An attempt to enhance the time of reply for web service composition with QoS
by S. Karthikeyan; P. Meenakshi Devi
International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), Vol. 11, No. 4, 2020

Abstract: The web services are the commonly prevailing service clusters of the service-oriented framework (SOA) and service related assessments. The disputes are related to the quality of service (QoS) for choosing web services freely and creating a collection of web services for carrying out trades. The ultimate aim is to choose web services based on the non-functional features and quality of service (QoS) ranks. In order to choose a web service for every process a social aspect web (SAW) scheme is employed which does not comprehensively make use of all sorts of web services. It employs the requirements of the user for ranking web service set of the applications and finally provides SAW schemes over a set of web service applicants. The mechanism helps in selecting the web services in terms of quality of services (QoS) scores and user needs. The choice of web services over varied web services based on scheme can be utilised for aggregation and organising web services resulting in optimised time of reply to the web service actions.

Online publication date: Mon, 14-Dec-2020

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