Rollover dynamics of road vehicles: literature survey Online publication date: Tue, 01-Jul-2003
by R.W. Goldman, M. El-Gindy, B.T. Kulakowski
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems (IJHVS), Vol. 8, No. 2, 2001
Abstract: This paper presents a review of literature pertaining to vehicular rollover. It is by no means a complete review of all rollover literature available, but covers many of the most frequently cited papers and those that the authors believe make a substantial contribution to the field of vehicle dynamics and rollover in particular. This review is limited to papers covering rollover of road vehicles, such as passenger cars, utility vehicles and heavy commercial trucks - both articulated and non-articulated, i.e. the review excludes papers regarding off-road vehicles. In addition, this review focuses mainly on cases of manoeuvre-induced rollover such as rollover in cornering, lane-change manoeuvres, etc., though rollover by tripping is discussed to a certain degree. It begins with a general introduction to the rollover phenomenon that may be applied to both articulated and non-articulated vehicles. Non-articulated vehicles are then examined in more detail and a review of some research into stability metrics and the prediction of rollover for these vehicles is presented. Likewise, the stability metrics and prediction of rollover for articulated heavy trucks carrying rigid and liquid cargo is reviewed along with work into active suspensions, braking control and rollover warning devices.
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