Assessment of heavy metals in simulated leachates and the ashes of end-of-life tyres Online publication date: Mon, 01-Jun-2020
by Adebola A. Adeyi; Peter O. Oladoye
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management (IJEWM), Vol. 25, No. 4, 2020
Abstract: Tyres are rubber-based materials with a complex structure. This study assesses the levels of heavy metals in simulated leachate of end-of-life tyres (EoLT) and its ashes. Two passenger car and motorbike tyres and their ashes were subjected to TCLP, SPLP and DIN Batch test to simulate their environmental impacts. Heavy metals in the simulated leachates and ashes were determined using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) after acid digestion of the samples. Heavy metals concentrations varied with the types and quality of the tyres. Zinc concentrations was the highest among the heavy metals determined. The concentrations of heavy metals in the TCLP leachates of EoLT ranged from 0.02-0.06 mg/L Cu, 3.13-5.86 mg/L Zn, 0.004-0.03 mg/L Cd, Not detected (ND)-0.04 mg/L Cr, and 0.08-0.13 mg/L Pb. This showed that EoLT are potential source of heavy metals loading in the environment. Thus, the need for their appropriate management is imperative.
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