Machining path research of thin-walled parts considering initial residual stress
by Yunan Liu; Min Wang; Xiangsheng Gao; Lili Wu; Xiaodong Jiang
International Journal of Manufacturing Research (IJMR), Vol. 15, No. 4, 2020

Abstract: Thin-walled parts have the low stiffness characteristic. Initial residual stress of thin-walled blanks is an important influence factor on the machining stability. With the different machining paths, the release order of initial residual stress is also different so as to cause the different deformation of the workpiece at the end of machining. The present work outlines machining path research of thin-walled parts with initial residual stress. According to residual stress test by hole-drilling method for casting ZL205A aluminium alloy tapered thin-walled blank, the three-dimensional finite element model with initial residual stress is established to study the deformation of the thin-walled part in three machining paths. The results indicate that the deformation of workpiece in semicircle path is similar to that in straight path. The deformation in contour path is minimal. [Submitted 15 May 2016; Accepted 16 January 2019]

Online publication date: Thu, 22-Oct-2020

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