Locating and sizing electric vehicles charging stations in new markets
by Mohamed Aziz Jegham; Safa Bhar Layeb
International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences (IJADS), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2020

Abstract: In countries where there are a handful of electric vehicles (EV), installing appropriately charging stations could promote the usage of this emergent technology. In this work, we address the problem of locating and sizing EV charging stations in the specific context of a virgin market. First, we forecast the percentage of electric vehicles using a Bass diffusion model (BDM). Once the EV demand properly predicted, we adopt a set-covering-based approach through the formulation of linear programming models to locate and size the potential EV charging stations. The objective is to reduce weighted installation and access costs while ensuring that the stations are within a comfortable reach for the EV users. Without any loss of generality, we apply the overall scheme on the real case study of Tunis City, Tunisia, to propose the appropriate charging infrastructure deployment for the year 2025.

Online publication date: Mon, 06-Apr-2020

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