Question answering system for agriculture domain using machine learning techniques: literature survey and challenges Online publication date: Fri, 13-Nov-2020
by Prashant Y. Niranjan; Vijay S. Rajpurohit; Sanjeev S. Sannakki
International Journal of Computational Systems Engineering (IJCSYSE), Vol. 6, No. 2, 2020
Abstract: Natural language processing (NLP) is a part of artificial intelligence and computer science. Question answering system that provides an interaction between computers and human languages, it is role to program the computers to process and analyse the large amounts of human language data. It is one of the important aspects in all domains and helps in every domain to satisfy the people requirements. Now a day's almost all people are literate and using the mobile phone to receive the up to date information as per their requirement. QAS can be used to provide succinct information for the questions that are being asked by user and it provides answers to users based on some rules which are stored in the data base. This survey paper details about what is question answering system and its previous related work with respect to methods, technologies or approaches that were used. It provides research gaps and future scope to the researches in the reviewed papers, which helps researchers to choose a suitable solution to their problems wherein available comparative analyses have been provided.
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