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International Journal of Markets and Business Systems

International Journal of Markets and Business Systems (IJMABS)

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International Journal of Markets and Business Systems (1 paper in press)

Regular Issues

  • The main challenges of forming a transport logistics cluster in the country of Georgia   Order a copy of this article
    by Mariam Churchelauri 
    Abstract: The paper discusses the challenges of forming a transport-logistics cluster in Georgia. As mentioned in several research papers, a cluster has characteristics such as systematicity, networking, and synergy that can lead to success even in the eras of Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0. Georgia is located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, giving it a competitive advantage in building a transport-logistics cluster based on two factors identified by Solvell (2009): its geographical location and its historical role as part of the Silk Road. The author has identified and examined five sub-clusters within the larger transport-logistics cluster of Georgia: Road, Maritime, Rail, Air, and Pipeline sub-clusters. The author provides an analysis approach based on Solvell’s (2009) model, which is a novelty for scientific research on transport-logistics clusters in Georgia.
    Keywords: Industry 4.0; TRASECA; Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia; transport-logistics cluster; rail sub-cluster; maritime sub-cluster; road sub-cluster; air sub-cluster; pipeline sub-cluster.