Context aware self-optimisation scheduling in internet of things
by Derrick Ntalasha; Tracy Chisanga
International Journal of Intelligent Internet of Things Computing (IJIITC), Vol. 1, No. 2, 2020

Abstract: The internet of things (IoT) consists of systems that are highly dynamic, homogenous and heterogeneous. These systems aspects bring in the automaticity resources management and scheduling that need to be addressed both at the design and runtime stage of systems development for a middleware. This paper looks at building support for middleware core components with self-optimisation and reconfiguration capabilities through the use of the exact match priority (EMP) algorithm to implement autonomic task scheduling of core components. The algorithm executes the scheduling process using dependent variables, context management tasks, number of configuration for the core components and number of components to minimise the waiting time for the reconfiguration of the system structures. The system supports the context-aware middleware in managing reconfigurable core components in an IoT environment. The experimental model indicates that autonomic task scheduling using EMP at the design stage of systems is important to achieve self-management.

Online publication date: Mon, 12-Oct-2020

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