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International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation

International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation (IJMatEI)

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International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation (26 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Synthesis and Study of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) For Lithium Ion Batteries   Order a copy of this article
    by Swapnil Potdar, Shashank Kawar 
    Abstract: Development of Lithium Ion Batteries is an essential energy storage technology for different applications. A novel combination of materials are proposed for development of the cathode material of Lithium Ion Batteries. Through the research paper we are proposing synthesis of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) cathode material using hydrothermal process. In these assumptions, the time is kept constant and temperature is varied from 1300C to 1600C. Further, study of different parameters like Grain Size, Morphology, and Electro Chemical properties are critically observed by varying temperature by Hydrothermal Synthesis process. Study the properties of the synthesized films by the XRD, SEM and TGA techniques. Finally, the electrochemical analysis is carried out to understand the performance of the prepared cathode material.
    Keywords: Rechargeable Battery; Discharge Control; Lithium-Ion; LiFePO4.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2023.10057689
  • Modelling Mechanical Behaviours of Polypropylene Sheet for Incremental Forming Process using graphic method   Order a copy of this article
    by Sy Le V. 
    Abstract: This paper presents modelling the mechanical behaviours of polypropylene sheet (PP) at room temperature. The standard linear solid model (SLS) is used to establish the constitutive equation for FEM simulation of incremental forming process for PP. The tensile, relaxation and creep tests are performed to calibrate the constituting model. This model is integrated into Abaqus environment by using a user-material subroutine in Fortran language. The cone model is simulated in this FEM environment and verified through lab experiments with model formed by the incremental forming process. The results show that the established constitutive model has responded well to the mechanical behaviour of PP. There is significant agreement between the simulated model and empirical experiments in terms of the thickness distribution and geometric accuracy.
    Keywords: polypropylene; PP; modelling; incremental forming; mechanical behaviour; standard linear solid model; SLS; ISF; constitutive equation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2023.10057690
  • Preparation and Characterization of 3D Printed Bio-composites containing Carica Papaya Cellulose Nanofibers   Order a copy of this article
    by Mugdha Dongre, V.B. Suryawanshi, Y.R. Suryawanshi, Sujatha Parmeswaran 
    Abstract: For the first time, cellulose nanofibres (CNFs) were extracted from Carica papaya petioles using chemo-mechanical treatment. The obtained nanofibres were characterised by using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and thermogravimetric analysis. The morphological studies confirmed the nanofibre dimensions in the range of 10
    Keywords: cellulose nanofibres; CNFs; polylactic acid; PLA; Carica papaya petioles; chemo-mechanical treatment; fused filament fabrication; FFF; mechanical properties.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2023.10058893
  • Modeling the Mechanical Properties and Stress Mapping of Aluminium Based Metal Matrix Composite Used in Brake Disc Rotor   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankit Roy Nandy, Ashraf Ali, Satadru Kashyap, Sushen Kirtania, Sanjib Banerjee 
    Abstract: Aluminium-based metal matrix composites (AMMCs) are extensively employed in industries due to their superior and unique properties such as high strength-to-weight ratio, specific modulus, hardness, wear resistance, and fatigue strength. In this research, the analysis of silicon carbide (SiC) reinforced AMMC was conducted for determination of elastic properties with varying volume fractions of their reinforcements. The elastic properties were calculated based on analytical models such as rule of mixture (ROM), Halpin-Tsai model and Shear-Lag model. Subsequently, this composite was considered as the material in a disc brake rotor, in order to study the stress mapping and its applicability. Traditionally used brake disc material, grey cast iron, was compared with the proposed SiC and CaCO3 reinforced AMMC, in order to study their deformation behaviour under compressive wear loading using FEM analysis. FEM was used to map the stress fields on the material and compared with grey cast iron-based disc brake rotor.
    Keywords: aluminium matrix composite; finite element modelling; FEM; wear resistance; calcium carbonate.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2023.10059307
  • Microstructure and mechanical study of SDSS thin sheet welded by CCTIG and PCTIG process   Order a copy of this article
    by Sujeet Kumar, Vimal KEK 
    Abstract: In this research paper, effects of pulsed current tungsten inert gas (PCTIG) welding process over constant current tungsten inert gas (CCTIG) welding process on the quality of weld joints produced in super duplex stainless steel material were investigated. Microstructure obtained by PCTIG welded joints is 40% more in number as compared to CCTIG welded joints which indicate finer grain structure in the weld zone of PCTIG welded joint. The tensile strength of CCTIG welded joints shows 8% of reduction and PCTIG welded joints shows 6.4% reduction as compared to the base metal. A three-point bending test was performed and found that the 2
    Keywords: super duplex stainless steel; tungsten inert gas; microstructures; tensile test; numerical simulation.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2023.10059843
  • Comparison of the Ductile Damage Models for Fracture Prediction of the Incremental Sheet Forming   Order a copy of this article
    by Sy Le V. 
    Abstract: Incremental sheet forming is a modern forming process which is suitable for fabricating unique product or small production batches. This paper focuses on prediction of mechanical damages occurring in ISF process with magnesium sheet at elevated temperature by using FEM simulation in Abaqus/explicit with four ductile damage models. The practical experiments with different tensile specimens have been conducted to calibrate the ductile damage models. By using a combination of mechanical test approach and FEM simulation, the stress triaxiality and fracture strain are identified, which helps find out the locus of ductile damage for each model. The simulated results are verified to those conducted in real experiment in terms of the type of mechanical failures and fracture location the simulated results show that CrachFEM and modified Mohr-Coulomb models can be used for predicting the ductile damage occurring in the SPIF process with magnesium sheet at elevated temperature.
    Keywords: constitutive equation; damage model; FEM simulation; incremental sheet forming; ISF; magnesium sheet; AZ31; ductile damage; damage criteria; Abaqus; SPIF.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2023.10060122
  • Evaluation of Wear Behaviour of Stir and Squeeze cast A356/SiC/Gr Hybrid composites using TOPSIS Method   Order a copy of this article
    by Dhanashekar M, Loganathan P, Mohan SR, Ayyanar S, Murali B 
    Abstract: This paper investigates the influence of stir and squeeze cast processes on the dry sliding wear behaviour of A356/ SiCp (5 wt.%) / Gr (0
    Keywords: squeeze cast; wear behaviour; optimisation; TOPSIS.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2023.10060524
  • Optimization of process parameters For Kerf Taper Using TM-GRA of GFRP Composite with AWJM   Order a copy of this article
    by Anil Kumar Dahiya, Basanta Kumar Bhuyan, Rishu Sharma, Puneet Kumar, Shailendra Kumar 
    Abstract: Machining and shaping of difficult-to-machine hard materials and composites like glass fibre reinforced polymers (GFRP) are very difficult and uneconomical due to their specific properties such as anisotropic and non-homogenous nature with the conventional machining process. Abrasive water jet machining (AWJM) is proven to be efficient and economical for material removal processing in manufacturing industries, in which a high-speed abrasive water jet is impinged on workpiece surface to erode material to get the desired shape. In this paper, experiments are performed to study the kerf taper (Kt) in AWJ machined GFRP composite according to Taguchi’s design-based L16 orthogonal array. Water pressure (WP), traverse rate (TR), stand-off distance (SOD) and abrasive mass flow rate (AMFR) are considered to study their influence on kerf taper. Optimisation of parameters is executed by applying the GRA technique to minimise the kerf taper. Subsequently, confirmation tests are conducted at the optimised set of parameters to validate the results. The average value for kerf taper from confirmation experiments is measured 0.2958.
    Keywords: glass fibre reinforced polymer; GFRP; abrasive mass flow rate; AWJM; kerf taper; optimisation; Taguchi; grey relational analysis; GRA.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10061328
  • Evaluation of Elastic Properties of Graphene Nanoplatelet Reinforced Aluminum Matrix Nanocomposites   Order a copy of this article
    by Mousam Das, Sushen Kirtania, Satadru Kashyap, Sanjib Banerjee 
    Abstract: The present work puts forward the determination of elastic properties of graphene nanoplatelet (GNP) reinforced aluminium (Al) matrix nanocomposites, with different volume fractions and aspect ratios of GNP. Three analytical models (AMs), namely the Halpin-Tsai model, the Shear-Lag model, and the Gao-Zhang (GZ) model, were taken into consideration for the evaluation of Young's modulus of GNP/Al nanocomposite (GANC). Four cases with different dimensions of GNP have been considered for understanding the characteristics of different AMs. The Young’s modulus values calculated using different AMs have been compared with experimental results (EXRs). It was observed that the GZ model shows acceptable agreement with the EXRs. For further evaluation of Poisson’s ratio of GANC, two AMs, viz. rule of mixture (ROM) and Eshelby model have been used. It can also be concluded that for the evaluation of Poisson’s ratio, the Eshelby model is a better choice than ROM.
    Keywords: graphene nanoplatelet; GNP; metal matrix nanocomposite; Young’s modulus; Poisson’s ratio; analytical models; AMs.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10061329
  • Evaluation of MOR and Permeability of Investment Casting Ceramic Mould with Oil Palm Fibre Additive   Order a copy of this article
    by Is Prima Nanda, Muhammad Hafiz Jahare, Mohd Hasbullah Idris, ANDRIL ARAFAT 
    Abstract: The abundance and cheap organic fibre offers an alternative additive to enhance the ceramic strength aside from its biodegradable benefit promoting sustainability. In this study, the utilisation of oil palm fibre in a water-based silica binder as a substitute for the expensive liquid polymer addition in investment casting mould was explored. Different lengths of oil palm fibres (3, 5, 7, 9 mm) were incorporated in the preparation of ceramic moulds namely green (dewaxed and non-dewaxed), and fired for modulus of rupture (MOR) and permeability test. The results show that the non-dewaxed and dewaxed moulds with 3 mm fibre modification recorded the highest strength; 2.14 and 3.51 MPa respectively compared to the no-fibre (non-dewaxed, 1.56 MPa and dewaxed, 2.26 MPa) moulds. A higher permeability (5.36 m2
    Keywords: silica binder; oil palm fibre; OPF; empty fruit bunch; EFB; modulus of rupture; MOR; permeability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10064772
  • Investigating The Structural And Energy Band Attributes Of Titanium Dioxide With Subtle Changes In Precursor Concentration For Potential Memristor Applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Shilpa Shivaram, S. K. SURESH BABU, Done Rinshun Paul, David Nirmal, Vigneshwaran B 
    Abstract: This paper investigates the structural, morphological, size and energy band variations in titanium dioxide (TiO2) synthesised by solvothermal method. The precursor concentrations were varied within a small range (0.09 M to 0.15 M) to assess changes in its structural and energy band characteristics minutely. The crystallite size obtained from XRD was found to decrease from 14 nm to 10 nm with an increase in precursor concentration. Spherical morphology with a reduction in particle size was observed using SEM and particle size analysis. From the UV-Visible absorption studies conducted, the bandgap reduction of 3.12 eV (direct bandgap) and 2.95 eV (indirect bandgap) were observed. Photoluminescence studies conducted confirmed the energy band attributes of TiO2 with probable indication of defects. The ability of the material to decrease its bandgap, crystallite and particle size and modify its energy band properties while displaying structural defects makes it an excellent choice for memristors.
    Keywords: TiO2; band gap; sphere morphology; precursor concentration; memristor.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10064774
  • Experimental Investigation and Fuzzy Logic Modelling of Mechanical Characteristics in Aluminium Die Cast-14 Incorporating Functionally Graded Material (FGM) with Boron Carbide (B4C)   Order a copy of this article
    by Ambigai Rajasekaran, Prabhu Sethuramalingam 
    Abstract: This study investigates functionally graded materials (FGMs), where mechanical properties vary deliberately. An FGM was developed using ADC-14 aluminium die-cast with boron carbide (B4C) as reinforcement via centrifugal casting. Mechanical characteristics, particularly hardness, were assessed via experimental methods and fuzzy logic prediction. Two different sizes of B4C (50
    Keywords: ADC-14; functionally graded materials; FGM; boron carbide; thermal analysis; hardness; fuzzy logic analysis.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10064775
  • Characterization of SAED Pattern of TEM Images of CdZnS Thin Films   Order a copy of this article
    by Subhash Shrivastava, Ritu Shrivastava 
    Abstract: In this paper, the chemical bath deposition method is used to prepare CdZnS thin films at optimal conditions. Prepared CdZnS thin films have good adherence to microscopic glass slides and are thin and of uniform thickness. Characterisations of thin films have been done by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and EDAX studies. SAED pattern and XRD pattern analysis, as well as their comparative studies, have been done. A grainy structure with a grain size of about 140 nm has been observed by TEM images. D-spacing is measured by the SAED pattern, which is also confirmed by XRD images.
    Keywords: chemical bath deposition; thin films; selected area electron diffraction pattern; X-ray diffraction; EDAX spectra.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10065227
  • Evaluation of properties in Inconel 718 during Magnetic annealing   Order a copy of this article
    by Vishnu Sanap, Vasudev D. Shinde 
    Abstract: Annealing nickel and nickel-base alloys consists of heating at a suitable high temperature for a definite time and then cooling slowly or rapidly to soften the metal to increase its ductility. Wrought nickel alloys harden considerably during cold forming. A round bar of Inconel 718 material is difficult for machining operations like turning, filing, grinding, burnishing, drilling, reaming, and boring. The grain growth occurs during the annealing heat treatment process during furnace cooling in Inconel 718. To avoid grain growth during the annealing process and to reduce hardness, an electromagnetic field will be applied. A magnetic field enhances grain orientation and texture development and avoids grain growth during annealing. Inconel 718 specimen samples are heated in a furnace at a temperature of 850
    Keywords: magnetic annealing; Inconel 718; micro-hardness; grain size; magnetic field; cooling time.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10065757
  • Development and Characterizations of Microwave Sintered (Al2O3+MoS2) Reinforced Copper-Based Metal Matrix Hybrid composites   Order a copy of this article
    by Manvandra Singh, Avnish Ravi, Rakesh Kumar Gautam, Rajbahadur Singh, Rajeev Nayan Gupta, VINEET KUMAR, Gopal Ji 
    Abstract: In the current scenario, the continuous demand for a new kind of functional material is very high So, current work is primarily focused on the development of a new kind of copper based metal matrix composites using microwave sintering (MWS), an advanced technique Alumina (Al2O3) and molybdenum disulfide (MoS2), including chromium (Cr), were utilized as reinforcements in the copper matrix There were four materials developed using microwave sintering as per the different weight percentages (wt %) of reinforcements and designated as MWS-CC, MWS-MMC1, MWS-MMC2, and MWS-MMC3 The synthesized composites were characterized using a high resolution-scanning electron microscope (HR-SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive analysis of x-ray, or an energy dispersive spectroscope (EDAX or EDS) XRD analysis exposed the peaks of all the reinforcing particles, including its copper matrix, although the peak intensity of reinforcements is low as compared to the peak intensity of copper due to its low wt %
    Keywords: Microwave Sintering (MWS); Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs); X-Rays Diffraction (XRD); Relative Density; Porosity; Electrical Conductivity.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10066301
  • Improvement in Formability of Copper Sheet in Single Point Incremental Forming by Combined effects of tool stirring action and optimized forming process parameters   Order a copy of this article
    by Ajay Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Santosh Kumar, Fariborz Forouhandeh 
    Abstract: Single point incremental forming (SPIF) is an advanced manufacturing process that has gained popularity in the sheet metal industry. The present work focuses an investigation on stirring action of high rpm of tool on the formability of copper sheet. Copper sheet of grade Cu-1100 of thickness 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm was used as testing material and deformed incrementally with spindle RPM range from 2,000 to 6,000 with different set of parameters and result found was outstanding. In this investigation maximum forming angle obtained was reached to 80
    Keywords: single point incremental forming; SPIF; maximum forming angle; maximum forming depth; formability.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10067472
  • Evaluating the Effect of Various Printing Parameters on Mechanical Behavior of Bio Composite   Order a copy of this article
    by Hiral Parikh, Krish Bhatia 
    Abstract: The beginning of composite materials stands as a pivotal advancement in material engineering, bringing together distinct components to form hybrid structures that surpass the limitations of their individual constituents. This breakthrough was particularly notable with the addition of polymers and reinforcing bio fibres, resulting in bio-composite materials poised to replace conventional materials across various applications. However, mass production of these bio-composites presents a challenge due to reliance on skilled labour and costly manufacturing processes. Additive manufacturing, notably 3D printing, has emerged as a solution, facilitating the creation of complex geometries at scale. In this study, we aim to evaluate the impact of various printing parameters
    Keywords: 3D printing; bio composites; mechanical characterisations; Box Behnken; design of experiment.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10067473
  • Enhancement in the Formability of Copper Sheet in Single Point Incremental Forming Process   Order a copy of this article
    by Ajay Kumar, Yogesh Kumar, Santosh Kumar, Fariborz Forouhandeh 
    Abstract: Single point incremental forming (SPIF) is a die less flexible manufacturing process capable to produce complex three dimensional components. Die-less nature of the process increases its flexibility, because wide variety of components can be produced by a single tool by altering the process parameters. In SPIF tool movement over workpiece produced localised stress thus formability of material is enhanced. This paper presents experimental results on optimisation of process parameters in SPIF in order to increase formability and dimensional accuracy of formed components. The strategy includes enhancements of materials formability through a localised sheet heating due to stirring action of elevated tool rotational speed and optimisation among tool rotational speed, vertical step size and feed to cause pure plastic deformation which reduces spring back action and pillowing effect of metallic sheet and maximise forming angle. The work is performed on ETP Grade Cu1100 copper sheet.
    Keywords: single point incremental forming; SPIF; formability; formability curve.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10068103
  • Investigation on Dry Sliding Wear Characterization of (Al7075-Flyash) Composite using Taguchi Approach   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankit Verma, Pardeep Kumar Sood, Sant Ram Chauhan 
    Abstract: In this research work, Stir casting was used to manufacture metal matrix composites (MMCs) with reinforcement of (150
    Keywords: Metal Matrix Composite; Al7075; Fly Ash; Wear rate; Taguchi approach.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2024.10068104
  • Enhancing Corrosion Resistance: A Comprehensive Analysis of Surface Treatments for Steel in Washdown Environments   Order a copy of this article
    by Shraddha Patil, Sandip Chavan, Samidha Jawade 
    Abstract: Steel is a preferred material for mechanical components due to its optimal strength, ductility, and wear resistance, making it vital for bearings, couplings, and gears. Stainless steel, with its high chromium content, offers excellent corrosion resistance but may lack the strength needed for high-stress applications. In the food and beverage industry, frequent use of chloride and sulphide cleaners, coupled with high operating stresses, accelerates corrosion in components like bearings and gears. While stainless steel resists corrosion, it is susceptible under these conditions, necessitating materials that combine high strength with superior corrosion resistance. This paper examines the surface corrosion of stainless steel and proposes surface treatments to enhance its strength and corrosion resistance. It explores the role of alloying elements in improving corrosion resistance and evaluates surface treatment methods to incorporate these elements, addressing the industry's demand for robust, corrosion-resistant materials.
    Keywords: stainless steel; corrosion; bearings; gears; washdown environment; food and beverage industry.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2025.10068697
  • Performance Analysis of Surfactants used in Preparation of Hybrid Green Nano Cutting Fluids for Machining Application   Order a copy of this article
    by Rahul Bhedasgaonkar, Uday Dabade 
    Abstract: This study compares and analyzes the performance of anionic and cationic surfactants, in the formulation of hybrid green nano cutting fluids Hybrid nanofluids have been prepared by using aluminum oxide and copper oxide as nano particles and sunflower oil, peanut oil and jatropha oil as base oils Hybrid nanofluids have been prepared by using surfactants like cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS) Stability of the hybrid nanofluid has been determined and compared by using zeta potential and photographic sedimentation method Stability of the nanofluids depends upon type of surfactant, magnetic stirring and sonication time Zeta potential values of hybrid nanofluids prepared with CTAB surfactant are more than
    Keywords: Cutting fluids; nanofluids; hybrid nanofluids; surfactants; agglomeration; zeta potential. machining.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2025.10068825
  • Exploring Nano-engineered NiO@Barium Potassium Titanate Nanoceramics for Advanced Wastewater Treatment Applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Bahaa Hemdan, Ali Belal, Abdelfattah Mansour, Amany El-Nahrawy 
    Abstract: This study aimed to synthesize NiO co-doped potassium barium titanate nanoceramics with varying NiO concentrations through an acidic sol-gel process and calcination at 700
    Keywords: Potassium Barium Titanate Perovskite; Optical bandgap; thermogravimetric analysis; antimicrobial; wastewater management.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2025.10069297
  • Formability Analysis of AA3003O by Optimizing Processing Parameters in Single Point Incremental Forming   Order a copy of this article
    by Ankita Pandey, Yogesh Kumar 
    Abstract: Incremental sheet forming (ISF) is a die-less process and has various advantages like low tooling cost, part flexibility and higher formability over the conventional sheet forming process. In this work, a robot based single point incremental sheet forming is carried out. During the forming process, by varying the forming angle from 60
    Keywords: Robot-based Incremental sheet forming; Formability; Forming angle; Step sizes; Optimization.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2025.10069298
  • Investigation and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of AA2024/Carbonized Eggshell/SiC Hybrid Reinforced Green AMC   Order a copy of this article
    by Yatan Nagpal, Rohit Sharma, Neeraj Sharma, Ram Tyagi 
    Abstract: In a fast-growing world, composites have been the most popular material in recent years. Among composites, aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) are significant among researchers because of their effective and remarkable properties. Eggshell (ES) is regarded an aviculture waste, and its disposal poses a significant environmental risk. The righteous usage of ES as a bio-waste should be strongly encouraged in our society to alleviate environmental concerns. Thus, the current study aims to develop and examine the mechanical properties of AA2024/SiC/carbonized eggshell hybrid green aluminium matrix composites (AMMCs). The reinforcement composition in this study ranges from 3-12 wt.% of SiC and ES particles. Tensile strength and hardness were investigated in the developed composite. The results revealed that hardness and tensile strength of AA2024 hybrid green composite were increased significantly as compared to base aluminium alloy. Also, fracture mechanism was been analyzed along with it that showed ductile nature of developed composites.
    Keywords: Eggshells; Tensile strength; Hardness; Fractography; AMMCs; Hybrid green composite; Stir casting.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2025.10069299
  • Characterization of Nylon Fiber Mesh/HAP/PMMA Micro-Hybrid Composite for Alternative Mouthguard Material   Order a copy of this article
    by Harini Sosiati, Ankas Pamasti, Rahmat Ramadhan, Rahmad Kuncoro Adi, Satoshi Hata 
    Abstract: We investigated the properties of NFM/HAP/PMMA composites to characterize the potential composite as a mouthguard material. The composites were made with a ratio of nylon fiber mesh (NFM) (20 vol%) and mixtures of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and hydroxyapatite (HAP) (80 vol%). PMMA and HAP varied with ratios of 80:0, 79:1, 78:2, 77:3, and 75:5 (vol%). Bending, impact, hardness, and water absorption tests were carried out. Adding 1 and 2% HAP by volume fraction reached the optimum values for flexural strength (36.85 MPa) and impact strength (66.37 kJ/m2), respectively. The composite’s hardness and water absorption increased with adding HAP, and the maximum hardness and water absorption of 71.7 Shore-D and 2.25%, respectively, were achieved by the composite added with 5 vol% HAP. Water absorption of the composite by adding 1 vol% HAP reached the lowest value of 0.6%. Accordingly, this composite is potentially used as an alternative mouthguard material.
    Keywords: Nylon fiber mesh; HAP; PMMA; Hybrid composite; Mouthguard.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2025.10069883
    by Harshit Dave, Prasanth Kottapalli, Himanshu V. Patel, Ashish Prajapati, Shilpesh Rajpurohit 
    Abstract: This study explores the influence of hybridization on the mechanical properties of the flax and jute fiber reinforced hybrid composite. The effect of stacking sequence due to the hybridization had been explored during mechanical tests Viz. tensile and flexural. The hybridization is done using a combination of jute and flax fiber materials, and stacking sequence was produced by the positioning of reinforcing material for a specific amount of fiber. In this work, two hybridization ratio (Flax/Jute) were explored and stacking sequences for balanced hybridization ratio were taken for Tensile and flexural testing. From the results, it is possible to establish that tensile strength improves with the hybridization of flax in jute, whereas greater flexural strength was obtained with more jute in hybridization. Balanced hybridization with top-layer flax fibers gives better tensile and flexural strength. Further, the fracture surfaces of the tested specimens that were examined after testing to investigate the nature of failure during the testing process.
    Keywords: Natural fiber; Hybrid Composites; Stacking Sequence; Tensile strength; Flexural Strength.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2025.10069884