460 Online Journals     19 Forthcoming Journals 
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AAJFA Afro-Asian Journal of Finance and Accounting 372 Browse
AFP Atoms for Peace: an International Journal 91 Browse
AJAAF African Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance 156 Browse
AJESD African Journal of Economic and Sustainable Development 182 Browse
AJFA American Journal of Finance and Accounting 130 Browse
AJMSA Asian Journal of Management Science and Applications 98 Browse
EG Electronic Government, an International Journal 511 Browse
EJCCM European Journal of Cross-Cultural Competence and Management 91 Browse
EJIE European Journal of Industrial Engineering 543 Browse
EJIM European Journal of International Management 758 Browse
EMJM EuroMed Journal of Management 115 Browse
GBER Global Business and Economics Review 759 Browse
IER Interdisciplinary Environmental Review 435 Browse
IJAAC International Journal of Automation and Control 466 Browse
IJAACS International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems 398 Browse
IJAAPE International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation 367 Browse
IJAC International Journal of Autonomic Computing 63 Browse
IJACMSD International Journal of Arab Culture, Management and Sustainable Development 54 Browse
IJACT International Journal of Applied Cryptography 83 Browse
IJAD International Journal of Aerodynamics 105 Browse
IJADS International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences 408 Browse
IJAESD International Journal of Agile and Extreme Software Development 6 Browse
IJAF International Journal of Accounting and Finance 182 Browse
IJAHUC International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 999 Browse
IJAIP International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 708 Browse
IJAIS International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems 53 Browse
IJAISC International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing 158 Browse
IJAITG International Journal of Agriculture Innovation, Technology and Globalisation 64 Browse
IJAL International Journal of Automation and Logistics 52 Browse
IJAM International Journal of Aviation Management 66 Browse
IJAMC International Journal of Advanced Media and Communication 169 Browse
IJAMECHS International Journal of Advanced Mechatronic Systems 323 Browse
IJAMS International Journal of Applied Management Science 310 Browse
IJANS International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science 73 Browse
IJAOM International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 261 Browse
IJAOSE International Journal of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering 106 Browse
IJAP International Journal of Alternative Propulsion 37 Browse
IJAPR International Journal of Applied Pattern Recognition 127 Browse
IJARGE International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 435 Browse
IJART International Journal of Arts and Technology 305 Browse
IJASM International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 336 Browse
IJASMM International Journal of Additive and Subtractive Materials Manufacturing 29 Browse
IJASS International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies 233 Browse
IJASSE International Journal of Aerospace System Science and Engineering 6 Browse
IJAT International Journal of Abrasive Technology 267 Browse
IJATM International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management 499 Browse
IJAUDIT International Journal of Auditing Technology 82 Browse
IJAUTOC International Journal of Automotive Composites 69 Browse
IJBAAF International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance 195 Browse
IJBAF International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance 122 Browse
IJBBM International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management 48 Browse
IJBBR International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics 83 Browse
IJBC International Journal of Blockchains and Cryptocurrencies 87 Browse
IJBCG International Journal of Business Competition and Growth 140 Browse
IJBCRM International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management 297 Browse
IJBD International Journal of Bonds and Derivatives 69 Browse
IJBDA International Journal of Business and Data Analytics 37 Browse
IJBDI International Journal of Big Data Intelligence 162 Browse
IJBDM International Journal of Big Data Management 24 Browse
IJBE International Journal of Business Environment 328 Browse
IJBEAM International Journal of the Built Environment and Asset Management 34 Browse
IJBEM International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets 344 Browse
IJBET International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology 1082 Browse
IJBEX International Journal of Business Excellence 963 Browse
IJBFMI International Journal of Business Forecasting and Marketing Intelligence 197 Browse
IJBG International Journal of Business and Globalisation 1101 Browse
IJBGE International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 389 Browse
IJBHR International Journal of Behavioural and Healthcare Research 171 Browse
IJBIC International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation 619 Browse
IJBIDM International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining 571 Browse
IJBIR International Journal of Business Innovation and Research 1010 Browse
IJBIS International Journal of Business Information Systems 1187 Browse
IJBISE International Journal of Business Intelligence and Systems Engineering 24 Browse
IJBM International Journal of Biometrics 392 Browse
IJBNN International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 72 Browse
IJBPIM International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management 259 Browse
IJBPM International Journal of Business Performance Management 605 Browse
IJBPSCM International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling 272 Browse
IJBRA International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications 599 Browse
IJBSR International Journal of Business and Systems Research 488 Browse
IJBT International Journal of Biotechnology 301 Browse
IJC International Journal of Competitiveness 33 Browse
IJCA International Journal of Critical Accounting 356 Browse
IJCAD International Journal of Circuits and Architecture Design 39 Browse
IJCAET International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology 583 Browse
IJCAST International Journal of Complexity in Applied Science and Technology 6 Browse
IJCAT International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 2315 Browse
IJCB International Journal of Cognitive Biometrics 5 Browse
IJCBDD International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design 378 Browse
IJCC International Journal of Cloud Computing 315 Browse
IJCCBS International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 169 Browse
IJCCIA International Journal of Computational Complexity and Intelligent Algorithms 18 Browse
IJCCM International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management 104 Browse
IJCCPS International Journal of Cybernetics and Cyber-Physical Systems 17 Browse
IJCE International Journal of Collaborative Engineering 18 Browse
IJCEE International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics 272 Browse
IJCEELL International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life-Long Learning 962 Browse
IJCENT International Journal of Collaborative Enterprise 99 Browse
IJCG International Journal of Corporate Governance 213 Browse
IJCI International Journal of Collaborative Intelligence 39 Browse
IJCIBSB International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 28 Browse
IJCIH International Journal of Computers in Healthcare 30 Browse
IJCIS International Journal of Critical Infrastructures 450 Browse
IJCISTUDIES International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies 211 Browse
IJCLM International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management 54 Browse
IJCM International Journal of Comparative Management 56 Browse
IJCMH International Journal of Computational Medicine and Healthcare 8 Browse
IJCMSSE International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering 250 Browse
IJCNDS International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems 683 Browse
IJCONVC International Journal of Convergence Computing 45 Browse
IJCPS International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support 13 Browse
IJCRC International Journal of Creative Computing 24 Browse
IJCSE International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 1107 Browse
IJCSM International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics 683 Browse
IJCSSR International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility 19 Browse
IJCSYSE International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering 195 Browse
IJCULTM International Journal of Cultural Management 21 Browse
IJCVR International Journal of Computational Vision and Robotics 447 Browse
IJDATS International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies 325 Browse
IJDCET International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism 81 Browse
IJDE International Journal of Design Engineering 181 Browse
IJDET International Journal of Digital Enterprise Technology 22 Browse
IJDH International Journal of the Digital Human 36 Browse
IJDIPE International Journal of Diplomacy and Economy 130 Browse
IJDMB International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics 674 Browse
IJDMMM International Journal of Data Mining, Modelling and Management 307 Browse
IJDS International Journal of Data Science 172 Browse
IJDSDE International Journal of Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations 326 Browse
IJDSRM International Journal of Decision Sciences, Risk and Management 178 Browse
IJDSS International Journal of Decision Support Systems 73 Browse
IJDSSS International Journal of Digital Signals and Smart Systems 89 Browse
IJEA International Journal of Economics and Accounting 230 Browse
IJEASA International Journal of Education, Arts and Social Issues in Africa 5 Browse
IJEB International Journal of Electronic Business 475 Browse
IJEBANK International Journal of Electronic Banking 85 Browse
IJEBR International Journal of Economics and Business Research 815 Browse
IJECB International Journal of Experimental and Computational Biomechanics 79 Browse
IJECRM International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management 251 Browse
IJED International Journal of Electronic Democracy 13 Browse
IJEDPO International Journal of Experimental Design and Process Optimisation 115 Browse
IJEE International Journal of Environmental Engineering 302 Browse
IJEED International Journal of Education Economics and Development 330 Browse
IJEF International Journal of Electronic Finance 273 Browse
IJEG International Journal of Electronic Governance 313 Browse
IJEGN International Journal of the Energy-Growth Nexus 4 Browse
IJEH International Journal of Electronic Healthcare 272 Browse
IJEHV International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 331 Browse
IJEIE International Journal of Earthquake and Impact Engineering 50 Browse
IJEIM International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management 723 Browse
IJEM International Journal of Emergency Management 413 Browse
IJEME International Journal of Engineering Management and Economics 111 Browse
IJEMR International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing 326 Browse
IJENM International Journal of Enterprise Network Management 346 Browse
IJENTTM International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management 20 Browse
IJENVH International Journal of Environment and Health 261 Browse
IJEP International Journal of Environment and Pollution 2164 Browse
IJEPDM International Journal of Environmental Policy and Decision Making 50 Browse
IJEPEE International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies 541 Browse
IJES International Journal of Embedded Systems 658 Browse
IJESB International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business 1491 Browse
IJESD International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 582 Browse
IJESDF International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 463 Browse
IJESMS International Journal of Engineering Systems Modelling and Simulation 372 Browse
IJET International Journal of Electronic Transport 6 Browse
IJETM International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 809 Browse
IJETP International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy 503 Browse
IJETRADE International Journal of Electronic Trade 9 Browse
IJEV International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing 359 Browse
IJEWE International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment 153 Browse
IJEWM International Journal of Environment and Waste Management 968 Browse
IJEX International Journal of Exergy 1145 Browse
IJEXPORTM International Journal of Export Marketing 99 Browse
IJFBRD International Journal of Family Business and Regional Development 6 Browse
IJFCM International Journal of Fuzzy Computation and Modelling 59 Browse
IJFE International Journal of Forensic Engineering 92 Browse
IJFEM International Journal of Forensic Engineering and Management 18 Browse
IJFERM International Journal of Financial Engineering and Risk Management 53 Browse
IJFIB International Journal of Financial Innovation in Banking 41 Browse
IJFIP International Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy 281 Browse
IJFIPM International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine 96 Browse
IJFMD International Journal of Financial Markets and Derivatives 166 Browse
IJFSE International Journal of Forensic Software Engineering 21 Browse
IJFSM International Journal of Financial Services Management 233 Browse
IJFSNPH International Journal of Food Safety, Nutrition and Public Health 90 Browse
IJGCRSIS International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets and Intelligent Systems 75 Browse
IJGE International Journal of Green Economics 424 Browse
IJGEI International Journal of Global Energy Issues 1168 Browse
IJGENVI International Journal of Global Environmental Issues 452 Browse
IJGFI International Journal of Governance and Financial Intermediation 20 Browse
IJGSB International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business 261 Browse
IJGSDS International Journal of Gender Studies in Developing Societies 94 Browse
IJGUC International Journal of Grid and Utility Computing 599 Browse
IJGW International Journal of Global Warming 887 Browse
IJHD International Journal of Happiness and Development 157 Browse
IJHEM International Journal of Hospitality and Event Management 35 Browse
IJHES International Journal of Higher Education and Sustainability 72 Browse
IJHFE International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics 202 Browse
IJHFMS International Journal of Human Factors Modelling and Simulation 144 Browse
IJHI International Journal of Hybrid Intelligence 29 Browse
IJHM International Journal of Hydromechatronics 149 Browse
IJHP International Journal of Healthcare Policy 5 Browse
IJHPCN International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 541 Browse
IJHPSA International Journal of High Performance Systems Architecture 236 Browse
IJHRCS International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies 285 Browse
IJHRDM International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 462 Browse
IJHST International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology 445 Browse
IJHT International Journal of Humanitarian Technology 10 Browse
IJHTM International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management 534 Browse
IJHVS International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems 757 Browse
IJICA International Journal of Innovative Computing and Applications 331 Browse
IJICBM International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 928 Browse
IJICOT International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 102 Browse
IJICS International Journal of Information and Computer Security 497 Browse
IJICT International Journal of Information and Communication Technology 761 Browse
IJIDS International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 319 Browse
IJIDSS International Journal of Intelligent Defence Support Systems 99 Browse
IJIE International Journal of Intelligent Enterprise 261 Browse
IJIED International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Drives 99 Browse
IJIEI International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics 264 Browse
IJIEM International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management 186 Browse
IJIIDS International Journal of Intelligent Information and Database Systems 370 Browse
IJIIE International Journal of Innovation in Education 137 Browse
IJIIM International Journal of Intercultural Information Management 96 Browse
IJIITC International Journal of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing 21 Browse
IJIL International Journal of Innovation and Learning 993 Browse
IJIM International Journal of Image Mining 63 Browse
IJIMA International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising 400 Browse
IJIMB International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding 112 Browse
IJIMR International Journal of Intelligent Machines and Robotics 24 Browse
IJIMS International Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services 232 Browse
IJIOME International Journal of Information and Operations Management Education 157 Browse
IJIPM International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 292 Browse
IJIPSI International Journal of Information Privacy, Security and Integrity 81 Browse
IJIPT International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 386 Browse
IJIQ International Journal of Information Quality 69 Browse
IJIR International Journal of Inventory Research 91 Browse
IJIRD International Journal of Innovation and Regional Development 191 Browse
IJIS International Journal of Immunological Studies 34 Browse
IJISAM International Journal of Information Systems and Management 29 Browse
IJISC International Journal of Intelligence and Sustainable Computing 21 Browse
IJISCM International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management 258 Browse
IJISD International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development 446 Browse
IJISDC International Journal of Intelligent Systems Design and Computing 49 Browse
IJISE International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering 1253 Browse
IJISM International Journal of Integrated Supply Management 287 Browse
IJISTA International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications 542 Browse
IJIT International Journal of Instrumentation Technology 37 Browse
IJITCA International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance 22 Browse
IJITCC International Journal of Information Technology, Communications and Convergence 76 Browse
IJITM International Journal of Information Technology and Management 522 Browse
IJITST International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions 322 Browse
IJKBD International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development 285 Browse
IJKEDM International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining 121 Browse
IJKESDP International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms 131 Browse
IJKL International Journal of Knowledge and Learning 410 Browse
IJKMS International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies 315 Browse
IJKMTH International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality 62 Browse
IJKWI International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence 96 Browse
IJLC International Journal of Learning and Change 390 Browse
IJLCPE International Journal of Lifecycle Performance Engineering 64 Browse
IJLEG International Journal of Logistics Economics and Globalisation 195 Browse
IJLER International Journal of Lean Enterprise Research 37 Browse
IJLIC International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital 510 Browse
IJLR International Journal of Low Radiation 351 Browse
IJLSE International Journal of Liability and Scientific Enquiry 149 Browse
IJLSM International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 1226 Browse
IJLT International Journal of Learning Technology 348 Browse
IJLTM International Journal of Leisure and Tourism Marketing 143 Browse
IJMA International Journal of Mechatronics and Automation 205 Browse
IJMABS International Journal of Markets and Business Systems 69 Browse
IJMASSC International Journal of Mass Customisation 92 Browse
IJMATEI International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation 322 Browse
IJMBS International Journal of Migration and Border Studies 146 Browse
IJMC International Journal of Mobile Communications 781 Browse
IJMCDM International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making 161 Browse
IJMCP International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 373 Browse
IJMCS International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy 35 Browse
IJMD International Journal of Management Development 34 Browse
IJMDA International Journal of Multivariate Data Analysis 21 Browse
IJMDM International Journal of Management and Decision Making 524 Browse
IJMED International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development 534 Browse
IJMEF International Journal of Monetary Economics and Finance 464 Browse
IJMEI International Journal of Medical Engineering and Informatics 551 Browse
IJMFA International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting 314 Browse
IJMHEUR International Journal of Metaheuristics 111 Browse
IJMIC International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control 1633 Browse
IJMIE International Journal of Management in Education 474 Browse
IJMIS International Journal of Multimedia Intelligence and Security 71 Browse
IJMISSP International Journal of Machine Intelligence and Sensory Signal Processing 30 Browse
IJMLO International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation 397 Browse
IJMME International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering 307 Browse
IJMMM International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials 660 Browse
IJMMNO International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation 264 Browse
IJMMP International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties 672 Browse
IJMMS International Journal of Mechatronics and Manufacturing Systems 381 Browse
IJMNDI International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 254 Browse
IJMNE International Journal of Management and Network Economics 74 Browse
IJMOM International Journal of Modelling in Operations Management 139 Browse
IJMOR International Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research 799 Browse
IJMP International Journal of Management Practice 434 Browse
IJMPT International Journal of Materials and Product Technology 1815 Browse
IJMR International Journal of Manufacturing Research 432 Browse
IJMRI International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation 223 Browse
IJMRM International Journal of Migration and Residential Mobility 22 Browse
IJMRS International Journal of Mechanisms and Robotic Systems 103 Browse
IJMSI International Journal of Materials and Structural Integrity 287 Browse
IJMSO International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies 383 Browse
IJMTM International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management 983 Browse
IJNBM International Journal of Nano and Biomaterials 242 Browse
IJND International Journal of Nuclear Desalination 140 Browse
IJNDC International Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics and Control 38 Browse
IJNEST International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 431 Browse
IJNGEE International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology 113 Browse
IJNHPA International Journal of Nuclear Hydrogen Production and Applications 58 Browse
IJNKM International Journal of Nuclear Knowledge Management 192 Browse
IJNM International Journal of Nanomanufacturing 629 Browse
IJNP International Journal of Nanoparticles 378 Browse
IJNS International Journal of Network Science 19 Browse
IJNSS International Journal of Nuclear Safety and Security 10 Browse
IJNT International Journal of Nanotechnology 1457 Browse
IJNUCL International Journal of Nuclear Law 87 Browse
IJNVO International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations 707 Browse
IJODE International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 66 Browse
IJOGCT International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 882 Browse
IJOR International Journal of Operational Research 1285 Browse
IJOSM International Journal of Ocean Systems Management 23 Browse
IJPAM International Journal of Portfolio Analysis and Management 35 Browse
IJPD International Journal of Product Development 580 Browse
IJPE International Journal of Petroleum Engineering 56 Browse
IJPEC International Journal of Power and Energy Conversion 308 Browse
IJPEE International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education 348 Browse
IJPELEC International Journal of Power Electronics 444 Browse
IJPL International Journal of Private Law 241 Browse
IJPLAP International Journal of Public Law and Policy 235 Browse
IJPLM International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 276 Browse
IJPM International Journal of Procurement Management 668 Browse
IJPMB International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking 469 Browse
IJPOM International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 317 Browse
IJPP International Journal of Public Policy 375 Browse
IJPQM International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 1098 Browse
IJPS International Journal of Planning and Scheduling 40 Browse
IJPSE International Journal of Process Systems Engineering 70 Browse
IJPSPM International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management 433 Browse
IJPSQ International Journal of Product Sound Quality 6 Browse
IJPT International Journal of Powertrains 235 Browse
IJPTECH International Journal of Precision Technology 205 Browse
IJPTI International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation 219 Browse
IJQET International Journal of Quality Engineering and Technology 184 Browse
IJQI International Journal of Quality and Innovation 86 Browse
IJQRE International Journal of Quantitative Research in Education 88 Browse
IJQRS International Journal of Qualitative Research in Services 61 Browse
IJRAM International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management 561 Browse
IJRAPIDM International Journal of Rapid Manufacturing 182 Browse
IJRET International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology 312 Browse
IJRFITA International Journal of Radio Frequency Identification Technology and Applications 79 Browse
IJRIC International Journal of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation 51 Browse
IJRIS International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems 469 Browse
IJRM International Journal of Revenue Management 234 Browse
IJRS International Journal of Reliability and Safety 335 Browse
IJSA International Journal of Sustainable Aviation 201 Browse
IJSAMI International Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Management and Informatics 205 Browse
IJSBA International Journal of Strategic Business Alliances 104 Browse
IJSCC International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications 339 Browse
IJSCCPS International Journal of Social Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 36 Browse
IJSCIM International Journal of Supply Chain and Inventory Management 49 Browse
IJSCIP International Journal of System Control and Information Processing 80 Browse
IJSCM International Journal of Strategic Change Management 142 Browse
IJSCN International Journal of Soft Computing and Networking 6 Browse
IJSCOM International Journal of Service and Computing Oriented Manufacturing 71 Browse
IJSCOR International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience 77 Browse
IJSCPM International Journal of Satellite Communications Policy and Management 14 Browse
IJSD International Journal of Sustainable Development 534 Browse
IJSDES International Journal of Sustainable Design 72 Browse
IJSE International Journal of Sustainable Economy 363 Browse
IJSEAM International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management 67 Browse
IJSEI International Journal of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation 156 Browse
IJSEM International Journal of Services, Economics and Management 310 Browse
IJSETA International Journal of Software Engineering, Technology and Applications 24 Browse
IJSGGC International Journal of Smart Grid and Green Communications 39 Browse
IJSHC International Journal of Social and Humanistic Computing 75 Browse
IJSI International Journal of Swarm Intelligence 96 Browse
IJSISE International Journal of Signal and Imaging Systems Engineering 364 Browse
IJSM International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing 96 Browse
IJSMARTTL International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning 54 Browse
IJSMILE International Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments 141 Browse
IJSMM International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing 492 Browse
IJSMSS International Journal of Sustainable Materials and Structural Systems 95 Browse
IJSN International Journal of Security and Networks 427 Browse
IJSNET International Journal of Sensor Networks 1045 Browse
IJSNM International Journal of Social Network Mining 38 Browse
IJSOI International Journal of Services Operations and Informatics 256 Browse
IJSOM International Journal of Services and Operations Management 1241 Browse
IJSPACESE International Journal of Space Science and Engineering 127 Browse
IJSPM International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling 604 Browse
IJSPR International Journal of Student Project Reporting 22 Browse
IJSRECE International Journal of Sustainable Real Estate and Construction Economics 38 Browse
IJSS International Journal of Services and Standards 276 Browse
IJSSC International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing 197 Browse
IJSSCA International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage 273 Browse
IJSSCI International Journal of Services Sciences 112 Browse
IJSSE International Journal of System of Systems Engineering 287 Browse
IJSSM International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management 155 Browse
IJSSOC International Journal of Sustainable Society 336 Browse
IJSSS International Journal of Society Systems Science 291 Browse
IJSTDS International Journal of Spatio-Temporal Data Science 16 Browse
IJSTL International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics 471 Browse
IJSTM International Journal of Services Technology and Management 694 Browse
IJSTMIS International Journal of Spatial, Temporal and Multimedia Information Systems 12 Browse
IJSTRUCTE International Journal of Structural Engineering 300 Browse
IJSURFSE International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 499 Browse
IJTA International Journal of Tourism Anthropology 170 Browse
IJTAMM International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Multiscale Mechanics 67 Browse
IJTCS International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies 314 Browse
IJTE International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship 85 Browse
IJTEL International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning 388 Browse
IJTG International Journal of Technology and Globalisation 169 Browse
IJTGM International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 499 Browse
IJTIP International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning 279 Browse
IJTIS International Journal of Transitions and Innovation Systems 105 Browse
IJTLID International Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development 260 Browse
IJTM International Journal of Technology Management 2531 Browse
IJTMCC International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications 60 Browse
IJTMCP International Journal of Telemedicine and Clinical Practices 77 Browse
IJTMKT International Journal of Technology Marketing 394 Browse
IJTP International Journal of Tourism Policy 322 Browse
IJTPL International Journal of Technology Policy and Law 49 Browse
IJTPM International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management 501 Browse
IJTTC International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation 446 Browse
IJUWBCS International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems 113 Browse
IJVAS International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems 290 Browse
IJVCM International Journal of Value Chain Management 285 Browse
IJVD International Journal of Vehicle Design 2306 Browse
IJVICS International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems 187 Browse
IJVNV International Journal of Vehicle Noise and Vibration 356 Browse
IJVP International Journal of Vehicle Performance 189 Browse
IJVS International Journal of Vehicle Safety 261 Browse
IJVSMT International Journal of Vehicle Systems Modelling and Testing 315 Browse
IJVTM International Journal of Virtual Technology and Multimedia 16 Browse
IJW International Journal of Water 337 Browse
IJWBC International Journal of Web Based Communities 519 Browse
IJWET International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 326 Browse
IJWGS International Journal of Web and Grid Services 394 Browse
IJWI International Journal of Work Innovation 94 Browse
IJWMC International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing 1147 Browse
IJWOE International Journal of Work Organisation and Emotion 315 Browse
IJWS International Journal of Web Science 45 Browse
JBM Journal of Business and Management 322 Browse
JDR Journal of Design Research 349 Browse
JGBA Journal for Global Business Advancement 453 Browse
JIBED Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development 335 Browse
LAJMSD Latin American Journal of Management for Sustainable Development 117 Browse
LRJ Luxury Research Journal 24 Browse
MEJM Middle East Journal of Management 298 Browse
MJCCM MENA Journal of Cross-Cultural Management 12 Browse
PCFD Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal 854 Browse
PIE Progress in Industrial Ecology, An International Journal 386 Browse
TBJ The Botulinum Journal 59 Browse
WREMSD World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development 616 Browse
WRITR World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research 232 Browse
WRSTSD World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development 411 Browse
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