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Before you register and submit your paper
Then, make sure that you have at hand:
- Your submission in electronic format saved as a Word, RTF or PDF document file. Make sure you have removed all authors’ names from the document text and from the file/document properties. Also remove from your file the email addresses and the bibliographic notes of all the authors as well as any acknowledgments. BUT do not remove the title, abstract or the keywords from your paper.
- Your list of four experts (including their names, full addresses and expertise) in the subject of your submission. These experts must be personally unknown to the authors and at least two of them must be from a different country from the author(s).
- The name of the journal to which you want to submit your paper.
- The title of the Special Issue and the name(s) of the Guest Editor(s) if you are submitting your paper for a Special Issue.
Int. J. of Knowledge and Learning (IJKL) HomePage
 * Editor: - Paolo Ceravolo, <> (Executive Editor)
There is no submission deadline for regular issues. Papers can be submitted any time of the year.
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