Coupled channels calculation of fusion reaction for selected medium systems
by Malik S. Mehemed; Sarah M. Obaid; Fouad A. Majeed
International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology (IJNEST), Vol. 14, No. 2, 2020

Abstract: This study focuses on using a semi-classical and quantum mechanical approach based originally on the theory of Winther and Alder that is used to explain the Coulomb excitation. This approach is called the coupled channels with continuum-discretised (CCCD), where the semi-classical and quantum models were used to investigate the channel coupling effects on the determination of the cross section for fusion σfus (mb) and the distribution of the fusion barrier Dfus (mb/MeV) for systems 14N+59Co, 16O+64Ni and 18O+64Ni. The comparison between the results of the semi-classical and quantum mechanical models along with the corresponding experimental data shows clearly that the adopted semi-classical model is very competitive to the quantum mechanical model and can be considered as efficient approach to study the properties of the fusion reactions.

Online publication date: Mon, 04-Jan-2021

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