Sequentially rotating co-leadership and membership: a multi-level model of creativity and innovation for organisations
by Rukhsar Sharif
International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy (IJMCP), Vol. 13, No. 2, 2020
Abstract: In fluctuating economic and technological times, leadership is vital to fostering creativity and innovation for organisational prosperity. Researchers have illustrated how the particular form of co-leadership has been associated with the development of novel products and services, yet they have not elucidated how it can be applied for multi-level organisational creativity and innovation. This conceptual article contributes a new multi-level model of sequentially rotating co-leadership and membership to advance organisational and management theory by filling in theoretical gaps and challenging conceptions with its proposition of a reverse progression of steps from convergence to divergence for expediting group creativity and innovation to enhance organisational financial growth and societal comfort.
Online publication date: Thu, 03-Sep-2020
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