Optimal manoeuvre for two cooperative military elements under uncertain enemy threat
by Dušan Hrabec; Jan Mazal; Petr Stodola
International Journal of Operational Research (IJOR), Vol. 35, No. 2, 2019

Abstract: Consider an armed military group of two friendly elements that need to move between two given locations - a starting point and an end point - in an environment with the possible presence of armed enemy elements. The potential positions of the enemy may or may not be known in advance. Therefore, we capture the possible threat by identifying the locations that are advantageous from the enemy's perspective. We model the problem using a stochastic programming approach. We then provide a deterministic reformulation of the problem in consideration of this possible threat and, through the use of cooperation, we minimise the total predicted threat as well as the suitability of the terrain for movement (or total length). Finally, we provide concrete experimental calculations and visualisations in our tactical information system, which serves as a tool for commanders to support their decision-making processes, and compare the obtained results to a selection of different approaches.

Online publication date: Wed, 17-Jul-2019

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