Open Access at Inderscience

All of our journals now offer authors the opportunity to publish their article as Gold Open Access, which means the article will be freely available online to every reader anywhere in the world.

If you wish to make your article Open Access (OA), you will be given the option at the point your article is accepted. Inderscience will treat all articles submitted for publication in exactly the same way, with rigorous peer review, professional editing and production, and worldwide visibility. All of our articles enjoy the same level of functionality on our website.

Authors pay a fee called the article processing charge (APC) to make their article available for free as a Gold Open Access article. The standard fee for making your article Open Access is USD $3000 for each article accepted (unless stated otherwise under the "Submitting articles" tab on the journal's home page).

For UK or EU based authors we are offering a discounted rate of GBP £2000 or Euro equivalent.

How does the process work?

You should submit your article to the Inderscience journal of your choice in the normal way. When your article has been accepted for publication you will be given the choice of proceeding with publication in the traditional way, or choosing Open Access. If you choose the Open Access option, you will be asked to complete the order form and select an Open Access license type and a payment method: either by credit card, or by invoice to your institution or research funder with their permission. We will then send you a payment invoice.

View and download the Open Access order form (PDF) here.

When an Open Access article is published, it is marked with this icon Open Access.

Open Access-only journals

All our journals can publish Open Access articles. Most of the journals publish individual Open Access articles along with articles that remain behind a paywall. However, some of our journals publish only Open Access articles. These journals are known as Gold Open Access Journals, where all the articles are Open Access. There is an article processing charge (APC) of USD $1600 for each accepted article in these journals. A payment invoice will be sent when an article has been accepted.

Does Inderscience Support Institutional Funding for APCs?

Please contact us if you are interested in discussing institutional payment models for article processing charges (APCs) for members of your organization.

What are my Open Access Licensing options?

Inderscience gives authors of Open Access articles the option to choose from two Creative Commons license types in order to enable the open publication of their articles:

CC BY: Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0

According to the Creative Commons website: "This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials."

CC BY-NC-ND: Creation Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0

According to the Creative Commons website: "This license is the most restrictive of the six main CC licenses, only allowing others to download your works and share them with others as long as they credit you, but they can't change them in any way or use them commercially."

Please note that all authors whose research work is funded by Research Councils UK (RCUK) and Wellcome Trust must select the CC BY license in accordance with those funder mandates effective from 1 April 2013. Other funders will have their specific policies. Please check the requirements of your own research funder before selecting a license: licenses cannot be changed after publication.

What about copyright?

If you opt for Open Access you retain copyright in your work, but are required to agree to the Open Access terms and conditions, which are set out in the Order form. These include a warranty that the article is original and is not in breach of anybody else's rights or otherwise unlawful. Submission to another journal is not permitted.

What is allowed with respect to the published article?

Articles licensed under either CC BY or CC BY-NC-ND licenses may have any version posted on any website by anyone without embargo; however, please note:

  • Articles licensed under the CC BY license may be used for commercial purposes by anyone
  • Articles licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND license may not be used for commercial purposes by anyone and not used to create derivative work by transforming or building upon the article by anyone other than you

If you post your article on any website or repository, acknowledgement in the form of a full citation should be given to the journal as the original source of publication, together with a link to the journal webpage and/or DOI as soon as they are available. Such information will help in getting the work cited.