to the development of an emotional connection between influencers and their followers. Furthermore, both emotional connection and analogy to social relationships were found to have a positive impact on follower purchase intention. These findings deepen our understanding of how influencer attractiveness affects the formation of parasocial relationships and influences follower purchase behaviour. Implications of these findings are discussed accordingly.
    Keywords: influencer attractiveness; parasocial interaction theory; social media influencers; relationship formation; emotional connection; purchase intention; serial mediation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10059526
  • Multi-level marketing and distributor’s retention: the effect of moderating role of distributor’s job satisfaction in an emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Amina Muhammad Liman, Muhammad Shaheer Nuhu, Zainab Lawal Gwadabe, Maryam Mustapha, Kaltume Mohammed Kamselem, Mohammed Sani Abdullahi 
    Abstract: This study examines the direct effect of multi-level marketing (MLM) reward systems, time flexibility in MLM business on distributors’ retention and moderating role of distributors’ job satisfaction on the relationship between MLM reward systems and time flexibility in MLM business and distributor’s retention. In this study survey method was conducted with a sample size of 384 respondents across the total population of MLM distributors, which was analysed using PLS-SEM version The findings of this study established that, the relationship between perceived attractiveness of MLM reward systems and distributors’ retention was supported, while that of time flexibility in MLM business reported an insignificant relationship, hence, rejected. Furthermore, the results revealed that distributor’s job satisfaction moderate the relationship between MLM reward system and distributor’s retention. Additionally, distributor’s JS does not moderate the association between time flexibility in MLM business and distributors’ retention.
    Keywords: distributors’ retention; job satisfaction; multi-level marketing; MLM; reward systems; time flexibility.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10059785
  • Consumer fear of financial crises during pandemic time and its effect on their buying intentions   Order a copy of this article
    by Nidal A. Darwish, Boshra F. Al-Janazreh, Mohammed Abdallrahman 
    Abstract: The article aims to analyse the moderating roles of the fear factor on the Palestinian consumer’s reluctance to purchase apparel in the context of the financial crisis that emerged due to the pandemic. The current study focuses on Palestine, a developing country in the Arab World suffering from several ongoing political and economic crises, making it an exceptional research context. The results showed that the pandemic crisis impacted the Palestinian reluctance to purchase apparel positively since the fear of the future financial situation of an individual is magnified due to the crisis. The fear of catching such a deadly disease also impacted the consumers’ perception and expectations about the future. In turn, Palestinian consumers were obligated to adopt a more rational and frugal lifestyle, which led to new behaviour trends, especially towards nonessentials. The study concludes that the fear factor has deepened the positive impact on the consumers’ reluctance to purchase apparel, which explains a large part of the apparel consumption drop.
    Keywords: pandemic crises; reluctance to purchase; fear factor; buying behaviour during crises; apparel; Palestine; COVID-19.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10059805
  • Twenty-three years of digital branding: systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Nurdin Hidayah, Vanessa Gaffar, Ayu Krishna Yuliawati 
    Abstract: This study aims to produce a systematic study of the literature regarding digital branding based on theory, context, characteristics and methods (TCCM). This study has examined 53 papers on digital branding that have been published from several reputable journal databases namely Scopus, ProQuest, Ebsco Host, Emerald, and Taylor & Francis using the systematic literature review methodology. Study results have shown that at least 20 theories are widely used in researching digital branding. Services, online business, and online communities are the most studied research contexts. Personal branding, destination branding, place branding, employer branding and studies on consumers are characteristics that are often found. In research methodology, researchers use more survey methods, case studies, content analysis, and mixed methods. In this study, we have also provided for future research which could become a research opportunity that has not been widely carried out in the field of digital branding.
    Keywords: digital branding; i-branding; online branding; e-branding; theory; context; characteristics and methods; TCCM; digital brand management; systematic literature review; SLR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10059806
  • With or without ads? A question for health apps   Order a copy of this article
    by Cláudia Cardoso, Cândida Sofia Machado, Natália Lemos 
    Abstract: In-app ads are a popular source of revenue, for apps, but there are other monetisation strategies. Payment-per-download or in-app purchase options may complement or substitute the in-app ads strategy. From a sample of health apps available in the Portuguese Google Play Store and Apple App Store, we use probability models to study how other monetisation strategies influence the likelihood of including in-app ads. We find that in-app ads revenue may substitute revenue from payment-per-download while the in-app purchase option seems to complement ads revenue. Our results also suggest that the monetisation strategies adopted cannot be dissociated from the choice of the app store.
    Keywords: in-app ads; monetisation models; health apps; Google Play Store; Apple App Store.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10060025
  • Exploring the relationship between Maslows needs theory and green purchase behaviour of Indian millennials: a structural equation modelling approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Amanpreet Kaur Mishra, Rahela Farooqi 
    Abstract: The research paper intends to integrate motivations and intentions to substantiate an intended green purchase behaviour in FMCG category. An amalgamation of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (HoN) theory and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) studies the green purchasing behaviour of Indian millennials. A survey of 651 millennial consumers across Indian metropolitan cities is used; the study examines the link between green purchasing intention and behaviour based on intrinsic motivation and validates it with a PLS-SEM model. The results suggest that millennials prioritise environmental responsibility and are motivated by self-actualisation, personal safety, and social norms when making green purchasing decisions of FMCG products. The findings provide insights and suggest implications for the marketers to appeal to the actualisation, safety and societal values and motivations of millennial consumers to drive sustainable consumption. The study highlights the significance of individual motives in understanding consumer behaviour and the potential for Maslow’s HoN theory to form sustainable marketing strategies.
    Keywords: green consumerism; green products; green purchase behaviour; Maslow’s hierarchy of needs; HoN; fast moving consumer goods; FMCG; theory of planned behaviour; TPB; partial least squares; PLS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10060079
  • Identifying key drivers of online impulse buying: evidence from National Capital Region of India   Order a copy of this article
    by Ravinder Kaur, Tanya Shaw, Suyash Mishra 
    Abstract: The practice of online impulse buying has grown in popularity due to the proliferation of e-commerce and ease in shopping it provides. This paper explores online impulse purchasing and its antecedents, such as website navigability, security, visual appeal, sales promotion, and hedonic web browsing in Indian internet shoppers context. Data was collected from the customers of the Delhi-NCR region (Gurugram, Noida, Ghaziabad and Delhi) who were engaged in online impulse shopping and examined using structural model SEM technique by using AMOS 23.0. The outcomes of the study stated that there is a positive link between online impulsive purchasing and various antecedents which helps managers in employing diverse tactics to incite consumers to purchase impulsively. This interesting attribute of the research helps us to appreciate the escalating trend of e-commerce in developing countries and provides us with momentous insights to perceive the impulse buying behaviour of online shoppers.
    Keywords: online impulse buying; website navigation; visual appeal; website security; hedonic web browsing; sales promotion; India.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10060184
  • Factors affecting the intention to use online food delivery services in an emerging economy   Order a copy of this article
    by Md. Mostafa Kamal, Zaki Ferdaous, Zarin Khan Moon, Md. Mahedi Hasan 
    Abstract: Online food delivery services have experienced significant growth and popularity in recent years. While scholarly research has explored various factors influencing customers intention to use online food delivery services (OFDS), the literature is still dispersed and fragmented in determining the factors in an emerging economy. This study merged the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and the technology acceptance model (TAM) with a context-specific construct trust. This study aims to determine the factors to propose a model for consumers intention to use OFDS in an emerging economy. The study tested the hypotheses using partial least squares-based structural equation modelling with data from 373 respondents. The findings revealed that consumers attitudes and intentions to use OFDS are significantly associated with perceived usefulness (PU), subjective norms (SN), and trust. Perceived ease of use significantly influenced perceived behavioural control and PU, whereas SN significantly determined trust. The attitude has a significant positive impact on the intention to use. This study contributes to the TPB and TAM theory filling the gap in the domain of online food delivery services in an emerging economy. From our study, academicians and firms can get fresh determinants of consumers intention to use OFDS.
    Keywords: attitudes; emerging economy; intentions; online food delivery services; OFDS; PLS-SEM; TPB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2023.10060887
  • Building brand trust via social media influencers: the role of vicarious product experience, perceived influencer credibility and congruence   Order a copy of this article
    by Sudhir Bhatia, Nancy Jyani, Harbhajan Bansal 
    Abstract: The content posted by social media influencers is a crucial source of product information for the social media users. The study focused on brand trust formation via social media influencer mechanism and its subsequent impact on intent to purchase. We examined the effects of product experience offered via the content posted by the social media influencers, perceived influencer credibility, and congruence over brand trust by drawing a sample of 217 respondents who were active followers of any social media influencer. Findings indicate that vicarious product experience, perceived influencer credibility, and self-influencer congruency are strong predictors of brand trust. It has been demonstrated that brand trust has a significant positive impact on purchase intention. We examined an unexplored dimension of consumer behaviour wherein changing patterns of information acquisition, product evaluation via social media influencers, and vicarious product experience influence brand trust and purchase intention for the promoted product.
    Keywords: social media influencer; vicarious product experience; VPE; brand trust; influencer credibility; influencer marketing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10068256
  • The influence of diverse usage motives on the amount of social media use: the moderating effects of age and gender   Order a copy of this article
    by Ozge Kirezli, Asli Elif Aydin 
    Abstract: Social media usage seem to invade individual’s daily life, however recent studies initiate the idea that, individuals use social media for different motives. This study intends to study diverse social media usage motives and the amount of social media used across age and gender groups. Data were collected from 384 participants in Turkey, and structural equation modelling is employed for hypotheses testing. The results suggest that the impact of coping and social motive on social media usage are significant, which indicate that individuals lean to social media either to deal with negative feelings or to feel a sense of connectedness. It is also revealed that, the influence of diverse motives on social media use is the same across genders. On the other hand, the moderating effect of age is significant. Specifically, it is demonstrated that the relationship between enhancement motive and social media use is more potent for younger users.
    Keywords: social media usage motives; amount of social media use; coping motive; social motive; enhancement motive; conformity motive.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10061588
  • Employees perception on financial performance and corporate governance in commercial banks   Order a copy of this article
    by Padam Dongol, Sajeeb Kumar Shrestha 
    Abstract: Generally, corporate governance plays an important role to maintain the security and reliability of financial system and banking sector. Corporate governance paves a way to balance risk-taking and improves business prudence, affluence, and corporate accountability with crucial aims to realise the interest of long-term stakeholders. This research examines corporate governance models and their impacts on banks financial performance with 425 participants in evidence of Nepalese commercial banks. Here, return on asset (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) is exploited as an indicator of financial performance. The factors considered in this work are corporate governance policies and practices, the board size, disclosure policies and practices, gender diversity, diversity of ethnic groups, diversity of the ethnic group, diversity of scheduled castes, and diversity of the low-income group. In addition, analysis is carried out by using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for the obtained data. Also, it finds the relationship between corporate governance and financial performance variables using the Pearson correlation, regression, frequency analysis, statistics descriptive, ANOVA analysis, and performance analysis. The analysis is conducted with female frequency (53.6%) more than that of males (46.4%).
    Keywords: corporate governance; financial performance; banks; Nepal; board size.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10061626
  • Customer experience dimensions as a linking apparatus between service quality and word of mouth in multichannel banking context   Order a copy of this article
    by Nidhi Verma, Mandeep Kaur 
    Abstract: India is on the cusp of the digital revolution. The rising internet and smartphone penetration have altered the digital DNA of India. With the global push toward digitisation, the banking industry has advanced to multichannel banking. In light of this context, the article aims to establish the relationship among service quality, dimensions of customer experience, and word of mouth. Social exchange theory and the SOR model provide strong support for the relationship between the variables. The analysis has been based on 834 multichannel bank customers in Punjab. The PLS-SEM-SEM.0.8.7 software package has been employed to apply CFA and SEM for analysing the data. A certain complementary matrix, such as PLS-predict, has also been referred to check the results’ robustness. The findings revealed a significant relationship among service quality, dimensions of customer experience, and WOM in both traditional and electronic banking contexts. Further, the author tried to gauge the role of CE dimensions as a linking apparatus between service quality and WOM.
    Keywords: customer experience; Schmitt’s dimensions; service quality; word of mouth; multichannel banking; PLS-SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10068154
  • The psychology of online shopping: how past failures can affect future intentions   Order a copy of this article
    by Amjad Ur Rehman, Asif Mahmood, Shahid Bashir, Mazhar Iqbal 
    Abstract: In today’s competitive global environment, it is crucial to understand customers’ online buying behaviour, especially in emerging nations. This study examines the relationship between online shopping drivers (OSDs), which includes (performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence and facilitating conditions) and online shopping intention (OSI) by introducing personal failure as a moderator. Data from 361 developing country customers (Pakistani internet shoppers) collected through judgemental sampling were analysed using SmartPLS. The results highlight effort expectancy’s contribution to OSI and the moderating role of personal failure between social influence and OSI. This study pioneers the exploration of personal failure’s significance as a moderator within the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) framework. This research contributes to theory expansion and practical insights for enhancing e-commerce effectiveness, considering the impact of personal failure in the relationship between OSDs and OSI.
    Keywords: online shopping drivers; OSDs; online shopping intention; OSI; personal failure; e-retailing; electronic retailing; UTAUT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10061719
  • Venturing into metaverse - the future of marketing! A qualitative study understanding consumer adoption of metaverse in a digital world   Order a copy of this article
    by Vijay Kumar Jain, Preeti Sharma, Shipra Agarwal, Vijay Prakash Anand 
    Abstract: Metaverse is seen by businesses as a cutting-edge way to interact with clients and generate new business prospects. Metaverse is one of the methods for creating a brand that appeals to consumers’ emotions and encourages success, demand, and enduring client loyalty. The objective of this study is to determine the drivers that propel consumer acceptance of the metaverse, which enables businesses to engage with clients in ways that set them apart. The current study identifies the relationships between the drivers of metaverse adoption and prioritise them using the interpretive structural modelling (ISM). The study reveals that enjoyment, perceived quality satisfaction, ease of use and hardware requirement are most important drivers for metaverse adoption. The findings of the study will help retailers to give their customers highly customised shopping experiences by bringing physical objects into virtual settings. It will further help marketers to promote metaverse marketing further as it provides companies with a unique chance to investigate new avenues for expansion, consumer outreach, and frequent shopper engagement.
    Keywords: digital ownership; augmented reality; non-fungible token; NFT; augmented personalisation; immersive environment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10061754
  • The influence of the servicescape on attitude, perceptions and commitment to e-store brands   Order a copy of this article
    by Mercy Mpinganjira 
    Abstract: For online retail brands that have no offline presence, their website represents the only servicescape through which to engage with customers. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of website quality on commitment to e-store brands. Data was collected from 401 online customers of purely online retail brands in South Africa using a structured questionnaire. Structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. The findings show that website quality exerts significant influence on the perceived usefulness of an e-store’s website in terms of its ability to facilitate online shopping, and on attitude towards an e-store brand which in turn influence commitment to e-store brands. The findings provide important managerial insights into the role of the servicescape in influencing commitment to online store brands and can be used by managers to develop on-page branding strategies that enhance e-store website effectiveness. It contributes to theory by presenting an integrated conceptual model that explains commitment to e-store brands through the influence of the servicescape.
    Keywords: attitude towards e-store brands; commitment; stimulus organism response model; website quality; South Africa.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062186
  • The impact of perceived social media marketing activities on customer equity: a case study of a single training services provider   Order a copy of this article
    by Nehal Nabil Nasef, Tanja Sedej 
    Abstract: The purpose of this research was to examine the relationships between perceived social media marketing activities, customer equity, and customer equity drivers, namely value equity, relationship equity, and brand equity, in the training context, which has never been addressed before by existing literature. Thus, a quantitative case study of a single training provider was undertaken. Data were collected randomly via an online survey from 233 last-year trainees from the chosen training provider and analysed using simple regression. The findings revealed that: 1) there are five social media marketing activities perceived by training providers: entertainment, interaction, trendiness, customisation, and electronic word-of-mouth; 2) their effect on customer equity and its drivers is significantly positive; 3) the greatest impact was on brand equity, value equity, and relationship equity, respectively. The intention of this study is to can assist training providers in managing their assets and marketing efforts via social media.
    Keywords: social media; marketing; marketing communication; customer equity; customer equity drivers; brand equity; relationship equity; value equity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062187
  • Influence of review attributes on e-shoppers’ adoption and their word-of-mouth intention: mediating role of perceived control   Order a copy of this article
    by Tata Sai Vijay, Sanjeev Prashar 
    Abstract: Online reviews pertain to electronic word-of-mouth communication facilitated by internet technology and include various derived attributes. However, the impact of these derived attributes, specifically the perceived sense of control, has not been explored in existing studies. This study has employed S-O-R model to address the gap by examining the mediating role of perceived control in the association between traits of online reviews and review adoption and word-of-mouth intention. Data solicited from 320 respondents was subjected to structural equation modelling using AMOS22.0. From the findings, direct impact of argument quality, source credibility and usage frequency of reviews was observed on perceived control. However, these variables had indirect effect on review adoption. Another finding included a significant impact of review adoption on word-of-mouth intention. The review attributes were observed to impact the reviews' adoption, and word-of-mouth intention albeit through perceived control. Based on the findings, theoretical and managerial implications have been proposed.
    Keywords: source credibility; information credibility; volume of reviews; Word-of-mouth intention; S-O-R model; usage frequency of reviews; consumer reviews.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062323
  • Influence of online brand community factors on customer brand engagement: mediating role of collective psychological ownership   Order a copy of this article
    by Amanish Lohan, Akash Saharan 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the influence of factors of online brand communities (OBC) on customer brand engagement (CBE). Specifically, this study examines the role of community related factors including OBC experience, community relationship investment (CRI) and self-congruity (SC) on CBE towards the brand. It examines the role of collective psychological ownership (CPO) as a mediator between antecedents of CBE. Using social exchange theory, a conceptual research model is developed and empirically tested through structural equation modelling using cross-sectional data of 251 members of online brand community. PLS-SEM was used for analysis. Results suggest that community related factors influence an individual’s CBE towards the brand, which also leads to higher brand equity. Findings also reveal that CPO strengthens the relationship between community related factors and CBE. In addition, the study shows the importance of CPO in predicting CBE. This study allows marketers to navigate through OBCs and design promotion strategies by creating meaningful experiences for the members. It also provides marketers with the tools to create a framework tapping into the collective will of the community.
    Keywords: online brand communities; collective psychological ownership; customer engagement; community relationship investment; self-congruity; structural equation modelling.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062670
  • Technical factors impacting e-commerce adoption in MSMEs, especially the garment industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Suraj Kumar, K. Francis Sudhakar 
    Abstract: The Indian market has experienced a notable surge in the adoption of e-commerce as a viable and sustainable alternative to conventional selling methods. However, the industry encounters various challenges when it comes to ensuring its long-term viability. This research aims to create a model using the TOE framework and the TAM model to quantitatively analyse factors influencing e-commerce adoption. The clothing industry in India, which employs 73% of women and generated $100 billion in 2019 and $220 billion by 20252026, is closely linked to the countrys economy. Factors influencing e-commerce adoption include relative advantage, compatibility, perceived usefulness, ease of use, and support for micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The study also examines the moderating role of MSMEs employee designation in the relationship between influencing factors. The analysis using partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) indicates a significant correlation between the technological factor, perceived usefulness, ease of use, and e-commerce adoption. Significant indirect effects were found between relative advantage, compatibility, and e-commerce adoption in the mediation study. Respondent designation significantly moderates ease of use and e-commerce adoption. The findings can help economists and MSME decision-makers develop strategies for market development through e-commerce adoption.
    Keywords: e-commerce; e-commerce adoption; MSME; garment industry; technological; organisational and environmental; TOE; technology acceptance model; TAM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062671
  • Impact of social media marketing on purchase intentions of cosmetic brands: the mediating role of equity drivers   Order a copy of this article
    by Fariya, Ashu Saini 
    Abstract: Social media has become crucial for marketing in the modern era. This study examines the impact of social media marketing initiatives on purchase intention through a mediating effect of three equity drivers. Snowball sampling was used for data collection. Using a quantitative approach, data from 371 female cosmetic users from Delhi and Noida was collected through a self-administered questionnaire. PLS-SEM was used for analysing the structural model. The results suggest that social media marketing initiatives significantly influence relationship equity, value equity, brand equity, and purchase intentions. Moreover, relationship equity and value equity both partially mediate the relationship between social media marketing initiatives and purchase intention. Contrary, brand equity has no mediating effect between social media marketing initiatives and purchase intention. These findings offer valuable insights for future researchers and marketers of cosmetic companies, enhancing comprehension of the impact of social media marketing initiatives on consumers’ intentions to buy cosmetic brands.
    Keywords: cosmetic brands; social media marketing; relationship equity; value equity; brand equity; purchase intention; PLS-SEM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062672
  • What drives impulse buying in live streaming commerce in Indonesia: a case of TikTok Live Shopping   Order a copy of this article
    by Nyana Vaddhano, Lydia Ari Widyarini 
    Abstract: This study tries to evaluate the effects of streamer credibility dimensions and scarcity persuasion on pleasure and arousal emotional states and also assess the effects of pleasure and arousal on impulse buying behaviour on the TikTok Live Shopping platform. This study collected data from 180 frequent users of the TikTok Live Shopping platform in Indonesia. PLS-SEM was employed to confirm the relationships in the proposed model. The results of this study showed that all of the dimensions of streamer credibility, which consist of streamer attractiveness, streamer trustworthiness, and streamer expertise, significantly influence pleasure, while only streamer attractiveness has a positive and significant influence on arousal. Limited time scarcity is a significant antecedent of arousal, while limited quantity scarcity does not influence TikTok Live Shopping users’ arousal. Lastly, both pleasure and arousal are significant predictors of impulse buying behaviour in TikTok Live Shopping.
    Keywords: live streaming commerce; streamer credibility; scarcity persuasion; pleasure arousal dominance model; stimulus-organism-response model.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062673
  • Mapping the intellectual structure and global research trend of eWOM: a bibliometric analysis using Scopus database   Order a copy of this article
    by Kavita Verma, Kapil Malhotra 
    Abstract: Marketers need to have a deeper understanding of how consumers view and evaluate electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) content on multiple social media sites, to facilitate consumers’ purchasing decisions. This study aims to provide a comprehensive bibliometric review of academic literature regarding eWOM. Using the well-framed search string, 634 articles were retrieved from the Scopus-indexed prestigious journals, and VOSviewer software with the Biblioshiny app using RStudio was applied to visualise and analyse the dataset from 2003 to 2023. The findings indicate a growing interest in eWOM research recently. The majority of the studies were conducted in developed countries like the USA and the UK. The observed outcomes are found controvert with bibliometric laws, i.e., Bradford’s law and Lotka’s law. Furthermore, citation analysis and bibliographic coupling analysis reveal existing conceptual research structure and also propose potential research avenues on eWOM investigations in online consumer behaviour using different social media platforms.
    Keywords: electronic word-of-mouth; eWOM; bibliometric analysis; RStudio; VOSviewer; network analysis; online review; social media platforms.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10062707
  • Understanding intention to recommend e-banking: a moderated mediation approach to analyse the role of customer satisfaction and perceived risk   Order a copy of this article
    by Vikas Chauhan 
    Abstract: The current work aims to comprehend consumers’ intention to recommend (IR) innovative e-banking services comprehensively by analysing the moderating influence of perceived risk and the mediating effect of customer satisfaction (CS). The current research has integrated theories such as expectation confirmation theory (ECT), technology acceptance model (TAM), and user acceptance of hedonic information systems (UAHIS). Structural equation modelling was used to examine 721 usable responses collected from the Indian users of various e-banking platforms. Further, the study applied a moderated mediation approach to better predict IR by mediating the effect of CS and moderating the role of perceived risk. The findings revealed that expectation confirmation, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and perceived enjoyment (PE) show a significant effect on recommendation intentions. These effects were mediated by CS which varied between high and low perceived risk in e-banking.
    Keywords: intention to recommend; e-banking; internet banking; perceived enjoyment; perceived risk; moderated mediation; customer satisfaction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10063189
  • Unveiling the power of voice assistants in marketing and consumer behaviour: a bibliometric study   Order a copy of this article
    by Hardeep Chahal, Mehak Mahajan 
    Abstract: Voice assistants (VA) mark the voice revolution in Marketing 4.0. Consumers increasing engagement with socially, technically, and emotionally sophisticated forms of VA necessitates future research to move forward in the direction of human-VA interaction. The study strives to map the intellectual structure of VA in marketing and consumer behaviour using the scientific procedures and rationales for systematic literature reviews protocol and bibliometric analysis techniques, including performance analysis (citation analysis) and science mapping (keyword co-occurrence analysis, co-citation analysis, bibliographic coupling and theoretical lenses). The analysis of 127 journal articles reveal the most influential authors, landmark publications, leading journals, top organisations and countries. The co-occurrence analysis extracts artificial intelligence, anthropomorphism, chatbots, trust, and VA as the most frequently used keywords in the literature. Further, bibliographic coupling reveals four major themes forming the extant literature-base, including anthropomorphism, consumer experience with artificial intelligence, service experience with chatbots, and consumer reactions towards VA. Furthermore, prominent theories underpinning the human-VA interaction literature, such as the technology acceptance model and parasocial interaction theory, are also identified. The study contributes by designing a comprehensive human-VA interaction framework (antecedents, mediators, moderators and outcomes) and provides future research directions to advance research on VA in marketing and consumer behaviour.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; bibliometric analysis; consumer behaviour; marketing; systematic literature review; SLR; voice assistants.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10063205
  • To improve online banking users’ experience: a comprehensive perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Nguyen-Khai Hoang, Nam Tien Duong, Thuy Dung Pham Thi 
    Abstract: This study seeks to understand the factors that influence the loyalty intentions of online banking users. We employ the technology acceptance model (TAM) and security risk trust (SRT) model, using prospect theory as a theoretical framework, enriching it with variables such as perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived risk, security, privacy, and trust. This study surveyed online banking users in Vietnam and collected 501 valid questionnaires. The PLS-SEM was used to test all the hypotheses. The empirical findings indicate that perceived risk has a negative impact on trust, PU, and PEOU. In contrast, both security and privacy have positive effects on these three parameters. Moreover, trust, PU, and PEOU all directly bolster the loyalty intention of users. Finally, perceived security acts as a precursor to perceived risk. The findings offer theoretical and practical insights on how to enhance customers’ loyalty intention.
    Keywords: online banking; intention; loyalty; technology acceptance model; TAM; prospect theory; security risk trust; SRT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10063570
  • Insights from bibliometric analysis on artificial intelligence-integrated digital marketing   Order a copy of this article
    by Nishita Pruthi, Rohit Bansal 
    Abstract: This study aims at providing insights from the bibliometric analysis of artificial intelligence-integrated digital marketing. This analysis is based on 379 documents extracted from the Scopus database. Performance analysis is used to find publication and citation trends, most influential articles, most contributed authors, sources and countries. Co-occurrence analysis is done to identify the most collaborated authors and countries. Bibliographic coupling and content analysis were performed to identify major themes in the existing literature on artificial intelligence in digital marketing. Findings revealed 8 major clusters, i.e., fraud detection, ANN approach, prediction based on deep learning, AI-assisted social media marketing, CTR prediction, AI-assisted B2B digital marketing, recommendation system and online reviews analysis. Future researchers can consider the major findings that are revealed in this analysis. The findings may assist practitioners in optimising their digital marketing strategy as they can identify the usage of artificial intelligence in various relevant fields of digital marketing.
    Keywords: artificial intelligence; digital marketing; bibliometric; data mining; deep learning; social media marketing; neural networks; artificial neural network; ANN; fraud detection; CTR prediction.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10063571
  • Consumer behaviours in choosing between Windows OS or Mac OS   Order a copy of this article
    by Debra Hooks, Zachary Davis, Vikas Agrawal, Zonghui Li 
    Abstract: This research examines users’ preference to select a Windows operating system or a Mac operating system by integrating congruence with brand and brand engagement as primary determining factors. A consumer’s familiarity with a brand is a precursor to adopting a brand, and consequent brand allegiance. To represent the uniqueness of brand adoption, this study proposes two external constructs (brand engagement and congruence with brand) and three influential determinants (self-efficacy with brand, brand relationship, and choice heuristic) to determine user attitudes towards selecting a particular operating system brand and adoption of a particular brand. We use latent variable modelling to illustrate that self-efficacy with brand and brand engagement positively influence the adoption of a Mac operating system whereas brand relationship, congruence with brand, choice heuristic and age positively influence the adoption of a Windows operating system. This research provides insight regarding the consumer attributes associated with operating system brand selection.
    Keywords: brand adoption; brand engagement; consumer behaviour; congruence with brand; self-efficacy with brand; brand relationship; choice heuristic; operating system; Mac; Windows.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10063981
  • Unifying parasocial interaction with social media influencers: a systematic literature review   Order a copy of this article
    by Shweta Saini, Rohit Bansal 
    Abstract: The social media revolution has reshaped our media landscape, with a spotlight on parasocial interaction with influencers. Examining 129 articles from Scopus and Web of Science, this study explores the intricacies of publication trends, sources, regional contributions, data collection methods, and analytical approaches. We scrutinise antecedents, mediators, moderators, and outcomes within PSI with SMIs. Witness a surge in interest, particularly from Europe and Asia, reflecting a steady growth in publication activity. The research employs both qualitative and quantitative methods, highlighting a notable uptick in online survey usage. As a noteworthy conclusion, a forward-thinking theoretical framework connects with existing research, contributing to the literature and outlining a roadmap for future investigations into parasocial interaction with social media influencers.
    Keywords: parasocial interaction; social media influencer; parasocial relationships; influencer; systematic literature review; SLR.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10064118
  • Does the availability of digital payment sway consumer buying behaviour?   Order a copy of this article
    by Harish Kumar, Rajni Sofat, Sargam Bahl Walia, Megha Sharma, Anuj, Priyanka Purohit 
    Abstract: The market is currently saturated with internet-based services, including digital payment. The study investigates the effects of behavioural intention and consumer purchasing behaviour on performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating factors, and digital payment availability. It also studies the function of behavioural intention as a mediator between independent and dependent variables. In Uttarakhand, India, surveys were utilised to learn about digital payment practices. To test hypotheses, we used SmartPLS-3.0. Overall, customer purchasing behaviour was influenced positively by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating factors, and digital payment availability. Behavioural intention, on the other hand, somewhat mediated the link between performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, and consumer buying behaviour, and fully mediated the association between effort expectancies, social influence, digital payment availability, and consumer buying behaviour. The findings of this study could aid FinTech firms, banks, payment gateways, and governments in developing user-friendly technology enhancements, regulatory laws, and frameworks to make digital payments better and more accessible to everyone.
    Keywords: digital payment; UTAUT model; digital payment availability; DPAV; behavioural intention; consumer buying behaviour; CBB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10064442
  • Is F-commerce a piece of cake for Gen Z? Rise of campus entrepreneurs in post-pandemic era   Order a copy of this article
    by Shahrin Ashraf, Md. Tanvir Alam Himel, Sabekun Nahar 
    Abstract: Analysing from social capital and source credibility theory, the study suggested a few manifest content and latent content triggering campus entrepreneurship growth, relying particularly on the Facebook platform due to their ubiquitous network base. Forty-five campus entrepreneurs from five public university campuses were chosen through snowball sampling and were probed by means of semi-structured interviews which were transcribed, coded and sorted into contents. The study pursued netnographic research among campus entrepreneurs and their virtual businesses to unravel the growth factors of F-commerce spanning the dark age of pandemic and new normal age. The exploratory study findings suggested six contents: social connectedness, youthful nature of platform, knowledge sharing, perceived trust among networked members, ease of interaction and the ease of cashless transaction to be the principal drivers of growth, all help kick-starting these virtual operations. The study explored the qualitative viewpoint of startup’s insurgence by student entrepreneurs in their respective campuses.
    Keywords: social capital theory; source credibility theory; campus entrepreneurs; F-commerce; pandemic; Bangladesh.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10064991
  • Exploring the ties between luxury brand experiences, social status, luxury purchases, prosocial behaviours, and materialism: a case of millennials on social media   Order a copy of this article
    by Kirti Pahuja, Pradip H. Sadarangani 
    Abstract: This research proposes that millennials’ consumption of social status from luxury brands is a function of their brand experiences inside luxury brand communities (LBCs), and social status explains consumers’ luxury purchase intentions and prosocial behaviours. The theoretical framework is tested with the data collected from 279 millennials in India via purposive sampling and by employing the structural equation modelling technique. Results indicate that millennials’ social status is influenced by their experiences with the luxury brands inside LBCs. Social status stimulates consumers’ intentions to purchase the brand and to perform prosocial behaviours. Materialism moderates the effect of social status on brand purchase intentions and prosocial behaviours. Current research contributes to the nascent theory on luxury consumption among millennials by depicting the drivers, consequences, and moderating mechanisms associated with their social status consumption inside LBCs. This study has implications for the managers focusing on millennials as the key luxury target segment.
    Keywords: luxury consumption; social status; millennials; brand experience; purchase intentions; prosocial behaviour; materialism; luxury brand communities; LBCs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10065784
  • Deceptive temptations: unveiling the impact of perceived deception in social media marketing on the behavioural intentions of online buyers in the fast-food industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Shaista Kamal Khan, Anji Benhamed, Gamal S.A. Khalifa, Rashid Ashraf, Safaa A.M. El-Aidie 
    Abstract: This study explores how online fast-food consumers identify new forms of deception in social media platforms through deceptive marketing tactics. It investigates the relationship between perceived deception in social media marketing and behavioural intentions among online users, with the mediating effects of consumer satisfaction, risk, and trust. Additionally, the study evaluates the role played by deceptive social media marketing and how it influences customer behaviour in the fast-food industry. A quantitative approach was used through a structural equation model in a population sample of 384 online consumers. The measurement model and structural relationships were evaluated using PLS-SEM 3 and SPSS 22.0 to develop a model and study the relationship between perceived deception in social media marketing on the behavioural intention of online buyers in the fast-food industry. The obtained results indicate a significant negative effect of perceived deception in social media marketing on consumer satisfaction and trust and a significant positive effect on risk. Most of the advanced hypotheses were accepted and substantiated with the support of previous studies. Only a few hypotheses were rejected due to differences in psychographic culture, individual philosophy, and economic conditions across countries in the MENA region.
    Keywords: perceived deception in social media marketing; consumer satisfaction; risk; trust; purchasing intention; MENA region.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10065890
  • Unravelling the transition: an examination of crucial factors influencing online buying behaviour post-COVID-19   Order a copy of this article
    by Pushkar Dubey, Satish Kumar Sahu, Kailash Kumar Sahu 
    Abstract: The advent of COVID-19 pandemic has caused rapid transition of consumers from traditional shopping behaviour to online shoppers. Among the several variables, the present study aims to investigate key variables such as perceived usefulness (PU), ease of purchase (EOP), social influence (SI), and consumer trust (CT), that shape online purchasing decisions amongst the populace of central India. The study targeted learners from Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University Chhattisgarh. Simple random sampling was applied and collected data using Google forms. Out of over 1,200 responses received, 1,060 were deemed suitable for subsequent analysis. Respondents who had experienced at least one online transaction were considered for this research. The analysis uncovers that PU, EOP, and SI hold a considerable association with online purchasing intentions, while CT shows a more tenuous link. These findings are discussed extensively in the study.
    Keywords: online purchase intention; OPI; perceived usefulness; ease of purchase; EO; social influence; consumer trust; COVID-19 pandemic.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10066005
  • Customer sentiments on neobanking   Order a copy of this article
    by Shiv Ratan Agrawal, Divya Mittal 
    Abstract: The present study tries to explore customer sentiments toward neobanking empirically, which is lacking in the extant literature as it is a recent FinTech innovation. We extracted positive and negative sentiments as well as the emotions associated with them from 2,167 comments on 35 videos about neobanking on YouTube. To estimate the explanatory power of all sentiments on the like option, we employed NB2 analysis. The study found that all pleasant customer sentiments about neobanking on YouTube significantly and positively influence viewers to like them, except for anticipation. However, the study reported that unpleasant customer sentiments about neobanking partially influence viewers to like them. In particular, unpleasant sentiments such as sadness, fear, and disgust were not found to be significant in influencing viewers. The identified pleasant and unpleasant emotions about neobanking should be further explored with larger datasets. This study is a pioneering systematic empirical work on neobanking to guide bankers and academics around the world.
    Keywords: neobank; neobanking; customer sentiment; sentiment analysis.

  • How query understanding of AI-chatbot messages impacts consumers purchase intention and informedness toward high involvement products   Order a copy of this article
    by Halimberdy Gharajeh 
    Abstract: This study aims to investigate how the query understanding of an AI-chatbot affects customers’ purchase intention and informedness toward the corresponding product involvement. The study applied structural equation model. The data were collected using an online questionnaire survey which was posted to a convenience sample of 325 Turkish customers of smart phones as a high involvement product and data was analysed by SmartPLS. The results show that a higher level of query understanding of a chatbot messages enhances informedness of consumer, thus, their purchase intention through a sense of understanding of the product. Furthermore, this study proposes that informedness has a core role in purchasing high involvement products. This study is one of the first to study the effect of query understanding of chatbots in context of high involvement products.
    Keywords: query understanding; artificial intelligence; AI; purchase intention; product involvement; informedness.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10066048
  • Enhancing competitive edge: an empirical analysis of marketing strategies associated with the customer purchase decision-making process in the nutritional supplement industry   Order a copy of this article
    by Supattana Sukrat, Potchanan Na Ranong 
    Abstract: This research explores the challenges faced by online entrepreneurs in formulating effective marketing strategies for nutritional supplements. Focusing on content marketing, influencer marketing, and e-WOM marketing, we conducted an online survey with 400 respondents from social commerce customers in Thailand to analyse their relationship to the customer purchase decision-making process. Utilising the partial least squares approach, the study reveals that all three marketing strategies significantly influence the five stages of the decision-making process. The findings contribute valuable insights to consumer behaviour research, equipping marketers and business owners with effective strategies for promoting businesses through social media channels.
    Keywords: marketing strategy; content marketing; influencer marketing; e-WOM marketing; customer decision-making process.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10066376
  • Prediction of customer acceptance of artificial intelligence technology in Indian retail banks: a sentiment analysis approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Swaraj S. Bharti, Kanika Prasad, Shwati Sudha 
    Abstract: Artificial intelligence-enabled banking in India is in progress and requires attention to customer acceptance. Customers tend to generate data in the form of textual words regarding their experience of a product or service in banks. This unstructured information is derived from open-ended sources, such as social media (Twitter) and news articles. Therefore, the study analyses customer acceptability through a sentiment analysis approach. The input dataset between 2017 and 2022 is subjected to RStudio and Python languages, which utilises a netnographic research approach for categorising the tweets as positive or negative based on the polarity of the words. The study found that positive, surprise, and anticipation were major emotions indicated by the users. Customer experience, chatbot, digital, data, and reform are found to be critical in critically determining customer acceptability in banks. This study will guide AI designers and business managers during the implementation of AI in retail Indian banks.
    Keywords: sentiment analysis; India; retail banks; supervised machine learning; netnography; customers; text mining.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10066859
  • Revolutionising Indian banking: unveiling the customer experience in the era of FinTech innovations through the lens of technology acceptance model   Order a copy of this article
    by Maryam Meraj, Jahangir Chauhan, Aqsa Anjum, Dilpreet Kaur 
    Abstract: This study explores the interaction between FinTech and traditional banking sector in India, focusing on how FinTech products (FTPs) influence commercial banks’ performance using non-financial indicators like customer satisfaction and employee support expectations. Utilising a quantitative methodology, data was collected through questionnaires from commercial bank customers across India and analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM) via AMOS software. The findings reveal that the perceived usefulness (PU) and ease of use (PEOU) of FTPs significantly enhance customer satisfaction, reducing reliance on bank employees. Conversely, perceived difficulties (PD) with FTPs negatively impact satisfaction, increasing dependency on employee assistance. These insights highlight FTPs’ crucial role in improving operational efficiency and provides valuable guidance for commercial banks aiming to optimise their service delivery and customer engagement strategies.
    Keywords: FinTech products; FTPs; commercial banks; customer satisfaction; employee support; bank performance; structural equation modelling; SEM; technology acceptance model; TAM.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10068158
  • Illuminating the path: historical trends and future directions in customer attitude research - a bibliometric perspective   Order a copy of this article
    by Tamanna, Pratibha Bhardwaj 
    Abstract: In todays fast-changing business environment, comprehending customer attitudes has become essential for securing a competitive edge and ensuring enduring success. This article conducts a systematic review of existing research on customer attitude, utilising the scientific procedures and rationales for systematic literature reviews (SPAR-4-SLR) as a review protocol and bibliometric analysis as the methodological approach. Drawing on bibliographic data from 1,468 articles sourced from Scopus, this review highlights prominent authors, countries, institutions, articles, and themes in customer attitude research spanning the past 50 years (1975-2024). The field of customer attitude research has demonstrated solid publication productivity and impact, with significant contributions from a variety of authors, institutions, countries, and journals. The eight primary themes are identified and concluded with suggested directions for future research on customer attitude. This review provides both academic and practical insights into the field of customer attitude by offering actionable guidance for both scholars and practitioners.
    Keywords: customer attitude; consumer attitude; bibliometric analysis; systematic review; scientometrics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10066871
  • Assessing the validity of the relationship between rent and sales for commercial properties   Order a copy of this article
    by Changro Lee 
    Abstract: This study investigates the relationship between rent and sales in commercial properties. Using data from four areas in South Korea, it investigates whether the rent-to-sales ratio in commercial properties remains valid today. The analysis employs geographically weighted regression to reveal locally varying relationships. The results indicate a weakening link between rent and sales in some urban areas, whereas rural areas maintain a strong correlation. This suggests that urban sales are increasingly driven by e-marketing channels rather than by physical stores. Consequently, stakeholders should carefully use the rent-to-sales ratio and consider primary marketing channels when developing their retail strategies.
    Keywords: rent-to-sales ratio; commercial property; geographically weighted regression; GWR; correlation; e-marketing channel; retail.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10067097
  • The role of augmented reality in tourism sector: perceived attitudes towards a mobile AR app for cultural heritage monuments   Order a copy of this article
    by Maria Karagianni, Katerina Tzafilkou, Anastasios A. Economides 
    Abstract: Businesses and organisations in the tourism sector are adopting new technology, such as augmented reality (AR) apps, to stay competitive and boost cultural interest. This study investigates how tourists view augmented reality applications for cultural heritage sites and the impact of their personal factors like technological familiarity. A mixed-methods self-reported study was conducted on a convenience sample of 236 participants, who were exposed to the tools and features of the Culture App that exploits AR to showcase the Olympieio monument located in Greece. The outcomes revealed that visitors who are familiar with technology displayed a stronger interest in this AR app and the monument. Additionally, they expressed a greater perceived usefulness of the AR app and increased motivation to visit a monument that is displayed through an AR app. However, willingness to pay for the AR app was not found to be associated with the participants’ perceived attitude towards the AR app. The thematic analysis results showed positive impressions and highlighted potential disadvantages, suggesting elements for improved designs of AR applications in the tourism sector. Overall, the findings demonstrate the significance of incorporating AR technology to enhance visitors’ experiences and stimulate interest in cultural heritage sites.
    Keywords: augmented reality; AR app; AR attitudes; AR experience; archaeological sites; cultural heritage; tourism.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10067143
  • Mapping the intellectual landscape: a bibliometric study of research on customer value   Order a copy of this article
    by Tamanna, Pratibha Bhardwaj 
    Abstract: As businesses navigate the complexities of todays market, the exploration of customer value is crucial for driving innovation and maintaining a competitive advantage. However, despite the rich insights provided by traditional review techniques, the rapid proliferation of literature on customer value calls for a more efficient bibliometric approach by utilising the scientific procedures and rationales for systematic literature reviews (SPAR-4-SLR) as a review protocol. The purpose of this article is to identify the key players and the body of knowledge in this field of study using performance analysis to examine bibliographic data from 1,274 articles gathered from the Scopus database. Additionally, the knowledge structure is delineated through the application of keyword co-occurrence analysis. The eight knowledge clusters are identified and concluded with the basic, motor, emerging, and niche themes on customer value. This review provides both academic and practical insights into the field of customer value by offering actionable guidance for both scholars and practitioners.
    Keywords: customer value; bibliometric analysis; consumer value; perceived value; scientometrics.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2024.10068064
  • The mediating effect of anticipated emotion on the role of imagery elaboration in online purchase intention for sustainable fashion products   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad Fauzi, Rendy Alfiannoor Achmad 
    Abstract: This study investigated the role of imagery elaboration in online purchase intention for sustainable fashion, mediated by anticipated emotion. A cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted using purposive sampling. Respondents were online users of online shopping applications aged 1835 years. Measurements were taken using the imagery elaboration scale, anticipated emotion scale and online purchase intention scale, which were distributed via Google Form to collect data from 214 respondents. Data analysis was performed using the PROCESS software on IBM SPSS Statistics 26. The results showed that anticipated emotion mediated the relationship between imagery elaboration and online purchase intention (= 0.0629, BootSE = 0.0269, BootCI 95% [0.0095, 0.1175]). Imagery elaboration also played a role in online purchase intention (= 0.3708, t (213) = 5.8127, p < 0.001, 95% CI [0.0519, 0.1053]). It can be concluded that imagery elaboration predicts online purchase intention both directly and indirectly through anticipated emotion.
    Keywords: imagery elaboration; anticipated emotion; online purchase intention; sustainable fashion.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10068904
  • Exploring consumer adoption of mobile marketing: the interplay of attitudes, subjective norms and behavioural control   Order a copy of this article
    by Kamalpreet Kaur, Lalit Mohan Kathuria 
    Abstract: This empirical study investigates consumer perspectives on mobile marketing acceptance in the Indian context. Using a comprehensive framework, data from 600 consumers, collected via self-administered questionnaires, were analysed with SEM in AMOS software, uncovering influential factors on consumer attitudes through path analysis. Notably, perceived usefulness, personal innovativeness, information content, irritation, and service quality emerged as crucial drivers of consumer attitudes, while perceived ease of use, trust, and permission had no statistically significant influence. The study also highlighted the roles of subjective norms and perceived behavioural control, showing their links to normative beliefs and control beliefs. Consumer attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control were established as significant determinants of behavioural intentions. Importantly, attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control mediate nearly all paths from external constructs to behavioural intention. These findings provide valuable insights for marketers, shedding light on how mobile marketing shapes consumer behaviour and intentions in Indian context.
    Keywords: mobile marketing; attitude; acceptance; subjective norms; behavioural control; mediating.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10068912
  • Measuring the influence of consumer engagement on followership, consumer trust and purchase intention: a study of live streaming e-commerce in India   Order a copy of this article
    by Chinmaya Mahapatra, Rajat Kukreti, Mayank Yadav, Yatish Joshi 
    Abstract: This study aims to understand how customer engagement through followership and trust affects purchase intention in live-streaming e-commerce. An online survey was conducted, and four eighty-six responses were collected for the study. The responses were validated using confirmatory factor analysis, and the hypotheses were tested using structural equation modelling with the help of AMOS 21.0. Two important conclusions emerged from the study. First, customer engagement in live e-commerce significantly influences their followership and trust. Second, followership and trust influence the purchase intention of the customers. This study will create new perspectives for e-commerce executives to focus more on building trust and followership among customers to gain a competitive advantage in the market. This study investigates the relationship between customer engagement and purchase intention in live-streaming e-commerce through followership and customer trust. The results describe the important factors to enhance sales and marketing strategies of live streaming e-commerce.
    Keywords: livestreaming e-commerce; customer engagement; customer trust; purchase intention; followership; consumer behaviour.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10069482
  • When customer participation pays off: costumer value co-creation effect on customer behavioural intentions in an emerging market   Order a copy of this article
    by Mostafa Ebrahimpour Azbari, Seyedeh Sadaf Veshkaei Nejad, Alireza Mohammad Nejad 
    Abstract: The present research focuses on the impact that customer value co-creation behaviour may have on brand equity and how these variables can improve customers repurchase intentions and willingness to pay a price premium (WTPPP). The moderating role of brand preference is investigated as well. 239 Iranian consumers of different clothing brands were surveyed through a questionnaire. Respondents participated in this study through a link that guided them to the questionnaire and was shared by Iranian influencers on Instagram. To analyse the data, structural equation modelling with PLS was used. The result shows that customer value co-creation behaviour has a positive impact on brand equity, and brand equity has a positive impact on repurchase intention and WTPPP. Furthermore, brand preference moderates the relationship between brand equity and repurchase intention, but does not moderate the relationship between brand equity and WTPPP. Through engaging customers in value creation, not only can marketers and manufacturers increase their brand equity, but also, they can enhance customers willingness to pay higher prices. To engage customers in value creation activities, managers have to consider social media such as Instagram as a platform that easily affect customer value co-creation behaviour.
    Keywords: brand equity; brand preference; customer value co-creation behaviour; repurchase intention; willingness to pay price premium; WTPPP.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10069540
  • The impact of pricing strategies on client retention in international hotels a study conducted in Lebanon   Order a copy of this article
    by Soumaya Mounir El Kaakour, Ferial Chbib 
    Abstract: Client retention has been emphasised by numerous academics and industry experts, highlighting its critical role in todays competitive hotel market. As hotels compete for guests with increasing occupancy, forging strong relationships with clients and effectively managing these connections have become pivotal strategies for success. Therefore, this study was conducted to examine the effect of different pricing strategies on client retention in the hotel sector in Lebanon, considering the importance of the hospitality sector in Lebanon and the increasing number of hotels. This study used quantitative approach to analyse different pricing strategies affecting client retention, to clarify the impact of premium pricing strategy, penetration pricing strategy, economy pricing strategy and promotional pricing strategy on client retention. Convenience sampling technique was used in this study to select the participants, enabling the researcher to respond to the studys questions and achieve its goals. Through descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, correlation tests, regression analysis, and coefficient examination, the study reveals insights into the relationships between these strategies and client loyalty. The results indicated that premium pricing and promotional pricing have positive effects on client retention, while penetration pricing and economy pricing show no significant impact.
    Keywords: client retention; pricing strategies; premium pricing; promotional pricing; economy pricing; promotional pricing.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10069587
  • Segmenting consumers through behavioural engagement in Facebook brand communities   Order a copy of this article
    by Zélia Raposo Santos, Paulo Rita, Pedro Simões Coelh 
    Abstract: Companies must tailor their social media strategies based on consumer engagement levels for effective branding. Even the best strategies can falter if consumers lack a predisposition or appropriate personality traits for brand attachment. This study focused on segmenting FMCG brand consumers on Facebook by their brand-related activity frequency. The 1,091 participants were classified into three segments: active, moderate, and passive. Surprisingly, no demographic disparities were observed among the groups, indicating that traditional segmentation variables do not influence consumer engagement on Facebook brand pages. However, significant distinctions were found in personality traits, brand relationship proneness, and social relatedness. The most active consumers exhibited higher levels of extraversion, openness, proneness to brand relationships, and social relatedness. This research underscores the importance of considering psychological factors in social media strategies rather than relying solely on demographic segmentation.
    Keywords: segmentation; social media; brand-related activity; relationship proneness; social relatedness; personality traits; Facebook.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10069646
  • An analytical study of consumer buying behaviour towards green mobility and factors affecting its adoption in Jharkhand   Order a copy of this article
    by Rakesh Jha, Mukesh Kumar Singh 
    Abstract: Business companies must embrace green mobility to make a substantial contribution to a healthy environment. Mobility allows people to access a variety of everyday activities, locations, and resources, but it also involves environmental expenses. The main purpose of this investigation is to determine how green mobility impacts consumer buying behaviour in Jharkhand. A questionnaire was employed in the study to collect data from Jharkhand-based e-vehicle manufacturers, which assisted in testing the hypotheses and validating the model. The internet-based poll approach was employed to gather data within the context of a quantitative evaluation and convenient sampling technique. Therefore, the outcome of the study showed that design and efficiency, public awareness, technology innovation, government regulations, and behavioural control have a noteworthy effect on consumer buying behaviour. These results provide suggestions to manufacturers and policymakers in developing strategies to optimise value generation in emerging countries amid a growing customer awareness of environmental issues.
    Keywords: green mobility; consumer buying behaviour; CBB; consumer awareness; green vehicles; transportation sectors.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10069765
  • How can sponsored content by influencers affect users’ purchase intention? Findings from a scenario-based survey approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Long Hoang Le, Phuong Uyen Le, Chau Phuoc Quy Nguyen, Giang Thi Ninh Bui, Tam Bao Hoang, Thong Minh Phan 
    Abstract: Influencer marketing campaigns, especially sponsored content, have become more popular thanks to the role of social media. This study aims to investigate the impacts of characteristics of a sponsored content campaign on users’ parasocial interaction, campaign evaluation, and consequently, purchase intention. This study develops a research framework based on the theory of source effects. Based on a scenario-based survey of 308 respondents, the partial least squares structural equation modeling approach was conducted to test the research model. The findings reveal that 49.2% of purchase intention can be explained by the research model. More interestingly, while influencer similarity, content credibility, and influencer-product congruence are found to positively affect purchase intention via users’ parasocial interaction and campaign evaluation, this study found that influencer trustworthiness has no impact on customers’ cognitive process. The findings offer contributions to the literature and practice of influencer marketing adoption.
    Keywords: sponsored content; influencer similarity; content credibility; influencer-product congruence; campaign evaluation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJEMR.2025.10069813