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International Journal of Learning and Change

International Journal of Learning and Change (IJLC)

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International Journal of Learning and Change (4 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • A comparative analysis of Web 3.0, Web 2.0, and Web 1.0: evolution and implications   Order a copy of this article
    by Lakshmi Mansi Chada, Hari Vishnu Parashar, Ishi Singh, Mishti Rastogi, Suvin Singh, S.P. Raja 
    Abstract: For ages, humankind was unsuccessful in accomplishing their aspirations practically, though sometimes they were able to achieve the same theoretically. However, this gap was bridged by many groundbreaking inventions. One such invention is the World Wide Web. The web, which is often described as an evolving network of networks, has constantly been moving forward since its discovery and thereby giving rise to improved applications. This review paper aims to elucidate the reader on the same. It provides a comprehensive understanding of each iteration of the web and talks about the technological advancements made considering that specific version of the web. The outcome of this review is to present the reader with a comparative analysis of all the iterations of the web based on certain chosen parameters. Furthermore, the findings of this review have been discussed from various aspects to help the reader gain a better understanding of the comparative analysis.
    Keywords: Web 1.0; Web 2.0; Web 3.0; decentralisation; blockchain; API; user experience; architecture; implications; limitations.

  • Teaching effectiveness in Islamic higher education context: the case of students perceptions   Order a copy of this article
    by Ahmad Jamin, Heri Mudra 
    Abstract: This study, which employs a cluster random selection method, investigates the intricate levels and varied dimensions of teaching effectiveness among higher education instructors, with a specific focus on discerning statistical variations based on gender. Questionnaires were administered to 300 students using this method, aiming to capture diverse perspectives on teacher effectiveness within tertiary institutions. Objectives include examining teaching effectiveness levels, exploring gender-based statistical variations, identifying influential sub-indicators, and contributing novel insights to existing knowledge. The research assesses teaching effectiveness across constructs such as subject matter expertise, teaching planning, learning environment, overview, and effective communication. The justification for this study lies in the evolving dynamics of higher education, and its gender-responsive analysis adds a unique dimension. By emphasising subject matter expertise, the research provides practical insights for educators and institutions aiming to enhance teaching effectiveness. This study contributes to current knowledge by offering a detailed examination of multifaceted aspects of teaching effectiveness, thereby enriching our understanding of effective teaching practices in higher education.
    Keywords: teaching effectiveness; higher education; gender-responsive analysis; subject matter expertise; pedagogical strategies.

  • Bridging two languages: an investigation into Taiwan’s English learning dynamics, attitude, and outcomes   Order a copy of this article
    by Emilie S. Le Caous, Tz-Li Wang 
    Abstract: This study investigates the enhancement of spoken English proficiency among students at Taiwan’s technological and vocational education (TVE) universities. The focus is on the significant impact of positive learning attitudes and effective methodologies, using questionnaires and in-depth interviews to assess students’ confidence and perceptions of spoken English. The research employs the spoken English confidence scale, covering five dimensions: 1) attitude and aptitude for English learning; 2) confidence in English usage within classroom settings; 3) personality in the context of the native language; 4) belief in potential English capabilities; 5) faith in current English proficiency. Key findings reveal gaps in confidence and English-speaking skills, suggesting the need for immersive English-speaking environments, confidence-boosting classroom activities, and personalised feedback. Therefore, the results of this study suggest interventions aim to cultivate a student-centred approach, addressing proficiency gaps and enhancing confidence in English communication.
    Keywords: learning attitude; learning behaviour; spoken English; teaching strategy; technological; vocational education; Taiwan.

  • Can autism skip out on augmented reality?   Order a copy of this article
    by M. Shricharan, S.P. Raja, G. Arulkumaran 
    Abstract: This paper discovers to unravel the possibilities of accessing services of augmented reality (AR) for handling autism. At present, AR paved the way for establishing active and engaging environments where autism developed children could move around and learn to process their surroundings to facilitate social and verbal skills. Training with AR could not be more exhilarating for the individuals since it presented to them real life scenarios through which they were able to master skills to mend themselves in a protected and supportive environment. The inclusion of AR in autism treatment has immense potential for revolutionising individualised care to improve learning by reducing anxiety levels. Specialised care for each individual according to his/her disorder like unique immersive surrounding. Future developments for catering the needs of autistic individuals should concentrate on refining AR products and foster collaboration for the greater good of the society.
    Keywords: augmented reality; autism; artificial intelligence; autism spectrum disorder; ASD; virtual reality.