Dynamic technological capability of a university as source of academic performance Online publication date: Thu, 06-Jun-2019
by Elvis Silveira-Martins; Deosir Flavio Lobo De Castro
International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (IJBIR), Vol. 19, No. 2, 2019
Abstract: The researchers interested in the process of strategy development are motivated to research the dynamic capacities due to their assumption that they are a source of organisational results. In this sense, dynamic technological capabilities prioritise technological knowledge as a competitive differential and generator of superior results compared with the competitors. In universities, the organisational performance is intrinsically related to several indicators of academic performance. In this paper, the objective was to analyse the association between the technological dynamic capacity and the performance, by the perception of the academics, of a federal university in Brazil. The methodology used the quali-quanti research, and the sample was composed of 122 respondents. The multivariate techniques were used to analyse the data. It was concluded that dynamic technological capacity has a positive relation with performance. These results confirm the theory that assures that this type of capacity is the source of performance. As a suggestion, new research could test the possibility of mediation or moderation of the model.
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