Professionals as the 4th 'P' of sustainability: a sustainable HRM framework with strategic implications
by Siddharth Mohapatra; Pratima Verma; Andrea Stocchetti
International Journal of Sustainable Strategic Management (IJSSM), Vol. 8, No. 2, 2020

Abstract: Professionals (employees with higher-order goals) are the key in company sustainability programs meant to improve the states of people, planet and profit (the 3P's of sustainability). They are slowly yet steadfastly burning out at work. To be effective, these programs should also create the wellbeing of professionals deemed as the 4th P of sustainability. This article is an attempt to offer a conceptual, comprehensive, and scalable framework, in this regard. We posit that sustainability projects employing the creating shared value strategy under the intervention of sustainability HRM systems can create the 3P's and professionals' wellbeing simultaneously. It we speculate can lead to sustainable business and finally human sustainability. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

Online publication date: Thu, 12-Nov-2020

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