Optimisation of the mechanisms of managing venture investments in the sphere of digital education on the basis of new information and communication technologies: audit and reorganisation Online publication date: Wed, 09-Dec-2020
by Svetlana P. Goryachikh; Anastasia A. Sozinova; Elena N. Grishina; Eleonora V. Nagovitsyna
International Journal of Economic Policy in Emerging Economies (IJEPEE), Vol. 13, No. 6, 2020
Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to consider the model of managing venture investments in the sphere of digital education in modern Russia and development of recommendations for optimisation of its mechanisms on the basis of new information and communication technologies (ICT). Based on the Russian experience of managing venture investments a conceptual model of this process is compiled. It is determined that two mechanisms are involved in the process of managing venture investments in the sphere of digital education in Russia - audit and reorganisation of universities. It is proved that optimisation of the mechanisms of managing venture investments in the sphere of digital education on the basis of ICT allows solving the problem of insufficient information support of this process. The offered recommendations allow guaranteeing full-scale and highly-effective information support for audit of digital modernisation of universities and their reorganisation.
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