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International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems

International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems (IJUWBCS)

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International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems (2 papers in press)

Regular Issues

  • Multiband fractal antenna for 5G communications and IoT applications   Order a copy of this article
    by Amsaveni A 
    Abstract: The need for an efficient, low-loss compact antenna emerges with the advent of 5G wireless networking technology suitable for IoT applications and many other fast wireless communications. Microstrip patch antennas are highly suitable for such applications. Fractal antennas provide compactness and improved efficiency in the desired frequencies of operations. A novel three-layered multiband fractal antenna with hexagonal geometry suitable for both fourth-generation/fifth-generation wireless communications and IoT applications has been designed. The antenna is designed to resonate at three spectral bands viz., 2.6 GHz (LTE), 3.6 GHz (sub-6 GHz 5G), and 5.25 GHz (LTE-U). The simulation is done using ADS software and the results of the proposed antenna have a minimum return loss of nearly -20 dB in all three spectral bands. The results obtained are validated experimentally using an N9916A microwave analyser.
    Keywords: fractal antenna; multiband; 4G-LTE; sub-6GHz 5G; IoT.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2024.10063850
  • Energy-Efficient Low-Complexity Detection of PPM Signals at the Presence of Monobit Quantisation   Order a copy of this article
    by Hassan Khani 
    Abstract: Conventional energy detection (ED) pulse position modulation (PPM) receivers have low complexity but very poor performance and severely reduced achievable rate. To solve these problems, we can employ a matched-filter (MF) receiver. However, an MF receiver requires channel state information, which makes the complexity of the receiver unacceptable. To achieve superior performance and higher rates at a much lower complexity, monobit digitisation is employed to transfer the required signal processing into the digital domain and alleviate the problem. In this paper, two energy-efficient low complexity monobit PPM receivers are proposed which provide higher performance and data rates, compared with the conventional ED-PPM receivers. The main contribution of the paper is the employment of suboptimal weights of non-coherent BPSK monobit receivers for the detection of monobit digitised PPM signals. Since the proposed detection methods are simple, they are promising for applications requiring low complexity, high rate, high performance, and low power consumption.
    Keywords: energy detection; ED; monobit ADC; quantisation noise; pulse position modulation; PPM; transmitted-reference; TR; ultra-wideband; UWB.
    DOI: 10.1504/IJUWBCS.2024.10064724