Examining the risk factors affecting the image of online stores in Malaysia
by Noorshella Binti Che Nawi; Abdullah Al Mamun; Noorul Azwin Md Nasir; Nurul Hasliana Binti Hamsani
International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing (IJEMR), Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021

Abstract: This study examined the influence of various dimensions of perceived risk (i.e., delivery risk, financial risk, product-performance risk, social risk, and convenience risk) on the image of online stores. This study adopted a cross-sectional design and the quantitative data were collected from 330 conveniently selected respondents from Peninsular Malaysia. The findings revealed that financial risk, social risk, and convenience risk had a significantly negative effect on the image of online stores in Malaysia. Apart from extending the existing electronic commerce literature, this study provided in-depth insights into the role of perceived risk in the consumers' decision process during online shopping. It is recommended that the governments and online organisations should adopt policies and programs that could enhance the safety of financial information and secure the transactions of online shoppers while maintaining a user-friendly online platform. It is also worthwhile to implement strategies that could raise social awareness regarding the benefits of online shopping and electronic consumerism.

Online publication date: Thu, 15-Apr-2021

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